Since I was unable to upload photos last week, I am kinda backed up now with too many pics, so here they are…
Velvet Revolver on stage
Like I said a few blogs ago, I am not allowed to blog about Velvet Revolver and what goes on backstage, but I can say the show ROCKED and Mechel and I got to stand on stage and watch. If you read my blog about me accidentally unplugging the Sting show last spring, you will may find this next picture pretty daring. It’s my foot on the wires on stage 🙂
^ Mechel and I on stage
A few days later I was called to massage a group called CROSSFADE (see previous blog) and here are the shots, they are pretty cute!
^ Lead singer ‘Eddie’, & Rada (works at the Starland Ballroom) and Bass player
Eddie and Rada.. Eddie givin’ it to em. I love that shot of him playing guitar!
Eddie had put his shirt back on, then when it was time for the picture, he said, hell, I’ll take it off again!
YAY! Love it when rock stars show their skin 🙂
Crossfade and their Doctor! >
^ The guy on the left (see previous blog to get all the names!) is the DJ and backing vocalist. He was REALLY ill that night, and only left the hospital
to do the show and then as soon as the show was over, he was escorted back to the Hospital. I love that shot on the right showing the fans adoring
the band after their last encore.. aaah, rock and roll!
Now here are some shot of my gal pals. You know Mechel already, the other two girls drove up from W. VA and Maryland to see Def Lepp play on the
Good Morning America show last Friday. In the evening we all met up for some karaoke. Catherine works for me, she handles all of the massages in
the DC/VA/MD and PA area. She gives the BEST foot rub in the world.
< Catherine and I
< Mechel singing 'Start me up'
^ WTF!? My mouth thinks it was the inspiration for the Stones logo. But we all know it was Mick!
^ Catherine, me, Mechel and Emily ^ Mechel and “Cassy” belt out ‘Pour some sugar on me’.
(It was Cassy’s FIRST time ever singing karaoke. I think she will turn into an addict like me now. I’m telling you, it just sucks you in)
^ The gals getting tired of waiting to sing ^ Em and Cassy in the YAFFA cafe
^ Mechel and I in the YAFFA cafe (love that place!) Totally unrelated to this blog, but I love this picture of Mechel and her pal “Shanook”
His name reminds me of Nanook (the Eskimo who was told not to eat the yellow snow. Nanook rubs it.)
“And it was at that precise moment that he remembered
An ancient Eskimo legend
Wherein it is written
On whatever it is that they write it on up there
That if anything bad ever happens to your eyes
As a result of some sort of conflict
With anyone named Nanook
The only way you can get it fixed up
Is to go trudgin’ across the tundra . . .
Mile after mile
Trudgin’ across the tundra . . .
Right down to the parish of Saint Alfonzo . . .” ZAPPA!!