Above: Being interviewed at Berlin’s Hard Rock Cafe by ‘Spiegel TV’ which is a pretty serious program. They are like 60 minutes I guess. It should air on German TV this week (I don’t get TV over here, so I wouldn’t friggin know what night it comes on).
They wanted my opinion and thoughts about Groupies. So I let ’em have it. U2 donated that tiny car to the Hard Rock (that colorful tiny car I am lying on). I made myself right at home on that thing. It’s called a ‘Trabbi’, the car the East Germans used to use. Normally they were skin colored (or very plain looking), but U2 made it nice and pretty for their “Zooropa” tour.
^Francis, the lady who interviewed me for Spiegel TV is from Iran and is sooooo gorgeous! She wanted a tiny massage to see what all the hype is about..
Then I went to Northern England for a few days and it was heaven. I could imagine living there, it is so gorgeous and the people are so friendly, for me it is paradise. A VERY good pal of mine (who is very shy so I won’t name drop 🙂 showed me around ( I have been to that area a few times before, but for some reason it looked even more beautiful than ever). Yes, I even found karaoke in a tiny town called Clitheroe.
The folks smoke A LOT but they are so sweet, you kinda over look it. Jasmine was in Munich, so instead of being alone in Berlin I popped over to Lancashire for some tea and crumpets. I was fed some NASTY dish called “Butter Pie” first thing one morning and spat it all over the place. I was expecting a cheese cake taste, you know, sweet and creamy, but instead it was a nightmare, like salty cow balls or worse, I freaked out. Manners? What manners? I can’t hide shit. I just spat it all over and did a ‘that taste nasty’ bolt for the bathroom to clean my mouth out repeatedly, so take my advice, skip the dreaded (but really popular) “Butter Pie” WTF!?? Ha ha!
I have to say, I was spoiled rotten over there, the Northern English folks are so warm and sweet, humble and polite. Wallace and Gromit come from the area I visited, so you can imagine how the people are. Their accents are to die for as well. So freakin’ CUTE! It has got to be my favorite accent. Belfast being right behind them (what a contrast). I was given a ‘public foot path’ tour from one town to another. I tried to chat with the sheep, but they wanted nothing to do with me
< my pal animated that
^ Me getting the cold shoulder from the sheep
Lancashire is out of this world pretty… And the air is so fresh, it makes you light headed..
< My friend enjoying the view
^ Is it just me, or does that look like Big Foot up in the background?
^ My DREAM house!
Back in Berlin, I got to massage the Back Street Boys. I have massaged them before so it was great to see them again.
^ Old pictures of the last time I saw BSB.. Jasmine and Arron Carter, Brian and Jasmine, A girl from the German band ‘Tic-Tac-Toe’ and AJ, Kevin and I. You gotta love Jasmine’s Grateful Dead shirt, yay!
< Nicks Back. LOVE his moon tattoo.
Nick Carter is my favorite BSB, he is so mellow and friendly, totally adorable. What was Paris Hilton thinking when she split up with him? What a darling! 6′ 1″ and that Southern charm, just makes you smile.
The show was at the Max-Schmeiling Halle in Berlin, October 16, 2005.
Nick and I after his one hour massage. He listened to his favorite Football team on the lap top during the massage, Tampa Bay. I was just happy they were winning as you don’t want to see how grumpy stars get when their team loses before a show. Seen it before with Sting and it’s not a pretty sight. Ha.
^ So nice of Nick.
When I arrived there were 100’s of screaming female fans all around the venue. Dying to get in, close to their heros. They were not amused at the fact I just wizzed by them with the massage table. Yes, had the lads nearly naked on my table, such a task, but someone’s gotta do it 😀 YAY!