Massage in Liverpool and Manchester England


Book me at and put "Carla/Liverpool" in the subject line please  


Hi, my name is Carla; I live just outside Liverpool in the UK. 

I trained as a sports massage therapist and then went on to qualify as BSc Sports Therapist. At the moment I work as a Rehabilitation Specialist in Liverpool. 

As a sports therapist over the last couple of years I have had the fortune to massage fantastic sports teams in rugby, football, athletics and basketball. Sports massage can go as light or as deep as you require into the muscles and can have unbelievable results. It is a great feeling when you have completed your treatment and the client reports a huge difference! 

I came across Dr Dots work on the internet and was pleased to be invited on her ever expanding team. I look forward to seeing you in my local areas of Liverpool, Manchester and Preston. 
