Super Karaoke Fun Time Band

Normal karaoke has NOTHING on singing with a live band. I tried this a few times now, and it gives you about the same adrenaline rush as bungee jumping or hot sex on a roller coaster. You get to be a rock star without all the fucking hassle of rehearsing, touring, letting groupies suck your cock, signing autographs, giving interviews and lugging your equipment around (only applies to rock “stars” who haven’t made it big enough to afford roadies).

They have this in the city (see Nov. 19th blog) but it is so crowded, you can only sing ONCE (which is torture) and you have to wait for ages. In Jersey City, NJ, the band Super Karaoke Fun Time Band is now playing a few times a month (see their WEB SITE). So I convinced Elizabeth to come out and lose her karaoke virginity. She did it the hard way, her first time was with a live band! (equivalent to learning to drive on a stick shift rather than an automatic). The ONLY shitty thing about seeing the SKFTB play in NJ is the SMOKE. It is still legal to smoke in NJ (read:mafia) so you have to go outside and gasp for fresh air as much as possible, and it’s oh so fun to do this when it’s 10 below ZERO outside!Anyhow, I got to sing 4 times, as did everyone else due to the fact that this was their first night at this club called Uncle Joe’s.

^ Elizabeth singing ‘One way or another’ by Blondie  ^ Her after the song, still “high” from the adrenaline- buzz

^ Me singing ‘Take another Piece of my heart’                   and       ^ “Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap”


 ^ John, a live-karaoke regular singing “JET”. He sang this at my request, so he deserves a lick 😉


                                                 There was a MOSH PIT, but it got out of hand you can see ^ 

     < Otis  the founder of the band

                                  the whole band

Ask Dr. Dot

Dear Dr. Dot,
My boyfriend left me, broke my heart to pieces. This happened 5 months ago and I’m still not over him. Other guys and alcohol seem to help for a night or two, but then I am in tears again. How long will this go on?
Dying in Brooklyn

Dear Dying,
In order for us to appreciate love, we all must (1) Break someone’s heart (2) Have our heart broke. After both of those events have happened, you should be tough enough to continue the game of love, cautiously and gratefully. If you are feeling sorry for yourself, listen to some Frank Zappa, he always shines a humorous light on things: “Some of you might not agree ’cause you probably likes a lot of misery, but think a while and you will see…Broken hearts are for assholes. You say you can’t live with what you been through, well, ladies you can be an asshole too”. This way of thinking (humor) puts things in perspective. Try to love only those who love you and you can’t go wrong.
Dr. Dot


Hey Dr,
My chick always wears big cotton underwear, like my granny used to wear. She says she hates thongs, but I really would love her to wear one for me, at least once in a while. How can you force your babe into a thong?

Dear Frank,
How about bringing her to Victoria’s Secret and show her the semi-thong first. They are wider then the dental floss thong and once you get her into it, you can “accidentally” stuff the material into her crack and presto, thong time. Note: sleeping in a thong is never a good idea, as it spreads nasty germs from the back hole to the front hole, very unhygienic. You can lead a girl to thong, but you can’t make her crack.
Dr. Dot

Help Prevent Oil Spills In Alaska’s Coastal Waters!


                                           An oil-soaked sea otter in the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge

It seems hard to believe, but Alaska’s pristine waters
have fallen victim once again to a devastating oil spill.
On December 8, 2004, a Malaysian freighter, Selendang Ayu,
ran aground in the Aleutian Islands after its engine
failed in severe weather. Six human lives were lost and at
least 40,000 gallons of oil leaked into one of the world’s
most remote and ecologically rich wildlife refuges, the
Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge (AMNWR). 
Sign the petition:

This wreck caused the worst oil spill in U.S. waters since
the 1989 Exxon Valdez disaster! Scientists expect the
clean-up to take months, and perhaps years. As you may
know, the AMNWR is home to a wide array of sea birds and
marine mammals, and is part of the rich North Pacific
fishery, which generates nearly $2 billion in revenue each

Based on the legacy of the Exxon spill, we know this
disaster will have a lasting impact on endangered and
threatened marine life, as well as on the coastal
communities that earn their livelihood from the seas. 
What’s clear from this tragedy in the Aleutians, is that
Alaska’s shipping routes need stronger regulations in

That’s where you can help. Urge Congress to require ships
using Alaskan routes to meet minimum safety standards, and
operate with well-trained crews and adequate resources to
respond quickly to emergencies.

PLEASE sign this petition to help

Mr. FUNK : George Clinton!!

Last night George Clinton played at the Starland Ballroom and I finally got to massage ‘Mr. Funk’ himself. He has like 15 people in his band and they can go from funk, to rock then into jazz and back into hard core funk. Somehow he reminded me of Frank Zappa, how he has different people playing with him to achieve different sounds and his all 3 of his guitarist were razor sharp, fucking AMAZING like Frank and the bass player, don’t even get me started, it was intoxicating feeling the bass move your heart around. They played for more than 3 hours!

First I met Gene Anderson, who’s also known as “Poo Poo Man”

Rock Star Radar

A party organization company out of the UK called “Killer Parties” sent one of their managers, Anthony to NYC to hire a few Party Ambassadors. Anthony arranged to meet a select few at the W Hotel at Union Square. It is hard to describe what this firm does, so it’s best to check out their web site if you want to know details. Anyhow they want me to be one and I suggested Jonesy be one as well, as he is always the life of every party where ever he goes. 

Anyhow, I parked my car and was crossing the street to get to the hotel and my rock star radar started going off as I locked eyes with a familiar face, a tall dark haired, thin man. I kept going and when I got the other side of the street, I thought, ‘I just let Rick Ocaseck just stroll right by me’. That wasn’t good enough for me. I saw that he went into a magazine shop and had to go say hi. He was THE first star I have ever met. I first saw the Cars in 1981 in Williamsburg, VA. I remember the night as clear as day. I went with my fellow Rocky Horror Picture Show Cast mates (I played Janet for about a year every weekend with a cast that acted it out while the movie played). My dad let “Frankenfurter” drive his VW bus. I didn’t have a drivers license yet and so I could use his car but had to find drivers.

After the concert (which was AMAZING by the way) I wanted to meet them, just like 100 other fans. I found the back stage door and waited with all the other fans for an hour for them to come out. Finally they came out and naturally there were screams, and autographs being given etc. I had Rick sign my jean jacket (hey, where the HELL is that jacket now that I think of it?) .. He signed it and even said, “you can keep the pen cutie”.

I was star struck, big time. Not sure if you ever listened to the Cars, but I was really into the Stones at that time, but had a side order of the Cars and Alice Cooper going on as well. I just LOVE their “Candy O” album as well as many others. Rick’s voice is so sexy, I thought I would faint when I finally met him. The guys all got on their tour bus and they still looked out the window for a while, waving. I was like “is that ALL?” I want to hang with these guys, an autograph is not enough. What are they like? I want to know what these people think, how they tick. Their music makes me happy, keeps me happy, I need to hang with these folks! But how? There had to be a more clever way. Going to the stage door AFTER the concert was like being one of a million sperms trying to get to the egg.

I figured it out, go at lunch time, when there are no other fans, when the sound checks are going on, and, have something to offer, massage, food, a hair cut, etc, work with or for them. But you know that part already. Point being, Rick and the Cars are the band that inspired me to use my massage to meet artists, they gave me that sprinkle of star dust I needed to make me know, if you want something bad enough, you just may get it.

I met Rick a few years later in Philly, PA backstage at Live Aide, but I looked so different there is no way in hell he could ever remember this particular fan. I had bleached my hair (Pam Anderson style) and even did the brows to match (can you say Edgar Winter?).

SOOoo, when I approached him last night, I was like, “Mr. Ocaseck?” as he read a magazine, and he turned and said “Yes?” and so I said, well, I know there is NO way in hell you could remember me, buy I met you a zillion years ago in VA, blah blah blah, I told him the whole spiel about him inspiring me and gave him my flyer. He was unbelievably friendly and warm. He seemed like he wanted to chat and wasn’t in a hurry at all. He looked at my flyer and said he would definitely call for a massage. He was happy to pose for pictures and I said, you know, I normally don’t act like a fan when I meet stars, but I AM a fan of yours so I don’t care, I just LOVE your music so much. We both were giggling about the getting the “fan” cards on the table right away, why not? He is amazing and I just can’t pretend.

One thing about these pictures that you must know, he is bending his knees to be at my height. He is very tall (6’5″?) so it was sweet of him to scrunch down for me. I took my coat off for the second shot, it was getting warm chatting to him 🙂  No seriously, I was over the moon talking with Rick, what a cool guy! This is the first time I have met him and actually seen his blue eyes, normally he has those dark glasses on. AAAH, you gotta LOVE NYC!!

I finally got my ass over to the W Hotel to meet Anthony. Jonesy kept calling me before I got there saying he couldn’t find Anthony. First of all, Jonesy was in the wrong bar at the hotel, secondly, none of us knew what Anthony even looked like. The door man knew where he was and I was so ecstactic still from meeting Rick that he could barely get a word it edgewise when we met. All in all, there was just Jonesy, me and  a cute lady from Boston named ALex there for the Ambassador meeting. I knew I was already hired, as my picture is already up on the site as an Ambassador, but he wanted to meet me in person.

 ^ Me, Anthony, Alex and Jonesy in our W Hotel “Under Bar” booth.

This W Hotel is crawling with stars, rick folks and VIP’s but there is NO karaoke, so as soon as the meeting was over, we bolted, naturally, dragging Alex along with us. She is gorgeous and shockingly innocent. She said she swears sometimes, but I can’t image that (neither could Jonesy, who by the way, was WAY into getting to know her better 😉

 I think this shot of them is super cute.

We went to karaoke and now none of us has a voice. Can’t do that again for a few days. Oh, I wanted to post this picture I took last weekend in CT. Maybe you didn’t know this about me, but I have turned into such a karaoke freak, that I actually buy karaoke cd’s online and bring them with me when we go sing. Just in case they don’t have the Janis Joplin, or Led Zepp tunes I want to sing (they usually don’t fyi).

My pals tease me, but I do meet people that also bring a few cd’s with them, but in CT, I saw a guy who is a regular in the Windsor Locks area, I think his name is Steven. He saw my tiny collection and laughed. He showed me HIS collection. He has over 3,000 karaoke cd’s that he brings out with him every time he goes to sing!

 How fucking cute is that!?

Anyhow, it is light out, the birds are out and singing and I have to get to bed. This sleep disorder thing I have is OUT of control.

The Cars

i don’t mind you coming here
and wasting all my time
’cause when you’re standing oh so near
i kinda lose my mind
it’s not the perfume that you wear
it’s not the ribbons in your hair
i don’t mind you coming here
and wasting all my time
i don’t mind you hanging out
and talking in your sleep
it doesn’t matter where you’ve been
as long as it was deep
you always knew to wear it well
you look so fancy i can tell
i don’t mind you hanging out
and talking in your sleep
i guess you’re just what i needed
i needed someone to feed
i guess you’re just what i needed
i needed someone to bleed

“Love Reign O’Er Me” THE WHO

"Only love
Can make it rain
The way the beach
Is kissed by the sea
Only love
Can make it rain
Like the sweat of lovers
Layin' in the fields

Reign o'er me

Reign o'er me
Rain on me
Rain on me

Only love
Can bring the rain
That makes you yearn
To the sky
Only love
Can bring the rain
That falls like tears
From all high

Reign o'er me
Rain on me
Rain on me

Reign o'er me
Rain on me
Rain on me

On the dry and dusty road
The nights we spent apart alone
I need to get back home
To cool cool rain

I can't sleep and I lay and I think
The night is hot and black as ink
Woo Oh God I need a drink
Of cool cool rain

Reign o'er me
Rain over me
Over me
Over me

Reign o'er me
On me


Ask Dr. Dot

Dear Dr. Dot .. I’m involved in a long distance relationship with a clingy, needy girl .. It’s like all the shitty stuff without the sex .. And it’s starting to really suck !!!

Anyway she’s coming to visit me at the end of the month; the ticket is bought and paid for.. My question is, should I cut her loose now or wait till she’s gone home????

Thank you in advance for your wonderful advice!!
Itchy fingers QUEENS

Dear Itchy Fingers,

You must be bored out of your friggin MIND to even maintain such a relationship, get a life. On the serious side, break it off NOW before she comes. Be true to yourself and just tell her you have a change of heart and you think it’s best she doesn’t come. Get some BALLS. Why waste time? Letting her go after would make KARMA search and destroy you.

Dr. Dot

Dr. Dot,

I am only attracted to “taken” men. Funny thing is, when I get them, I don’t want them anymore. This is a never ending problem, an endless hunger. I feel like I have an eating disorder, but at the other end. I am never satisfied. SOS.

Shannon   Upper East Side, Manhattan


I am guessing you don’t have many female friends. I am personally not against people being promiscuous, but mowing someone else’s grass is a no-no. It is basically raining meat in NYC; why not find your very own steak? I bet you are very unhappy in your career/job; you lack challenge and therefore find it in the game of love. Take a long hard think about your career, are you entertained? If not, work on that instead of everyone else’s man. Would you want it done to you? There is your answer.

Dr. Dot

Words of wisdom

   Isn’t it a pity
Now, isn’t it a shame
How we break each other’s hearts
And cause each other pain
How we take each other’s love
Without thinking anymore
Forgetting to give back
Isn’t it a pity

Some things take so long
But how do I explain
When not too many people
Can see we’re all the same
And because of all their tears
Their eyes can’t hope to see
The beauty that surrounds them
Isn’t it a pity

Isn’t it a pity
Isn’t is a shame
How we break each other’s hearts
And cause each other pain
How we take each other’s love
Without thinking anymore
Forgetting to give back
Isn’t it a pity

Forgetting to give back
Isn’t it a pity
Forgetting to give back
Now, isn’t it a pity

Cross your fingers please

One of my best friends, Petra (wrote about her October 9th 2004 as well as a few other times) is in the hospital in Berlin. I find it hard to write a happy blog, when I know she is suffering. She has been fighting cancer for a few years now, and now it is in her lungs and when I call her, she can barely speak, you can hear her voice is tainted with liquid, like her lungs are full of fluid. I sent Jasmine to visit her on my behalf, to cheer her up.

Jasmine told me she isn’t doing well at all, and I feel frantic being here in NYC and not at her side to be her cheer leader. Petra is so sweet and so cool, one of those incredibly cool people who knows all the stars but never brags about it (like I do for example). She is the real deal and would never hurt a fly. Her twin, Iris, is naturally not taking it well and I wish I could be there to help them out. I will put my tour of Ireland and the UK on hold and just go straight to Berlin as soon as I can. I have tons of work to do here after weeks of just fucking around and playing with Jasmine and Rachel (it was fun, don’t get me wrong!) but I have to work now then head over.

Not sure who is pulling the strings of destiny, but I was hoping you could cross your fingers for Petra and think positive for her, so strong that it could reach her some how. Flood, mud slides, Jasmine is gone,  all that going on and yet, Petra is front and center in my mind.

This is an old shot of Petra and I at the opening of a Film Production company in Berlin.

Petra LOVES Elvis, Sex and the City, eating chocolate, MUSIC, Johnny Depp, and has tons of friends she is always there for.

Like I said, pray or what ever it is you may do, for her ok?