Leaving Berlin for a while :(

Going mad here trying to pack for my trip to NYC. I will be there a few months, not even sure how long this time. I do NOT want to leave Berlin. I love it here now. How crazy is that? I always do things ass backwards, ugh!!

Anyhow, I interviewed Joe Jackson for the Exberliner magazine, the English magazine for Germany; same one I have been writing my sex column for since it began 6 years ago. Joe is very private and I was surprised he agreed to do the interview at all and NOW, I am proud to say, it is the cover story and his picture takes up the whole cover of the September issue. Guess I will only be able to see it online as I am leaving to NYC in a few days. 

Recently I have had many friends pass through Berlin and I showed them around a bit, as much as I could. First, Norm, my buddy from San Diego and bassist for the band Hard Echo came to Berlin-

then Tina, Robin, John and Shirley who are ALL  into Frank Zappa as much as I am, came this past Monday, and they brought two friends along with them as well (they all went to thZappanale , the same Zappa festival I went to last summer). I sadly didn't make it this year, but will be there next summer, hopefully. They passed through Berlin and we all went out and explored and quoted Zappa all night, wicked fun!!


Here are some pics..

Hard Echo in the house!!  ^ (Norm is the Blonde and "Prince Harry" is on the right ๐Ÿ™‚

Standard tourist spot, the bombed "blue church" on the Ku'Damm ^


Tina and I at Potsdamer Platz ^  

 Robin and I ^ at same tourist trap (gasp, pieces of the WALL! oh my my)



Robin, Shirley, Tina and John a the Brandenburger Tor (gate) ^

John, from Chicago, is a massive Zappa fan and knows Cynthia Plaster-Caster personally (hoping I can get a good deal on the Jimi Hendrix cock replica (below)  Laughing


Raising ^ HELL in Murry's Irish pub at 1am (they had to be at airport by 5am, YIKES!) 

 Looking forward to going back home to NYC, to see Jasmine and then up to CT  for my class reunion and THEN to Boston to visit friends, family and loved ones and my DAWGY Frankie is in CT waiting for me too, but I am truly gutted to leave Berlin. This time its really hard because I know Jasmine will be studying for 4 years in NYC, so coming back to Berlin won't be so urgent. I know people all over the world, but I have more real friends in Berlin than anywhere else. It takes YEARS to earn someone's friendship here in Berlin, but once you do, you can trust them with your house keys, bank card, child, everything. My heart is truly torn in two (Berlin/NYC). Funny thing is, Joe Jackson is in the same boat. He too loves Berlin and NYC and he too, can't decide. So we both go on, living in both places. It's great knowing someone else in the same boat. sigh.


I have to go pack


 Dr. Dot