Massage in San Diego, California

Email me: and please put "Cheryll/San Diego" in subject line, thank you. 


Hi Everyone. My name is Cheryll and I would like to be your massage therapist. I’ve always massaged my brothers, sisters, and friends since I was little, but I became certified after a snowboarding accident. I herniated a disk in my lower back that was so severe, I couldn’t walk more than a quarter of a mile before my leg gave out on me. It didn’t matter if I was sitting or standing, I was in constant pain. My doctor sent me to a neurosurgeon who told me to take pain pills every day and when it became worse, then he would do surgery. Not feeling like that was the answer for me, I looked into alternatives. A friend recommended a massage therapist that specialized in deep tissue. After the first massage, I felt better. After ten massages I felt no pain. Years later, with massage and yoga, my back doesn’t bother me at all. That’s when I decided it was so life changing for me, that I had to do it professionally and help others. I specialize in Swedish, Deep Tissue, Sports Massage, Circulatory, Shiatsu, and Therapeutic Stretching.

Growing up in Southern California in the 80’s really cemented my love of music. When I heard about Dr. Dot and her niche in the music scene, I realized I wanted to be a part of her team. Dr. Dot doesn’t just let anyone on her team, so I feel privileged and grateful that she allowed me to join her.

Whether you are looking for a relaxing massage or have specific areas that need work, I’m here for you.