Gail Zappa war continues: Zappa Family Trust trying to stop Napoleon Murphy Brock tour (the torture never stops)

Update on my last blog titled "Gail Zappa loses in court today"


Firstly, the ZFT has finally lost its battle to curb Arf-Society
activities in organising the annual Zappa music and more festival in Bad
Doberan. Basically, it could not prove that it owned any rights to the name
‘Zappanale’. Therefore, the 20th festival will go ahead as planned (see
updated details here). This has not deterred the ZFT from issuing another
‘cease and desist’ letter, this time regarding the ‘Napoleon Murphy Brock
performs Zappa with the Paul Green School Of Rock All-Stars’ tour. The letter
states that “none of you possess any license, permission or authority to
publicly perform the songs of Frank Zappa”. Over 3,000 fans have now signed
the petition to try and stop this sort of nonsense – are you one of them?

I thought The Zappa's wanted to reach the younger generation with Frank's music?



Don Preston , Napoleon Murphy Brock and Dr. Dot   ^

Berlin, Monday at sunset


Haupt strasse ^ same street David Bowie lived on in the 70's (5 minute walk from my house). On my computer the colors look darker, wilder, but when I upload them onto my blog, they seem to fade. Strange that. 

I have lived in Berlin, on and off since 1989 and I don't ever recall seeing such vibrant colors in the sky in winter. I MUST start bringing my camera out and about with me from now on, ugh! These were taken with my crackberry, which I always have with me. Not great  quality, but you get the idea.

When I first get back to Berlin it takes me a while to get back into the loop. Friends are happy I am back but are weary of giving their hearts over again, somehow, as they know I am leaving again in March, know what I mean? THAT is the part that sucks the most about living two lives on two different continents. Takes WEEKS to warm yourself and others up to the fact you are back, then once things are in full swing, you leave again, leaving sad and leaving people sad. I hate that part. It may not be like that if you are peddling from one small town back to another, but it is REALLY difficult with cities like NYC and Berlin, where the people are hard to win over anyways, super hard to make friends in either city. I would say it takes at least 2 full years to make a friend in Berlin, a good friend, one you can trust and one that trusts you. Maybe even longer. My REAL friends understand my lifestyle and it seems we never miss a beat. The other kind of friends, well, they are hard work. Not that I even have time to see friends often, sometimes I don't see anyone for DAYS as I am in my flat answering over 1,000 emails a day, writing the sex columns, answering love/relationship questions from strangers (or people I know posing as stranges, and that person knows exactly who I am talking about you fucking freak) also answering emails from people all over the world who hope to join my massage team, hoping to meet and massage their rock and roll idols or just make some cash- thing is, I can not and will not hire anyone with out them giving an audition massage, so it's all about planning and logistics, when and where this test massage will take place. This is why I only have like 200 people working for me and not 40,000, because I insist they have to give that audition massage. Some feel they are above doing such a thing, and their emails are then deleted, some take the test and suck ass, and then they are deleted. 

Emails fly back and forth all feckin' day and night- people getting fired (usually every other day someone gets fired) people quitting "I am moving, I am pregnant, I took another job, my boyfriend/husband is too jealous" etc). There is DRAMA every fucking day,. seriously. Dot Bots making critical mistakes, costing me valuable contacts and money, band managers screaming at top of their lungs down at me over the phone because of mistakes made by a Dot Bot or two (Dot Bot is a nick name bassist Bryan Bellar gave to all Dr. Dot massage assistants a few years ago).  He says it is too much work to keep saying "Please send a Dr. Dot massage assistant to the show" so now people just say "send a Dot Bot". And you have to remember, it goes on 24/7. 

When Dot Bots in Melbourne wake up, Dot Bots in NYC are sleeping, etc, there are always folks awake, wanting something from me, calling, texting, emailing, wondering, crying, bitching, lonely and wanting to chat. I LOVE it, so don't get me wrong I am just telling you why I am online so much and why the blog suffers as it is last to get attention. I still have so many blogs in me, Italy, France, Flogging Molly, Project Object, Ac/Dc, Rock am Ring for Christs sake and that was last summer. Omfg. My ass starts to hurt from sitting and after answering like 800 emails in a row, I hit refresh and then there are another 200 in line waiting. You scoff and say "hire a fucking assistant tight ass and stop micro managing, ya dumb cunt!". Well, I do have a few assistants that I trust and they do somethings for me and are a huge help, but no one can sign into my email account, for what seem to me, obvious reasons. They would/could steal all of my contacts, but mainly, no one knows who I know, as in, no one would know that Suzy in LA knows Frank the roadie from Aerosmith and they are both in Dallas as the same time, etc.. Or no one knows that a tour manager that once toured with Depeche Mode is now touring with The Eagles and he can hook us up, etc. So even if my top Dot Bots who I love and trust signed into answer some of the emails, they would still have to call me ask what to do. "who is Stan and why is he asking for Cindy's number? Who is Cindy and what is her number?". I just doesn't work. 


But I think, fuck it, I have had so much fun in my life, more than most people for sure, so if I have down time and have to hide at home in front of the computer, it's all good, I don't feel I am missing anything. Been there, done that, shagged that, eaten that, saw it, heard it, experienced so much I am grateful, satisfied, content. Most people freak and feel they have to travel here and there and see this and that, I followed the Grateful Dead on tour for almost 3 years straight, drove a hearse across the usa, been to Guatemala, all over Europe, the USA and Canada, been backstage to over 3,000 concerts, met musician except Rings Star that I really want to meet, so I am just chillin' now. Good times still to be had, but for me, working is FUN. Sound strange? Most people hate work, I live for it. Guess that addictive trait from my family rubbed off on me, but instead of drugs or alcohol, I got the work bug, and bad. 

But if you love your work, it doesn't feel like work. It just pisses everyone around you off that you are always busy and even when you are out, looking on blackberry to avoid missing any work. I REALLY enjoyed myself at Christmas in Florida, I finally relaxed. Still got about 500 emails a day, which I am still paying for, but it as fucking awesome. Just know, I can't write everything I want in my blogs, as certain people get hurt, pissed off and crazy when I do. I am pretty much banned from writing about my daughter (she is very private). I wish I could post TONS of pictures of her and brag about her and her accomplishments, but her friends all read my blog and report back to her and sure enough, Bitchfest. Then the love life, can't write about that either, that is private. (heh, someday I will write a book about it, big fat juicy book). heh heh. I hate being stifled, restrained, censored, controlled in any way. HATE IT. 

But you have to protect and respect the people you love, and so it goes. Friends read my blog and have learned how to read between the lines. They read it, call me and pretty much get 10 pounds of shit from a 5 pound bag. Bravo. Even Dweezil Zappa reads my blog. How do I know? I posted a blog a while back titled "Is Gail Zappa only in it for the money?" and he emailed me 10 minutes later bitching about it. But, I now write what I want about Gail and the ZFT as I have tried to be nice and suggest ideas on how to please all the fans and tribute bands and Zappa festivals etc, but those ideas fall on deaf ears (they refuse to bend at all) and so they go on suing every cunt who plays a Zappa song, even had all of my youtube videos removed that had ZAPPA songs playing IN THE BACKGROUND!!! "The Zappa family trust has written in and claimed copyright infringement on one or more of your videos. You can either replace the sound and have them active again, or they will remain frozen". So all the work I did nararrting my videos was all done in vain because stupid me had some Frank playing on my iPod in the background. Pffft. lol.

Not even sure I am going with all of this rambling. I have to leave now and power walk to the KuDamm (main drag in West Berlin) to a Doctor appointment (still ill from drinking tap water in Key West Florida, so if you go there DO NOT DRINK THE TAP WATER). I get fit so fast here as I walk everywhere, ride my bike and when it is dry, rollerblade. In the USA I get in the car, drive everywhere and pound the Resee's Peanut Butter cups, tsk tsk tsk!! I get softer, which I guess isn't such a bad thing, but I like to remain firm and fruity, you know? 

Gotta go, ttyl




Gail Zappa lost in court today against the Zappanale / Arf Society


(basically what this article says is that Gail lost her several year long war against the Zappanale/Arf Society folks. She was trying her best to prevent the annual Frank Zappa tribute festival from taking place and from using the name ZAPPANALE. But she lost because she could not prove that the name ZAPPANALE belonged to her, not enough proof or power in Germany to coin that phrase. So, the 20th annual Zappanale Festival, which hosts MANY MANY Zappa tribute bands and Alumni from around the world over three fun filled days, will go on as planned this coming August. They (Arf Society) have tried MANY MANY times, even had me help, to make peace with the ZFT to join forces and make something that is already great, even better, but they (Zappa Family Trust, aka Gail and Dweezil) don't want any part of it and spend lots of time fighting against it. Pretty silly.

I say: If you can't beat 'em, JOIN 'em! 



Zappa-Witwe verliert «Zappanale»-Streit am 21. Januar 2009 17:00 Uhr


Die Witwe des US-Rockmusikers Frank Zappa hat einen Prozess um das deutsche Musikfestival «Zappanale» und den Bart ihres Mannes verloren. Das Düsseldorfer Landgericht wies die Zivilklage Gail Zappas am Mittwoch ab. Gail Zappa Gail Zappa hat verloren. Die Witwe wollte verhindern, dass das Festival weiter unter dem Namen «Zappanale» ausgerichtet wird. Sie sah darin Markenrechte verletzt. Auch das Logo, das einen stilisierten Bart Zappas (1940-1993, «Bobby Brown») darstellt, verletze Markenrechte, hatten die Zappa-Anwälte behauptet. Beides sah das Gericht anders: Die Klägerin habe nicht nachweisen können, dass sie ihre Wortmarke «Zappa» in Deutschland ernsthaft nutzt. Die Website in englischer Sprache mit Preisen in US-Dollar für Zappa-Devotionalien reiche als Nachweis nicht aus. Bei der Bildmarke, dem stilisierten Bart Zappas, seien die Unterschiede zum Festival- Logo so groß, dass keine Verwechslungsgefahr bestehe. Die 19. «Zappanale» hatte im vergangenen Jahr in Bad Doberan (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) 6800 Besucher angezogen. Der Vorsitzende der Festival-Veranstalterin Arf Society, Thomas Dippel, zeigte sich nach dem Urteilsspruch «sehr zufrieden». Die 20. «Jubiläums-Zappanale» könne wie geplant in diesem Jahr stattfinden. Man werde freiwillig den Zusatz «Zappa Music and more» anfügen, auf den man sich bei den Vergleichsverhandlungen mit den Zappa-Anwälten geeinigt hatte. Die Verhandlungen waren dennoch gescheitert. Die Witwe Zappas hatte in ihrer Zivilklage gegen den einzigen deutschen Zappa-Fanclub erklärt, sie habe in den USA den Eindruck gewonnen, der Name ihres Mannes werde als «Hingucker» für zum Teil völlig andere Musik benutzt. Der Rechtsvertreter des Fan-Clubs, Johannes Vogel, betonte, das Festival sei eindeutig «zappaesk».


Comments about this posting, taken from my myspace bulletin, below:

From Comment
donvision Jan 22, 2009 9:24 AM
what did she lose? her looks?
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joe Jan 22, 2009 5:11 AM
sometimes the will of the people is actually served, glad to see it in this case. it sucks to see someone who wants to drag everyone down and make her loss everyone's loss. glad this fest isn't in america, judges here are so ugly and hardup they probably woulda gangbanged her and she woulda won the case , and fuck fuckin dweebil too
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MO Jan 22, 2009 2:29 AM
i have always disliked gail…shes a money hungry widow living off of a great mans fortune and talent!! i wish i could make it to that festival though R.I.P F.Z.
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Blue sky! Online Now! Jan 22, 2009 2:06 AM
Dweezil is not Mr. Frank Zappa. I am sure they wanted to shut everyone up so Dweezil could dominate. Dweezil Zappa does not conduct the band the way his father did. He was supposed to do a show at the Wakarusa music festival in Kansas last summer. I was in back stage camping for the event and witnessed the sound check. WEIRD. ZPZ was supposed to play at the end of the day when A HUGE rolling cloud of thunder and lightening doused the show with heavy Hail and Rain. Enough said. Thank you Dr. Dot
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Angelum Jan 22, 2009 1:38 AM
I would really like to hear Gail's "reasons" and give her a chance to speak out about why, we the audience, should be restricted from celebrating her husband's talent and music. I am wondering if she is so adamant about not being able to hear Zappa on the radio for example…?
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david Jan 22, 2009 1:38 AM
I played Black Napkins today and i saw The Mothers and FZ live. I hope to god she never finds out or i'm fucked.
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WPLJ Jan 22, 2009 1:19 AM
Smitten Then Bitten…….Too bad Gail…..Sorry 'bout your luck…(LMFAO)…now get over it!!!!!!! LOL
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Loki Jan 22, 2009 12:49 AM
Their whole issue seems to be regarding Frank considering himself a composer. Things are much more formal, legally and business wise about performing orchestral works than they are with rock or jazz styled works. Thing is my impression was Frank satirised the rigid formality of the orchestra world as much as he satirised the absurdity of rock n roll. I really hate how Gail thinks she is the only person who "gets" Frank Zappa's music and ideas. My father was an accountant but my mother doesn't know anything about accounting. I'm sure his clients wouldn't want her dealing with their finances.
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Eric Jan 22, 2009 12:40 AM
FRANKly, she seems to have nothing better to do than have/create issues with such events/activities regarding her late husband's great musical legacy. She should lighten up, encourage others to celebrate FZ and not deter these events from occuring. Perhaps if some of the garnered monies from the event went to a Cancer research foundation she might be more inclined to join in.
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From Comment
ѴÏ€†ØЯ¡Ã Jan 21, 2009 10:39 PM
My only beef is with the font. Had to right click/highlight to read it. 🙁 Some ppl like to argue and fight throughout life. Gives them a "cause" to stand up for, right or wrong. (See "Middle East")
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Mike Jan 21, 2009 9:51 PM
Hey Gail… "Don't make a fuss, just get on the bus, and be a crew slut"
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Jock Of Rock Jan 21, 2009 9:40 PM
I do not want to disrespect Frank's wife… but it is sooo hard not to! It is hard to imagine FZ being behind all that Gail and Dweezil do to discourage his music being played and heard… isn't that the point of it all anyway?? Play and listen to FZ music people…Everyone!! Miss you FZ and thank you Dr. Dot!
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Dr. Benway Jan 21, 2009 9:29 PM
I have mad respect for Frank and the rest of the family, but honestly I cant stand Gale. She sues her husbands own fans all the time for wanting to celebrate his life and achievements and keep his memory alive. I think she's ridiculous.
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Greg Rhodes Jan 21, 2009 9:19 PM
A friend of mine was the coordinator for the "Annual Frank Zappa Hoot Nite" in Austin, Texas (the proceeds of said event were always donated to the American Cancer Society) and they were hit with a letter of cease and desist merely because they didn't have permission to use the name Frank Zappa. I don't presume to speak for FZ, but that seems like exactly the sort of thing he would have found both frivolous and absurd. Sad.
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Zoon Noetikon Jan 21, 2009 9:03 PM
Couldn't you find a better pix of Gail?
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J.D. Jan 21, 2009 8:42 PM
Paul McCartney doesn't own the rights to the Beatles songs, they were bought by Michael Jackson.
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MR. JOHN EDGAR Jan 21, 2009 8:42 PM
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Manchik Engineering & C… Jan 21, 2009 8:25 PM
Y A A A A A A A Y ! Gail Zappa is one greedy bitch! The ZFT should let EVERYONE celebrate the music and life of Frank Zappa.
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From Comment
Dream Weaver Jan 21, 2009 8:14 PM
This is your side of it; I'd like to hear it all from Gail's p.o.v……..
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Decay Jan 21, 2009 8:13 PM
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Steve C Jan 21, 2009 8:11 PM
Who owns the rights to all the Zappa songs?
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Curtis E Johnson Jan 21, 2009 8:08 PM
It is such a shame that Gail is so intent on trying to stop the people That love Frank, and his work, Enjoying his art. When Frank was alive. his work, and the people who bought it, and payed to see him live. Gave her and her family a very safe financial base to allow them all to live a massively more affluent life than most. No one wants to take anything, from Gail we all would like her to enjoy Good health, wealth, & happiness. There are massive vaults of unreleased recorded material at the house, that really should be allowed to be heard, not hidden away and allowed to decompose (magnetic tape that old is gonna start going mushy even in an air conditioned room) People want to buy it So Cmon Gail Zappa, the Kids just wanna rock and we dont mind paying for the privilege, AGAIN! Look at your house, if you don't belive me. Frank is an icon You were lucky enough to have him to yourself in life. .Now in death he belongs to all of us.
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dwayne jones Jan 21, 2009 8:03 PM
I wonder if she will soon realize how much these efforts hurt FZ's legacy and will ultimately work to not spread his music.
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Tim Jan 21, 2009 7:30 PM
wunderbar! (aber lass mal die farben… da kriegt man ja augenkrebs oder sowas ;))
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GB Jan 21, 2009 7:27 PM
I am happy for that! And reading the German text aloud was a good exercise for my tongue. Thank you!
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scott Jan 21, 2009 7:22 PM
And the relevant quoate of the day is…"JAZZ IS NOT DEAD IT JUST SMELLS FUNNY"…boogie on, Igor…
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From Comment
BillyAzlin Jan 22, 2009 6:27 PM
When we're all dead, the MUSIC will still BE!!! All these shenanigans will be for nought! Music Is Best!
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Jestersdomain Jan 22, 2009 6:04 PM
Zappa rules! I have over 60 of the albums he put out. I can't believe anyone would try to stop people from celebrating this great man and his music.
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Two Fist Popping Corn Jan 22, 2009 4:33 PM
Damnit! it's a fucking honor to have people play your husband's music and have large groups of people come check it out. the man's dead and gone already. let the people celebrate his legacy how they want to. and stop putting out frank's music at absurd prices. every time i check out the zappa website or get one of those emails from "the barflys" i think to myself, "WHAT THE FUCK!" i have no idea what these guys are saying. and their pissing all over franks legacy. either they really are bar flys and have drank too and don't need to be marketing fz product, or someone's lost their sense. not too mention that they have lost my cents. thanks to bit-torrent, who needs zft! thanks for the rant doc.


From Comment
Jimmyjammz Jan 22, 2009 10:20 PM
why try to take away something that frank himself gave to us,love,what is the problem,do you need to controll everything that has a frank-dollar attached to it,let the fans express theyre love and interest in frank,my god get a cosmic clue gail,we all love the zappas.
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Jenn Jan 22, 2009 7:48 PM
It is truly sad when it is for the good of Zappa's name and music, not for slander and other crap….man, like you said, if you can't beat em, join em.
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Zappa plays Zappa news (I have a weak spot for Dweezil ;)

"Hello Friends,

As you may or may not be aware, we here in "Zappaland" are busily preparing for
another exciting Zappa Plays Zappa tour filled with new material as well as some
old favorites. Before we hit the road again we will be releasing the Zappa Plays
Zappa DVD from the 06 inaugural tour. The DVD is available at last in stores
now and will be available as a 2 disc set and as a special fan pack that
includes both DVD discs plus audio (3) CDs of the same material. A single
compilation audio CD will also be available separately. It’s in stores now!

Another exciting development is the fact that public television affiliates will
be airing a special One Hour show from the ZPZ DVD as one of their highly
acclaimed pledge shows in dozens of markets across the US. The first market to
take the leap will be Southern California. On May 3rd I will be going to San
Diego to premiere the DVD on KPBS. Ironically, back in the mid 70’s Frank
created a program for television at the KCET studios in Los Angeles with the
goal of a public television broadcast but unfortunately programmers found
reasons not to air the show at that time.

All these years later, audiences will catch a glimpse of various eras of my
father’s music played by ZPZ with the utmost respect. To get this material on
the airwaves is a small but very important victory for all fans of Frank’s
music. Hopefully one day Frank’s actual KCET show will be aired on public
television as he designed it.

As always, ZPZ’s goal is to capture the attention of a new audience and inspire
them to discover the intricate musical landscape of Frank’s vast catalog of
albums for themselves.

As the public television broadcast is a pledge show, viewer support is highly
encouraged and this is no exception. There are different pledge levels
beginning with the new single CD from the ZPZ show, the ZPZ DVD (2 discs), a
special fan pack that includes the DVD as well as the entire program on CD (5
discs total) and an exciting opportunity to pledge your best support of your
local public station in exchange for the deluxe version that includes
Trance-Fusion (FZ’s final Guitar Recording) as well as "One Shot Deal", the
Exciting and New (and Official 83) Frank Zappa release available on CD here for
the first time anywhere – through the local public television pledge programs’
call-in number. (It will also become available on the ZPZ Tour de Frank and
eventually online at Barfko-Swill.)

I’m grateful for the opportunity to present Frank’s music to a wider audience. I
hope that all you within range of a TV (in San Diego this week ) will
participate in the program by donating what you can to your local public
televsion stations (while they last!!!) Please call in. The response from this
premiere will likely dictate how many other affiliates decide to air the show.

Your help is much appreciated. I look forward to talking with some of you on the
phone during the broadcast and I especially look forward to seeing you at the
concerts this year.

Regards, Dweezil Zappa"


Zappa Plays Zappa tour dates (and me venting about Anti-American Berlin)

I am hanging my head in shame here as I have not blogged properly in so long. So much going on, I don't even know where to start. I am in Berlin, it's fucking freezing and everyone here still hates Americans and lets me know about it on a daily basis. I am getting pretty fucking tired of defending myself every time I leave the house. It's bad enough the Germans LOATHE American's entirely, but to hear it from the English here as well is sometimes too much to handle.

I was in an Irish pub the other night, showing a friend around and there were some English guys (from Yorkshire) at the bar and as soon as they heard my American accent they all started in on me. Asking me, as if I was a dumb American (aren't we all?)  "So, where in Canada is NYC exactly?" and "I would rather fucking DIE than go to America. They're all cunts!". Yeah yeah yeah, we fucking suck, now get over it.

I am a walking whipping post here. 99.9% of the people here HATE AMERICANS and when they meet one (me for example) they spit their verbal venom at me (I try to imagine this is aimed at George Bush and let it go in one ear and out the other) but after 18 years of this shit, I am ready to fucking snap. I am not a Patriotic Yank. I don't wear the American flag on my body or brag about being from the USA, but when people ask me where I am from, am I supposed to fucking lie? I should maybe tell them I am from Canada so they get off my ass. AND if they happen to be apathetic about where I am from, they have a go at me when I answer their next question (it's like a fucking interview every time I leave the house)  "so what do you do for a living?" MASSAGE (insert lame joke here) "oh, with happy endings?". Just fucking bite me. From now on, I'm from Toronto and I am a  waitress. End of story. Hostile? Yeah, I am, but you would be too if you got as much shit throw your way as I do being an (GOD FORBID) American.  Thanks Mr. Bush, everyone hates us now, hope you're happy. I didn't vote for the cunt, nor did anyone I know. 

Something about being a foreigner, hard to put my finger on it, lets see, it SUCKS. You have to walk on eggshells. Your accent gives you away. So just keep your mouth shut and you'll be fine. But what about in shops? Restaurants? Bars? You have to speak. I feel SO confident in NYC. Like a fish in water. The ambition, the energy, the anything-goes vibe is a constant turn on. Plus, I am from there (well, born 2 hours drive North) so NO ONE gives me shit about being American on my own turf. HUGE chip on my shoulder right now. One more person gives me hell about being a Yank, I'm gonna snap. Go postal. Can you or anyone you know relate? The song CREEP from Radio Head comes to mind.

 That and the miserable weather (FREEZING, rain, gray skies) and the fact that Jasmine left on a tour all around Europe again for the next 5 months or so, makes me want to get on the next plane back to NYC. Having lived in Europe since 1989 though, makes me also feel a tad out of place there too (I've turned into a bread snob). Going mad. Turning into an eccentric freak. The more success you have in your career the less you fit in. Losers at bars who have no or little money seem to have a million friends and lots of time to spend with them. If you work and love your work and speak about it (when asked) you get glared at as if you just told them you shit tooth paste. "EH? You like to work? I avoid those kind, as it may be contagious!". 

Friends my age are all married and/or are just having kids and have NO time. Single friends are either super rich and have no time or super poor and have NO money but lots of time. Good thing I don't mind being alone. Lately I have been really busy- had a tiny operation, no big deal.. and then helping Jasmine get ready for her trip and showing a lovely friend-

– around Berlin has all taken up so much of my time I haven't even began to answer all of the piled up emails. Another thing, if you are straight (not fucked up) in Berlin and are a foreigner, it's hard to deal with. I go into the Irish pubs of Berlin from time to time for some karaoke and see the English speaking crowds, some of which have been here as long, if not longer than myself and most of they are high and/or drunk as fuck every time I see them. Some of them have actually gone crazy. I know a couple Americans here that have turned into massive alcoholics and put heads; you can barely understand them anymore. You ask them "why?". They say it's cold here, the people are cold here. You wonder "why not go back to your country?" but many have been here so long, they would have to start all over again back "home". 


Really odd situation. Not looking to start a pity party, just telling the truth. One American man here wrote a book called the  Zoo station  years ago. Directly after it's release, he killed himself. The Spring and Summer are better; people smile. Winter is hell on earth here. They will simply NOT obey the smoking ban yet. Most places are still extremely smoky and the one's that do enforce the smoking ban, allow smoking after 11pm anyways. So I stay at home most of the time organizing massages for touring rock bands. Super fucking exciting. Party On Garth. 


On a lighter note, I am off to France early April to perform a Hot Chocolate massage on a certain someone (can't reveal their name yet). Then I will take a train over to Italy and meet Jasmine for a week of fun in the sun. Then later in April, back to NYC. I do LOVE my flat in Berlin, as it's all mine and I can do whatever the fuck I want in it whenever the fuck I want….but big deal, the folks here in Europe have already made up their minds to hate Americans, so why stay here?  So much hate here, it's insane. Lighten up people will ya?


"I care not what others think of what I do, but I care very much about what I think of what I do! That is character!" – Theodore Roosevelt

Zappa Plays Zappa tour dates ^

 Yes I support Zappa tribute bands and Zappa alumni and the Zappanale, but just to show Gail and Dweezil that I am mutual, here are their dates. All things involving Zappa music are good things.

Frank Zappa memorabilia

Frank at sound check, by Dr. Dot ^ 




Pic's I took of Frank during sound check 1988 tour  ^



Some pics were taken with my 35 mm camera and some, like this one above, with my disc camera, so the quality is crappy 🙁 

Frank had us ^ dance on stage during Packard Goose  in yellow aprons he handed out (and signed) and announced us as the Long Island Dance Ensemble.  I still have the apron and will scan it in once I get back to Berlin where I have it safely packed away..

Click HERE   to read more about that ^ 


Cover of the 1988 itinerary  ^  I got my own copy as I was a fixture on the tour, healing with my wicked hands


You can see some of Frank's hand writing throughout the book. I didn't scan in every page…if there is a demand for it, I will, but sigh, lotta work lol



You can see where Frank wrote Dweezil's name in, as he joined him on stage in Long Island.. ^  OOoh what a night.. 🙂


Me, in my hippie phase, with Dweezil (still wearing yellow apron). SCHWING! God he is gorgeous.


Zappa plays Zappa tour dates

Sep 25 2007 8:00P
Shepherds Bush Empire London, London and South East
Sep 26 2007 8:00P
013 Tilburg
Sep 27 2007 8:00P
Melkweg Amsterdam
Sep 29 2007 8:00P
Le Fri-Son Fribourg
Sep 30 2007 8:00P
Circus Krone Munich
Oct 1 2007 8:00P
Jahrhunderthalle Frankfurt
Oct 3 2007 8:00P
KKL Beethovensaal Stuttgart
Oct 4 2007 8:00P
Messehalle Erfurt
Oct 5 2007 8:00P
Grand Rex Paris
Oct 6 2007 8:00P
Elisabeth Hall Antwerp
Oct 8 2007 8:00P
The Music House Arhus
Oct 9 2007 8:00P
Konserthus Hovedsalen Stavanger
Oct 10 2007 8:00P
Peer Gynt Bergen
Oct 12 2007 8:00P
Sentrum Scene Oslo
Oct 13 2007 8:00P
Olympen Lund
Oct 14 2007 8:00P
Cirkus Stockholm
Oct 31 2007 8:00P
Beacon Theatre New York, New York
Nov 1 2007 8:00P
Chevy Theatre Wallingford, Connecticut
Nov 2 2007 8:00P
Broadway Theatre @ UPAC Kingston, New York
Nov 3 2007 8:00P
House of Blues Atlantic City, New Jersey
Nov 4 2007 8:00P
Providence Performing Arts Center Providence, Rhode Island
Nov 6 2007 8:00P
Town Ballroom Buffalo, New York
Nov 7 2007 8:00P
Warner Theatre Washington, Washington DC
Nov 8 2007 8:00P
Toads Place Richmond, Virginia
Nov 10 2007 8:00P
Ameristar Casino Kansas City, Missouri
Nov 12 2007 8:00P
Verizon Wireless Theatre Houston, Texas
Nov 13 2007 8:00P
Hogg Auditorium Austin, Texas
Nov 14 2007 8:00P
Palladium Dallas, Texas
Nov 16 2007 8:00P
Fillmore Denver, Colorado
Nov 18 2007 8:00P
Roseland Portland, Oregon
Nov 19 2007 8:00P
Paramount Seattle, Washington
Nov 20 2007 8:00P
Orpheum Vancouver, British Columbia
Nov 22 2007 8:00P
Southern Jubilee Auditorium Calgary, Alberta
Nov 23 2007 8:00P
Northern Jubilee Auditorium Edmonton, Alberta
Nov 27 2007 8:00P
Concert Hall Brisbane, Queensland
Nov 29 2007 8:00P
Hamer Hall Melbourne, Victoria
Nov 30 2007 8:00P
Hamer Hall Melbourne, Victoria
Dec 2 2007 8:00P
Thebarton Theatre Adelaide, South Australia
Dec 3 2007 8:00P
Enmore Theatre Sydney, New South Wales
Dec 4 2007 8:00P
Enmore Theatre Sydney, New South Wales

Sorry Dweezil, didn’t mean for YOU to be offended.

Dweezil read my blog and emailed me; he is disappointed by my comments, which were aimed at Gail, not him.


It is a fine line I walk, trying to speak (write) my thoughts without hurting anyone, but yet, I am not one to brown-nose either. Most of my blogs are very complimentary, but sometimes they hurt and disappoint. I strongly believe in the words and music of Frank Zappa and believe bands and fans have the right to play his music (they should pay the royalties of course).

I hope someday the whole mess between Mrs. Zappa and the Zappa fans and festivals comes to  a peaceful solution. I think Dweezil should headline at the famous annual Zappa festival in Germany, like Ozzy headlines his Ozfest, but that's just a dream I guess.

I adore Dweezil and always will.  I have yet to do an interview without mentioning Frank Zappa. I do more PR for ZAPPA then anyone around. I have done since 20 years.

A few Zappa fans (one is actually a Zappa alumni that wishes to remain anonymous) have responded to this blog today and I thought I would share that with you….



My favorite line is when Bobby called Gail "mean spirited, untalented and money-hungry." In my opinion the most horrible thing Gail does is alienate the kids from their aunt and uncles. I know you keep in touch with Dweezil. Ask him why he hasn't spoken with Candy in 14 years, even though Candy has tried to get in contact with him. Ask him why Carl had to sell his jacket on Ebay two years ago just to pay rent. IT'S FRANK'S BROTHER FOR GOD'S SAKE! I was a mild supporter of Gail until this. For Christ's sake it's just a goddamn street! I don't know. Take care, James.

Gail= Mommy Dearest  



Thank you Dot,

You brought it to the point!

All we want is cooperation, our biggest dream is to have Dweezil on stage,
and I'm shure he knows this deep in his heart.
He never will have the chance to find a better promoter for his music in the
zappascene than us.

These are my true words and wishes! I love what he's doing, I went to his
shows in Germany and will go again this year.
He needs to get undepentend from his mother, to realize a career he's
supposed too.

Tell him!
Thomas ARF Society 
3) (from the Zappa alumni)
Fuck that!!
EVERYONE has asked over and over and over for 'permission'
bottom line--- YOU CAN RELEASE MUSIC and the ARTIST
GETS paid, period. they cannot control it!!
Like you said -- that's why the beatles music, zeppelin etc can  be  
you simply pay the publishing amounts, it's all legally worked out, you
simply look it up (online) enter all the info about your cd sales,,,,and
This  (Dweezil's response) is a lame response on his part- very naive. and he
NEVER addresses your very good points
 He Dweezil, if you can't beat 'em, JOIN 'EM!
The one thing I agree with Dweezil in his letter is that Gail has every
right to protect Frank's music, but why is she so determined to
alienate his fans? I know that when ZPZ plays a concert the money goes
back to the ZFT. But, like you suggested, if Gail could give a little
I'm sure Arf-Society would gladly give a percentage of their profits to
Gail. It just take a little cooperation on both ends.
I hate this unholy war, but your response to Dweez was pretty cool. It does
seem that he (too) is somewhat misinformed. I'm not sure what he means by the
"many inappropriate things" the Arf Society have done, but I'm pretty sure they
haven't ever made a profit from staging Zappanale. Not ever.


As regards the t-shirts, for the last four events these haven't
featured any trademarks that I can discern (I'm wearing last year's right now,
which simply says "2006 Zappanale" on the front, and lists the bands that played
on the back). A few years ago, they had what I thought was a psychedelic bird,
that was probably in fact an abstract tache and imperial, but certainly nothing
like the copyrighted ZFT version (took me a year to work out that's what it
might be). Prior to that, for the star-studded Zappanale #13, they had a bad
drawing of Frank on the toilet, which I'm pretty sure the ZFT does not have any
claim to and which, if they did, their attorneys would be knocking on your door
about right now! In any event, as you rightly point out, fans wearing these
shirts simply promote FZ's music. As for the festival discs, I compiled last
year's in my precious spare time for NOTHING and I know that the Arfs ensure
both the CDs and DVDs are officially
registered by the German GEMA to keep the composers rights and the ZFT


bottom line is: Zappanale is put on by fans for the fans. The Arfs may be a
little naive, but if they were to get totally professional the event would
lose most of its charm and probably a lot of its hard-core fans.

Half of Ahment, Frank and 3/4 of me ^

Zappa Plays Zappa (and how!)


Pic I took of Frank and his son Ahmet during sound check in Long Island 1988 ^

(note: Ahmet is sadly not on the tour)

Monday  ( May 22nd) was one of the best days I have had in years. I saw the ZAPPA PLAYS ZAPPA  show . You must know by now that I am pretty much obsessed with Frank Zappa’s music, so seeing Frank’s son, Dweezil, play his fathers music with perfection was pretty much heaven on earth. My obsession started LONG ago when I was a child. My Father (well, he adopted me when I was 1 year old, so he is my Father) is to this day a huge Zappa fan. Chet raised me on Zappa music,  and my Mom constantly played the Beatles when he was out. My hippie aunts (both really young, in fact, my Mom was 16 when she was preggy with me and my Dad was 17 when he adopted me) always played Janis Joplin and Zeppelin when I was around. The house was pretty much a hippie flop house ( “every town must have a place where phony hippies meet, psychedelic dungeons popping up on every street” Frank Zappa). So, out of all that music, I really hung onto the Zappa and Beatles the most, as you can see.

Zappa was not only the best musician I know of, but his lyrics are so funny, they make me literally roll on the floor with laughter when I hear them. What a great combo, what a RARE combo. My Dad brought me to several Zappa concerts when I was a young whipper snapper, and I am grateful for this, thank you Dad! At one of the shows he got me a Zappa t-shirt that said ” Tittie’s and Beer”, which is the name of one of his songs. I wore it to school the next day (I was in the 7th grade) and the teachers were “not amused” and I was sent home. Frank has never been mainstream. I mean, how many times have YOU heard Frank on the radio? Seen him on TV? Not often. People who are into Frank were usually turned onto him by someone who cares. It’s mostly through word of mouth that you hear of Frank, that’s why I spend so much time preaching him, I want to turn as many folks onto Zappa’s music as possible, it’s that amazing.

In 1988, I went on Zappa’s “Broadway the Hardway” tour and never asked for a penny for massaging Frank and the rest of his giant band. I made it clear, I wasn’t “only in it for the money”. I told Frank and co. that I would massage them for free and my payment would be the honor to see every sound check and show for free. Sooo , I got to see their sometimes 3 hour long sound checks and shows every night, it was PARADISE. Yes, I was missing classes and pissing off parental units but I didn’t give a fuck. This was much more important. Hey, I even got to eat their catering, so it was all good. Frank was very fun to be around, I was in awe the whole time, but tried my best to hide it. Me and about 4 other Zappa freaks got to sit in the empty hall during sound check and during their Portland Maine sound check, I accidentally let out one of my MONSTER BURPS. When I drink Diet Coke, all hell breaks loose. AnyWHO, I let one rip and Frank (who had his back to the empty venue while he was conducting his band)  turned around, leered at us, and said “which one of you did that?”. Naturally the other Zappa fans who were somehow connected and lucky enough to be watching the masters sound check turned on me and all pointed at me. I turned NEON RED and raised my hand sheepishly and said with a , squeaky, cracking voice “it was me”.

Frank motioned to me and said “come here, come up here” and pointed to the stairs on the side of the stage. I reluctantly went to him, like I was going to lay my neck down on a wooden block, waiting for the blade. The whole band was watching impatiently and Frank had me come right up to him and said “could you do that again into the sampler?”. I exhaled so strongly I almost fainted. I thought for sure I was about to get my face ripped off and expelled from the Zappa sphere. But no, it was time to perform. I said “I need another Diet Coke though”. Frank said to a stage hand “get her a Coke!”. I said, “um, it has to be Diet Coke, more bubbles”. “Ok, he said, get her a DIET Coke, and make it snappy”. So  finally my burps were recorded into a sampler and they used it for the rest of the tour to make fun of the TV Evangelists at the time, and now you can hear it on the Zappa live Album called “the Best band you’ve NEVER heard in your life”.. or simply click on the banner below..

The tour was amazing and I got to meet Dweezil and Ahmet, Frank’s sons and Frank affectionately crowned me “Dr. Dot”. I was just DOT before, as Dot is short for Dorothy. My Granny was named Dorothy and most called her Dot. I was named after her and so most called me Dot. Frank would say “go get the Doctor” or “hi Doctor Dot” and so it stuck. I am honored. When Frank died of prostrate cancer in 1993, I was in tears for days. I have never gotten over it and preaching his music is my way of thanking him for his music and allowing me to see his sound checks and shows. I was estatic to hear that Dweezil is touring with an amazing band, playing his Father’s music. Even though I knew I would probably get in for free and end up massaging them all, I still bought a ticket, just in case.

 Napoleon Murphy Brock  (< click on link to read about him) and I have been buddies for years. < Napi and I

He has been touring with a Frank Zappa tribute band called Project Object, keeping the faith. Now he is on tour with Zappa plays Zappa. He does most of the vocals in the show. He usually steals the show, he is so talented; sings and dances like no other. He knows Frank’s music inside and out as he played with Frank for YEARS. Anyways, Napoleon and I have kept in touch and he called me from the Zappa plays Zappa Norwegian show, telling me the whole band is excited about getting the Dr. Dot rub down on Monday in Berlin. I was so excited, I think I didn’t sleep for a few days after that. Monday finally came and I arrived with my guitar player (for my band Bitchfest) Eno, who is one of the biggest Zappa fans I know. Napoleon, or Napi as everyone calls him, was outside to greet me personally. He gave me a giant bear hug and then shook Eno’s hand. Eno handed him 10 Finish marks (on one live Zappa recording, it was said, if one handed Frank 10 Finish marks, they would play whatever they were asked to play). Sadly, it didn’t work heh heh.

Napi proudly introduced me to the band. I already knew Steve Vai, but never met Terri Bozzio before, so I was star struck, yes, even I get star struck! I got to watch the sound check *sigh*

  <Dweezil at sound check


Sheila,Terri, Jamie, Joe , Aaron  (part of the Zappa plays Zappa band) ^

Terri Bozzio warming up before his AMAZING performance ^

(how my camera SUCKS!! Note to self, get a fucking new camera!!!)



 I chatted with Dweezil (haven’t seen him for years). He was more gorgeous then I remembered. I tell you, all he would have had to do is say “I want you” and it would have been done. BUT, contrary to the rumors I heard (I heard he was single), I was let down to hear he was married and is expecting his first child next month. BOOOOO! Well, I am happy he is spreading those genes, but gutted that it’s not with me. heh heh.

 I first massaged Sheila Gonzalez (sax, keyboards, vocals). She loved it and did good PR for me which made everyone else in the band fight over who was next. YAY! Next on the slab was Steve Vai (one of the best guitarist in the world)

Sorry Ladies, Steve has been happily married for 28 years to his college sweet heart.


Steve is so polite and friendly, I have been massaging him over the years and have yet to see him in a bad mood. He said this tour was like a tiny vacation for him as he didn’t have to play during the whole show. He just showed up for the last 30 minutes or so and kicked ASS! He was busy in his dressing room writing/composing the whole time.  The papers he was writing on were so big, they covered all the tables, like plans for a house, but covered in musical notes that would confuse Beethoven . I introduced him to my daughter, Jasmine (who also plays guitar) and he was super nice, Jasmine kept saying to me”as a guitar player, I have to say, I’m not worthy”.

One of the funniest parts of the night for me was when Steve Vai picked up one of my BITCHFEST flyers, which were laying around all over the backstage area and he read the GROUPIE APPLICATION out loud to everyone, he LOVED our Bitchfest flyer. He then asked me to explain the whole thing to him and was laughing his ass off.

Jasmine and Steve Vai (my little cutie turned Red upon first meeting the guitar hero) ^

The show was amazing, but the venue had shitty acoustics. I stood next to the sound man most of the show. I asked him about the sound and he was furious. He was cursing the venue the whole show. He couldn’t turn it up louder as the shape of the Tempodrom was so strange, the sound merely got fuzzy when he turned it up. They played wonderfully, words escape me, but I like it loud and this joint couldn’t accommodate. Keep that in mind if you are ever touring you are about to play the Tempodrom in Berlin. Tell the booking agent/promoters, NO THANKS!

During the encore , some Frank Zappa fans held up a BIG yellow banner that read “You may have the genes, but we keep the spirit alive: ZAPPANALE 2006!”. This was like a big FUCK YOU to Dweezil. He told me how much it pissed him off and why during his 90 minute massage. Zappanale  (please click the link to read all about it). It’s an unofficial, annual festival that celebrates Frank Zappa. There are two sides to the Zappa story. Well, you see, there are millions of Zappa fans that are starving to hear someone play live Zappa music and to hear unreleased Zappa tunes, and they satisfy their desire by seeing Zappa tribute bands and going to the Zappanale etc. But the Zappa family frowns upon such things because they want his music done EXACTLY how Frank made it, and preferably by his sons, Dweezil and Ahmet. So some Zappa fans resent the Zappa family because they know the Zappa family doesn’t support these festivals etc. Frank’s sister, Candy Zappa makes special appearances at the Zappanale and Frank wasn’t even close to her at all. Kind of like what Pete Best does at Beatles conventions. This pisses off the Zappa family, so it’s complicated. I think it was fucking RUDE of those idiots to hold up that bitter banner right in front of Dweezil, he is trying his best to play his father’s music exactly how it is meant to be played and has hired incredible musicians to help spread the music around the world. Dweezil says he really hopes more young people get into Zappa music and was happy to see my daughter wearing an official Zappa t-shirt at the gig. Dweezil said so far the best audience was in Sweden. He was amazed to see what appeared to be three 15 year old GIRLS in the front row singing to every song, he said they knew every single word to every song and was very impressed.

I told him that people write to me every day and ask me what is a good starter kit to get into Zappa, as in, what albums should one buy to get into Frank. I usually tell them Joe’s Garage; We’re only in it for the Money and Tinseltown Rebellion. Dweezil said “really? I always suggest Apostrophe and Overnite sensation as a starter kit”. I usually don’t speak during a massage, but Dweezil was very chatty and hello, I wanted him to be chatty, I couldn’t get enough of his insight and comments about his father and the music. Dweezil is so relaxed and cool, so down to earth and friendly. I mentioned is amazing blue eyes and he said he is the only one in the whole family with blues eyes. I also asked him why doesn’t he sport his dad’s signature stash and tiny beard. He said he grew it once but it looked ridiculous on him and shaved it off.

This man is extremely talented, his guitar playing rivals his Dad’s, but yet it’s different. If you are on your way to see a Zappa plays Zappa show, please, show the band how much you LOVE the music, give big time applause, show the love, make Dweezil understand how grateful we are that he is taking this show on the road and let him know we support him 100%.

 Dweezil and I *SIGH*   ^
 Dweezil and Jasmine  ^ (she was in heaven ok?)
Jasmine and Terri  Bozzio ^
 Jasmine, Terri and Me ^  (no, im not a midget, they are sitting on a table)