24 hour massage service Seattle, Washington

 Book me: info@drdot.com and write: "Amy/Seattle" in subject line ๐Ÿ™‚
"It's the way that she smoothes away trouble…
With strong arms and a steady smile…
The world melts away when it's gotten to me…
It's her comfortable easy style…

And no woman before her…
No woman since then…
Has offered me warmth…
In the way that she can…
It's just Amy's healing hands…"

– Bel Stuart, folk-rock vocalist, songwriter, guitarist and pianist

I’ve been called a “massage ninja”, “muscle whisperer”, and “healer”. I’ve worked events and been told, “You made me completely forget I was in a room full of people.” Rachealle, the Dot Bot who conducted my audition, said, “She has a sneaky elbow that likes to go deep without you realizing it… worked up to a nice deep pressure slowly. No making me squeal.” In one session, I brought a friend’s neck and shoulder pain she’d had for over a year from a level 8 to a level 3. It got better with each session and it has stayed down since then, even when she goes months between massages. She had not thought this could be possible.

I’ve been massaging people all my life. Years before I was trained, a massage therapist friend of mine used to come to me to get rid of her migraines. She, among many, kept telling me I have a healing gift and need to be sharing it. I finally took that leap after she said, “Amy, you need to share this. You could give a good massage with one hand tied behind your back, blindfolded and high on Red Bull.” Haha!

I have truly found my calling. When I get the chance to massage, I feel like I’m exactly where I need to be, doing exactly what I was meant to do.

I have a great deal of respect for you artists and entertainers who bring the color and joy to our lives. I’d be absolutely honored to give back to you.