ZAPPAWEEN here I come :)

My flight leaves in a few hours to Florida. Going to see a Frank Zappa tribute band called Bogus Pomp. They have an annual Halloween party and call it ZAPPAWEEN, so it's like a mini- Frank Zappa festival. Super excited. I didn't make it to Zappanale this past summer, doubt I will ever get to Zappanale again, but there is alway ZAPPAWEEN innit?


Their show is actually on November 1st, maybe I will find time to lay on the beach the days before.. or go trick or treating (on the beach?). SUPER TIRED- I Gotta go jump in bed with Pooh.


I am voting OBAMA

In my dream world, I would have Al Gore as president and Michael Moore as Vice President (I know, he isn't even IN politics, but I love the way he thinks and exposes the idiots (the powers that be that lie to us). Alas, I will be voting for OBAMA in a few days. Lets hope the voting polls aren't rigged (fixed) AGAIN.




I am voting OBAMA

In my dream world, I would have Al Gore as president and Michael Moore as Vice President (I know, he isn't even politics, but I love the way he thinks and exposes the idiots (the powers that be that lie to us). Alas, I will be voting for OBAMA in a few days. Lets hope the voting polls aren't rigged (fixed) AGAIN.


Forget it, old people. No more TV for you starting in 2009.

Funniest video I have seen in a couple weeks at least:


CLICK HERE to have a good laugh


Oh, someone told me you can't view that video outside the USA. so here it is

on youtube:


ps. I have a few blogs cooking, just trying to find the time. Today I awoke to 739 unread emails. I am going nuts, I can't take this much longer. ugh!! I was the MC (host) for THE live karaoke band last night in Redbank, NJ. That is a lot of work. 2nd week in a row I did that for them. Hey, they pay well and I love the band, so it's all good. The night before, I went backstage to the COHEED AND CAMBRIA show at Terminal 5 to see my friend (their production manager). I had never heard of that band, but HELLO, it was sold out (all 5 of their shows there are sold out) as fuck. Packed with insane fans- they were all around 18-25 years old, and knew ever FUCKING WORD to every song. WOW. I will get into that more when I do a proper blog about it. So much going on.. I miss Europe, don't get to see Jasmine enough and wonder what will happen if Obama doesn't win. sigh. 

It's 6:27 am and I still have loads of work to do,


Birthday girl

Another year slipped by; I hardly notice- time flies so fast. I still feel like a giddy 18 year old..strange. All I want for my birthday is a foot massage and time with Jasmine. Hope it works out 🙂


Motörhead fires up NYC (Roseland Ballroom, 2008)

I know this blog is late, but as they say, better late than never Kiss


As always,  Motörhead pulled through, showed everyone a good time and put on a fantastic show. They always treat me like family and let me bring two of my friends backstage to say hi and hang out. Phil was generous with the champagne, Reese's peanut butter cups (he has LOADS of them in his dressing room) and pizza. 


Awaiting me at the box office window was a few tickets AND laminated passes. That's always a good thing. It was sold out, packed to the brim. 





 That is my friend Jill ^. She is from England but spends A LOT of time here in NYC. The guy in the red cowboy hat on your blog is GASS WILD.

His band is called THE LOVE PIRATES . Super nice bloke. Jill is a ROCK chick to the core. She wrote her own blog about the Motorhead show:

"New York!,we are Motorhead and we play Rock and Roll!"

So I went to see Motorhead last night with Dr Dot,it was insanely good.I had an "all access' pass courtesy of Dot and the band.I've now decided I cannot see another show in my lfe without one of these things,lol…ahhh the heady power.

We watched the gig from a slightly elevated area to the side of the stage.The venue was packed,the fans on the ground level were mental,the mosh pit was one of the most dangerous looking i've ever seen!,the security guys really earned their crust last night.

Having said that,even though the mosh area was bordering on riot,they all looked to be having fun.

Motorhead,well what can I say??these phuckers turn their shit up to way past 11,they are tight as hell and sound the business,special shout out to Mickey D who played some blinding drums.Also I couldn't help noticing what great thighs Lemmy has,Dot reckons it's from all the shagging.Yeah,so all in all a blistering set,those mofo's can RAWWWWWWWWWK!


Now,i'm not saying Lemmy's moles have their own gravitational pull….but ermm…..anyway,lol.I met him,he was lovely,charming even.His dressing room was filled with an assortment of girls as you would expect and I thought"uh oh the potential for more cock-blocking incidents are high tonight"(see previous blog),however it didn't happen,I talked to him and got a photo which you can see in my comments section.I can't put my pics in album section as i'm using a computer at an internet caff.

Most of the time we hung out in Phil's dressing room as Dot is good mates with him.It was quite a surreal experience,I made a mental note of all the things on their riders,lot's of alcohol of course but thankfully no bowls of "green only" M+M's or wotever wanky thing David Lee Roth once requested,lol.I also thought there's a lot of ego stroking which has to go on with a band,ego stroking and reassurance I suppose,thought to myself it must be exhausting if you work for the band or are a girlfriend or something.Fortunately in this instance it would be easy to stroke their ego's coz they were brilliant but what about times when they are shit?people must tell them they were great anyway?Don't think I could do that,if you were shit,you're gonna know about it, no doubt my back-stage privileges would soon be revoked,lol.

Also spoke to Mickey D briefly, he has awesome 1980's hair and is from Sweden, Phil is Welsh, Lemmy English.

I think I left at about 2am,Dot had to go get her massage table out of the car,the work never ends for that chick.

Bizzarely,last night I dreamt of Lemmy and I was sitting on his lap and he asked me"when was the last time you went to church?"

Strange huh?

Wotever could it mean?"




That's me, Phil and Greg, my NYPD friend. Hey! Never judge a book by it's cover. Greg is a heavy metal head who travels to every country he can. He is open minded, has a sharp sense of humor, is well mannered and currently single, ladies 😉



 Phil asked Greg to play a joke and go into the opening act's band dressing room and whip out his NYPD badge and scream "ok, who has the weed mother fuckers! NYPD!! Get up against the wall!!" He kept in character the whole time and started frisking one guy and they guy was obviously used to the drill as he said "you better be a real cop mister!". Phil and I watched on with a shocked look on our face to make it seem real. Then Phil started laughing, as did Greg and every one was cracking up. The one against the wall took a minute to give in and laugh over the fact he had just be punked big time. ha ha

 Go for it Phil!! Here he is playing my favorite Motörhead tune "just cause you've got the power".. sigh



 Watching the fans mosh pit from this angle was so fucking fun. I can't believe the shit these rowdy rockers were doing throughout the show. I am surprised no one died. lol.


 Mickey Dee had a dressing room FULL of hot babes. We had to plow our way through them to say hi. "Oh Mickey you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind, hey Mickey, Hey Mickey" (surely that song was about Mickey Dee, no?)  



 Jesus fucking CHRIST! Can you look any more apathetic Lemmy? Some one get an espresso, quick, before he fucking dozes off. 




I didn't take this video footage personally, but I snagged it from youtube so you can have a listen/look at the show..


The wrong choice

ok, heading back to NYC now.. it's been very relaxing up here in Wakefield (Boston). Time to get back to work and the swing of things.. LOTS to do. I went to Joe Satriani show last night in Boston, it was fucking UNBELIEVABLE!!!! Took some pics, will blog later (after the Motorhead blog finally surfaces). Gotta pack.



John McCain on NBC’s, Meet the Press, 1/30/00:
Mr. Russert:  “A Constitutional Amendment to ban all abortions?” 
McCain: “Yes Sir.”
Mr. Russert:  “But, Senator, women across the country would say, prior to Roe v. Wade, hundreds of thousands of women a year went to back alleys to have abortions.” 
McCain:  “I understand that.”
Mr. Russert:  “Many died.” 
McCain:  “I understand that.”


Watch the VIDEO HERE (funny how they have "Welcome to the Machine" playing in background heh heh)