Blog hit breakdown for November

40,541 United States
2,263 France
1,016 Germany
828 Canada
809 Netherlands
613 United Kingdom
342 Belgium
334 Norway
326 China
272 Georgia
265 Japan
246 Sweden
205 Australia
105 Switzerland
97 Spain
86 Korea
85 Denmark
71 Russian Federation
64 Poland
61 Ireland
58 Israel
55 India
44 Italy
35 Austria
30 Saudi Arabia
22 Brazil
22 Mexico
20 Singapore
19 South Africa
18 Kuwait
18 Turkey
17 Costa Rica
16 Romania
15 Hungary
15 Ukraine
15 Philippines
14 Finland
14 New Zealand
14 Iran
13 Greece
13 Malaysia
12 United Arab Emirates
8 Portugal
7 Myanmar
7 Thailand
6 Slovenia
6 Lithuania
6 Latvia
6 Czech Republic
6 Hong Kong
6 Chile
5 Bahrain
5 Serbia
4 El Salvador
4 Croatia
4 Belarus
4 Yemen
4 Slovakia
4 Bulgaria
4 Vietnam
4 Pakistan
3 Bhutan
3 Estonia
3 Iraq
3 Morocco
3 Egypt
3 Puerto Rico
2 Moldova
2 Bosnia and Herzegovina
2 Venezuela
2 Colombia
2 Luxembourg
2 Iceland
2 Taiwan
2 Mauritius
2 Cote D'Ivoire
2 Satellite Provider
1 Mongolia
1 Qatar
1 Palestinian Territory
1 Nepal
1 Suriname
1 Anonymous Proxy
1 Antigua and Barbuda
1 Trinidad and Tobago
1 Syrian Arab Republic
1 Guam
1 Malta
1 Jordan
1 Lebanon
1 Cyprus
1 Indonesia
1 Bangladesh
1 Europe
1 Tunisia
1 Congo
1 Sudan
1 Senegal
1 Kenya
1 Belize
1 Argentina
1 Bahamas
1 Panama

Ask Dr. Dot November 2009

Please feel free to send me your questions anytime. I always change the names around, so no one except me, will know your dirty little secrets. Email them to me at:



I meet (and shag) women easily but  I've been having trouble getting
 off with them lately….sometimes I do, but more often than not I concentrate so hard on
 pleasing them that I end up having to finish myself off. Now, I don't mind it if I'm getting the
 woman off but they seem to get frustrated that they can't bring me to cum, and eventually leave me.
What do I do?

Rage against their Machines





Nice to hear you are putting out such efforts to please women. Try to avoid wanking
 24 hours before you jump in bed with a lady. A nice goal would be to get to know one girl so
well that you know how and when she will end up cuming, then try to climax together.
 Or make her cum, then have her suck on you (or your favorite means) until you shoot your load.
If they just came, I don't see why they give a fuck how or when you get yours.
Tell her it turns you on to wank off onto her breasts or at worst, tell her you spent so much
energy making her cum you are too tired to cross the finish
line. In the end, you will know it's the right girl when (1) you can still cum with her or after her (2) she doesn't fucking mind what you do, as long as she is with you .



I am currently seeing this 28year old – I'm 31.  It's been 9 months.  I know all his friends, his parents,
and he wants to see me, calls, etc..
We have had a few dramas – what beauties – but in the end we worked thru it and we keep moving forward.
We are both fireballs and a little stubborn – him more than me, but he is patient and forgiving. We are both 'catches'.
 The problem: he is not verbal at all – but when I mention it, he does try to correct it. There is very little talk of future.
 I asked him over dinner if he saw me in his future and he said “yes”, and that he “doesn't waste time”.
Is the non-verbal thing ok, if he is showing in other ways? Should I stay in this and keep flowing or change it by breaking up? Part of me thinks maybe he'll never be ready.

Ms. Stay or go


You asked a question I would personally never, ever ask a man: "do you see us sharing a future?". That is a waste of breath
and shows them you are insecure and aiming at putting pressure on them. He said "yes, I don't waste time". This should have
made you feel really confident, but you are still questioning the relationship. You seem to be looking for a way out, in my opinion. Love doesn't come with insurance and all we have is today. You can not ensure a future with anyone.
You can get hit by a car; he could die of cancer. Just chill and enjoy the present with
this man who seems to really love you (you met his parents, friends, he verbalized seeing you in his future).
So what he isn't verbal? If you want verbal, date a woman.


I need another Dr. Dot pep talk.
Got rid of that first asswipe this past fall…while on the rebound found
another guy.
He suffers from depression, obsessive compulsive and ADD….One day he's hot,
the next cold.
One day he's in love with me, the next he totally abandons me. It's like a game
for him. He loves it when I come crying back. He's sent me into such a state of depression with all of his problems that I started antideperssants for the first time in my life.
I've done so much for this person….helped him and his kids out in so many
ways. I just can't go on with his split personalities (I truly think that's what
it is). It's wearing me out completely. He's starting to make me feel nuts. On a
side note….he can essentially be classifed in the 'white trash' catagory which
is something that I normally wouldn't fall for…however, I was hurting/rebound.
I'm having a hard time letting go…for no reason, yesterday, for the 10th time
in the past 3 months he dumped me again.

 Scorned Suzy





I too took anti depressants ONE time because
of a moody ex. I luckily got so ill off them that first time, I had to go to the emergency room
and get an iV.
He probably knows you are too good for him and rejects you over and over again.
This is a test for your soul: how much shit are you going to take? How much low will you go?
You need to pass the test and show fate that you love yourself enough to walk away from people
who treat you badly. If YOU don't love yourself, how do you expect anyone else to? Make
borders from now on;
limits to what you will and won't put up with and stand by them no matter what.
Do not call this wacky cunt back and ignore any attempts he makes to reach you
and you will pass the test and your confidence will start to soar, bit by bit. We ALLOW
people to treat us bad, so you can't blame them if you allow it.


I know this might sound selfish but please help me out, I have going out with this guy
and he decided to go back to his mother’s child, the problem I can not get him out of
my mind is blowing me off so badly I can even concentrate, I can’t just cope I even go
 to the extent of driving pass near their house incase he I see him.  I tried to get him off
 my mind but it comes back so heavily on me that I cry uncontrollably. I thought time
was the best healer but it does work for me  I’m just madly in love

Crazy in Luv






It's not "selfish" it's foolish. "Madly in love", key word being MAD, as in crazy.
Love can make us crazy. Think with your head for a minute and you will see it's insane
to pine after someone who doesn't want you anymore.
 It's over, he made his choice, you need to really just move on.
No one likes to be left; to lose, but it happens sometimes.
You can not make him come back; what will be, will be. Start taking good care of yourself; working out, eating healthy
and sleeping properly and keep as busy as you can so you can dump that needy feeling
the will surely turn off any new guys.  Listen to as much Frank Zappa music as you
can get your hands on; he makes fun of love and heart break and what you really
need now, is a good laugh.




 I just met someone 1 week in a half ago and he's really cool. The thing is that he said
he was single but admitted he had been seeing a girl like dating for over a year but
it wasn't exclusive. I don't believe him cause I know men will say anything to get with
a girl but I also give him the benefit of the doubt. He started text messaging me  the
 same day we met and then a few days later started to call me to chat and stuff but it
 has been a week and change and he hasn't even asked me out. The weekend came
 and he said nothing.

I have been unavailable when he asked to see me the other day just to say to say "hi",
 of course cause i don't want be too available for him, and also because he asked to
 see me for one minute to give me a kiss and a hug and I feel that I can get a kiss and
a hug from my grandma or Mom or dad and quite frankly don't feel that he has even
earned that much. If I accustom him to just do that he'll think I would settle for just that.
Hell probably think IM worth just a drive or a hello in front of my house!!lol. Anyway
I know its only been a week and a few days but he should be trying to get to know
 me impress me wine and dine me if he's interested… Atleast go out for drinks.
 He's always complimenting me and when he asked to see me the me other day
 i brushed him off and a few min after we hung up he text messaged me telling me
he was outside and if it was possible to see me just for one min.. he appeared in
front of my house before i even answered anything lol… i haven't kissed him or
anything and i really like him but i don't know if he likes me that much or if its just that
 he does have a relationship with that girl… I just don't know if I should continue
 getting to know him or just drop this…?????


Shaky Sandra




"a few min after we hung up he text messaged me telling me
he was outside and if it was possible to see me just for one min.. he appeared in
front of my house " ????

uh, can you stay "stalker"? He sounds like a pushy, creepy, lying
player to me, ew.




Massage in Frankfurt, Germany

Contact me at: and put "Franco/Frankfurt" in the subject line


My Name is Franco. I currently live in Frankfurt and I have been working as trainer for rehabilitation, fitness and nutrition.
โ€จAs long as I can remember, my loved ones benefited from my passion for giving Massages. Therefore, I decided to go to private School to learn various professional Techniques. I wanted to give my talent more structure. Soon I found out that the Work as a Personal Trainer and Massage Therapist complement each other. One of the Massage techniques which I use most frequently (body balance) is very dynamic and fluent and includes techniques from various backgrounds, such as classical, medical and relaxation Massage.

I am looking forward to expanding my Horizon and making new Experiences with my new Clients. It flows together with all the other types of techniques like the classic, medical and relaxing Massages. I would love to be able to expend my Horizon again. I'm also looking forward to new Experiences with my Future Clients.

Jimi Hendrix’s 67th Birthday bash in NYC ( BB King club)


So here are some pictures I took at the show…..


 Lance Lopez , headlining!


Me, Lance and Katelin before the show. I introduced Katelin to Lance online and suggested he let her play a tune during her trip to NYC and he did and everyone loved their jam. 


Lance's last minute set list^   (which he forgot in dressing room ๐Ÿ™‚

Lance, who normally plays guitar, told me he learned drums first when he was little. He took to the drums to let little Tallan Noble Latz (age 9) play guitar and Katelin Deutsch (age 10) play bass, during a fucking ridiculously amazing rendition of VooDoo Chile. OMFG, they received a standing ovation. Respect!!


Lance Lopez in action (sorry, this one was taken with my crackberry ^)

 Lance plays so similar to Jimi, if you close your eyes and just listen, you swear you're listening to the real thing. 

I have heard many people try to play Jimi, but Lance, in my opinion, nails it the best. Hands down. He is on fire!!


Katelin in the groove! Tal Wilkenfeld better watch her back. Katelin is amazing and is NOT a snotty bitch like Tal. (this is not an opinion, it is pretty much a known fact, Tal is arrogant as fuuuuuuuuuuuck). tsk tsk, be nice to the folks on the way up as you will probably meet them again on your way down. 


This one too ^  (Popa Chubby warming up backstage)


Lance's view of PACKED BB King club (full of lovely Hendrix fans, aaaaaahhhhhhhh)

The drummer (sorry, name slips my mind, but he was killer)


Pictures the German road manager + friend Wolf Haas

 just sent me (he manages Lance)

 Lance and I posing for some photos


Happy Thanksgiving

Will spend Turkey Day here in they city but will fly this weekend to Berlin for 2 months. Hope to go to the UK while over there and work a few shows, see Liverpool again and visit some friends.

Turn up your speakers and listen to Arlo Guthrie's classic Thanksgiving Day anthem, Alice's Restaurant, it's a tradition..

Click HERE to hear it.


Massage in San Diego, California

Email me: and please put "Cheryll/San Diego" in subject line, thank you. 


Hi Everyone. My name is Cheryll and I would like to be your massage therapist. I’ve always massaged my brothers, sisters, and friends since I was little, but I became certified after a snowboarding accident. I herniated a disk in my lower back that was so severe, I couldn’t walk more than a quarter of a mile before my leg gave out on me. It didn’t matter if I was sitting or standing, I was in constant pain. My doctor sent me to a neurosurgeon who told me to take pain pills every day and when it became worse, then he would do surgery. Not feeling like that was the answer for me, I looked into alternatives. A friend recommended a massage therapist that specialized in deep tissue. After the first massage, I felt better. After ten massages I felt no pain. Years later, with massage and yoga, my back doesn’t bother me at all. That’s when I decided it was so life changing for me, that I had to do it professionally and help others. I specialize in Swedish, Deep Tissue, Sports Massage, Circulatory, Shiatsu, and Therapeutic Stretching.

Growing up in Southern California in the 80’s really cemented my love of music. When I heard about Dr. Dot and her niche in the music scene, I realized I wanted to be a part of her team. Dr. Dot doesn’t just let anyone on her team, so I feel privileged and grateful that she allowed me to join her.

Whether you are looking for a relaxing massage or have specific areas that need work, I’m here for you.


Chiropractor in Atlanta, Georgia

 Contact me at:  and put "Dr. Stephanie/Atlanta" in the subject line ๐Ÿ™‚




Hello, my name is Dr. Stephanie. I have been practicing Chiropractic for 18 years. It is such a joy to have found Dr. Dot because she helps me fulfill my Chiropractic goals.

What I know is that there is a wisdom in your body and it utilizes your nerve system to live, run, dance sing, create, etc. I also know that you are human, and the human body reacts to physical, emotional and chemical stresses by mis-aligning spinal bones. Receiving regular Chiropractic adjustments realign your vertebrae allowing your wisdom and creativity to be expressed as you were designed. This is why I find being a Chiropractor such a privilege.

My style of adjusting varies based on your needs and what your body wants on a given day. I analyze your spine and provide the best Chiropractic adjustment for you at that moment. I use my hands, pelvic levers (triangle blocks) and an adjusting instrument.

I also know that if you take care of yourself while on tour, you will recover quickly and be ready to get back on the road again. You can depend on me to help anyway I can.

Sharing Wellness,
Dr. Stephanie

Massaging the SCRIPT in NYC


 Obviously I didn't take this picture myself, I just borrowed it for my blog ๐Ÿ˜‰ 


 Singer ^ Danny O'Donaghue said he really enjoyed the Deep Tissue massage I gave him. He said it was "the best massage I've ever had in my life!". Not bragging, but I hear this from everyone I massage yet each time it still makes me feel happy, grateful and content. 


The Irish band The Script are in the USA on tour and have already been on the TV shows 'Ellen', 'MTV total request live' and 'The David Letterman show', all in one week! They are really on their way up to the top. I thought to myself, while in their company with all the buzz around them, this is what it may have felt like for the Beatles on their first ever US tour. Not to that extreme, but I could sense they are about to explode into the BIG time over here in the USA. They also spend most of their time in hotel rooms as they have been touring non stop for the last 2 years, which is really hard on a person. I toured a couple times with bands and it is HELL on the body. Irregular sleeping habits, eating habits, different beds every night, people around you wanting to party every day and night- and I can only imagine how hard it must be to always be away from friends and loved ones for touring artist. They must feel lonely in the hotel rooms. Everyone around them being overly friendly and kind, superficial, always wanting something from them. 

 (read their Biography  HERE )


During his 2 hour massage, his iTunes were on shuffle and lots of lovely music was coming out of it. A few songs that came on were completely new to me. They sounded great and the singer sounded a bit like Stevie Wonder. I asked him "who's this?" and he said, humbly "this is us". I was like WHAT!!???? They sound great! When I told a couple friends I was on my way to massage the Script on the first night, they told me "oh, the boy band from Ireland" – so I was expecting a Back Street Boy situation, you know, lots of dancing, rather tedious music but I was very pleasantly surprised to see them, hear them, meet them. My friends were wrong. They ARE a band from Ireland and they ARE male and do have thousands of screaming females at their shows but that is all they have in common with boy bands. They write ALL of their own lyrics and music, just three members in the band (as I said, the bassist is a touring bass player). They don't wear matching costumes on stage and/or dance like 'Dancing Fools', they are fantastic. They opened for Paul McCartney on one whole tour (ugh!! jealous!!). They all praised Paul and said how nice he was to them etc. Swoon. 

Guitarist Mark Sheehan got a massage from my assistant Michelle. I will give him a beating personally next time though ๐Ÿ™‚ haha


Fame is not as wonderful as one may think it. I have been around famous people most of my life and most seem trapped by their fame. Isolation and panic are always present. I feel for these folks. The least I can do is make them feel good with the best massage I can possibly give them. That is exactly what I did for the Script. I know they will never forget my hands of steel. The bassist was a bit afraid of my hands haha, as he heard how strong they were, but I showed him that I adjust my strength according to whom I am massaging and how their muscles feel to me. The bassist, Ben Sargeant , from the UK,  is a touring (and studio sometimes?) member for the band, not a core member. He is a sweety-pie too. They all are. In fact my fucking face hurt from laughing after being around them. 


Ben the bassist ^


They are all so down to earth and ALL have their heads on straight; no bullshit. They are very driven, honest, HUMBLE and just plain fucking NICE. They are fun, hilarious yet not sarcastic or mean (like some up and coming bands I have met in the past). They are NOT letting success go to their heads. None of them seem to have a vain bone in their body, just plain cool. Their Mom's did a good job raising these guys, that is for SURE. Their tour manager (not mentioning his name even though he is a close friend) keeps things running super smooth too, they are on a roll!



 Glen Power, the drummer ^ 




I really sound like a walking add now for the Script lol. If I didn't like them or if they were pricks to me I would surely write about it, but I only have nice things and thoughts about these guys.  I just have a feeling they will be the next U2. But not as Pompus as Bono, haha. Snap!

If they are heading to your area, check them out, then  you will see what I mean:


Nov 19 2009 Peoria Civic Center       Peoria, Illinois
Nov 20 2009 Horseshoe Southern Indiana     Elizabeth, Indiana
Nov 22 2009 Mercy              Nashville, Tennessee
Nov 23 2009 Tabernacle         Atlanta, Georgia 
Nov 24 2009 Saenger Theatre            Mobile, Alabama
Nov 27 2009 Mahaffey Theater         St. Petersburg, Florida
Nov 28 2009 Hard Rock Live            Orlando, Florida
Nov 29 2009 Nova Southeastern University              Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Dec 1 2009 The Fillmore        Charlotte, North Carolina
Dec 2 2009 Constant Convocation Center @ Old Dominion   Norfolk, Virginia
Dec 4 2009 House of Blues Boston, Massachusetts
Dec 5 2009 TLA       Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Dec 6 2009 Terminal 5          New York, New York