Joe Jackson interview, by Dr. Dot


This is the magazine I have been writing for the last 6 years. They have my sex column "Ask Dr. Dot" in it every issue. The last page is mine. Sometimes I write other pieces for the mag, like this recent (just hit newsstands Sept 1st 2008) issue. I interviewed my friend Joe Jackson. It hurts my feelings (boo fucking hoo) that my name wasn't credited on the cover, like most magazines do when you land the cover story/interview. But I guess the Exberliner does things differently.  My sex column was voted the Best Column in the Exberliner and now to have landed the cover story thrills me, even though name didn't land on cover. Oh well, you can't have it all ๐Ÿ˜‰


I HATE this part below "Sexy Sex-columnist Dr. Dot". Joe also hates it. He said "sounds like I was coming over to your place for a shag!"

grrrrrrrrr! You never have complete control when you are being written about or even if you are the writer, it's all up to the editors. Hope you like the interview anyways
