Dr. Dot’s favorite places to eat in NYC (part 2)/Chris Botti is a Hottie

While trying to stop the war, one can work up one hell of an appetite, so I have been going out to eat a lot lately and decided to take notes and pass them onto you, check it out:

1) Gabriel’s   Bar and Restaurant 

11 West 60th street

( between  Broadway and Columbus) tel: 212 956-4600

I went to Gabriel’s for the second time last week and was impressed for the second time. Gabriel’s is upper class, even though I got away with wearing sneakers. They boast they are the “winner of the wine spectator award of excellence” from 1997 to the present.

It is an Italian restaurant with gorgeous decor and atmosphere. I love the roasted head of garlic they serve and the salads, bread and chicken are delicious. Check it out:



The web site is so cool, you can take a virtual tour of the place, sniff it out you know, to see if it is up to bar for you and your date. Count on at least $100 for two, and dress nice.

2)Aureole  34 East 61st Street tel. 212 319 1660

 One of the best meals, well, no, actually THE best meal I have ever had was last Saturday night. It was kind of a business meeting that turned out to be kick ass. A client and new found friend of mine, Amir   invited me to what has got to be NYC’s most expensive restaurant. We had to wait at the bar for our table, so champagne was ordered. I am not much of a drinker, but could you say no to a $285 bottle of 1995 Dom Perignon ? Didn’t think so.  Even the bread sticks were gourmet! (note:above photo of Amir and I was taken later at a karaoke joint, you have to wear a tie at the restaurant).

  Click HERE to see the web site.

I had the vegetarian menu, which was about $150. It came with 7 courses. They were all small but packed with so much flavor and so rich, they fill you up. The service was the best I have ever had and they give you a dessert tray of pralines and other fattening but mouth watering exotic chocolate crimes to keep you busy while the real dessert is being prepared.

If I would have known 7 meals were heading my way, I would have fasted for the whole week before. For the most expensive and  gorgeous eating experience of your life, I HIGHLY recommend Aureole.

3) Mexican Radio – 19 Cleaveland place tel:212-343-0140

By FAR the best Mexican Restaurant I have been to. Their Guacamole rivals mine and that means it is DAM good.                 The service is a tad too friendly, the waitress starting going ON and ON about her life to the point where I was falling asleep into my black beans, BUT better too friendly then bitchy like Berliner waitresses I suppose. The food is so amazing; you will forget the clingy, over- friendly -for -the- tip waitress in no time.

Anyone will look gorgeous in the lighting, it is warm and flattering and the walls are colorful eye candy. They have a web site with full menus, click HERE to see it.

It is fairly priced and the margaritas are by far the best I have ever had. I don’t drink often, or much, but if I do, it will be for 1)great wine 2) $300 a bottle champagne 3) Mexican Radio’s margaritas! Yeah baby! If you tell the staff you are psychotic, hence, “handicapped” you can use the bathroom upstairs, other wise it is a hike down stairs to the can.

I have lost ALL respect for Dennis Miller former Saturday Night Live comic, who now has his “ramming my Republican-Bush-ass-kissing views down your throat” show. I almost got ill watching his show- what a disapointment Dennis! (PLEASE click on his name to read what other’s think of him!)

On my site www.drdot.com  in the VIDEOS section, there is now a 4th video to view; it is the UK show I did back in October, demonstrating the bite method and all. By the way, if you come to me for massage and want the Bite Method, tell me BEFORE I cover you will oil, otherwise it won’t happen. I won’t bite an oily back, it would make me feel like I am nibbling on sardines and you KNOW I hate FISH!

Have you seen the latest issue of PEOPLE magazine? Well, I will massage Chris Botti; he is in the new issue of People, voted as one of the “50 Most Beautiful People”. You may recall me writing about him back in my blog in March. Click on his photo to get to his fabulous web site    

Anyways, I will massage him today (Friday) in front of TV cameras for the show NBC “Access Hollywood” . They are interviewing me about how important massage is for artists and will ask Chris how it feels and hopefully he will moan “awesome, she rocks!” or something similar. I promised Chris a few free massages for his kindness; not easy to get a star to let someone film their massage session! Yes, massaging such a babe is hard work, but someone has to do it.

Great thing about Chris is his sense of humor and taste in music. Yes, he is eye candy, but he is wicked fun to hang out with AND generous! I forgot to tell you, that time I massaged Sting in Atlantic City, Chris was back stage giving out chocolate covered fruit. Apparently a certain fan of his gives him this HUGE platter of top notch chocolate covered berries, pineapple, bananas etc, and it is too much for him bring on the plane, so he is so sweet, he was even going up to the security and roadies and offering them some of his delicious gift. I wolfed down most of it ( hee hee, just joking- I had a few strawberries).

My assistant Felicia (see my site to see her) and long time partner in crime Lisa ( remember her, I wrote about her last august when she ripped open her freakin THUMB- go to blog entries August 27 and 28th to see Lisa and perhaps there is a few photos of Felicia singing “I’ve got friends in low places” standing on a table at a CT karaoke club 🙂

Where was I? Oh yes, Felicia and Lisa will pick me up in a quasi “limo” around 3pm and we will all shoot over to Chris’s flat to film. If the NBC director wants to film Chris getting the 4 handed massage, Felicia will be on hand, if not, the girls will shop till they drop until I finish filming. Then we will all go to a few of the Tri Beca Film Festival parties I was invited to. The girls have never heard of the film fest, and if you haven’t and are curious, click HERE to check it out. Robert Deniro is the host of the festival this year, would love to run into him, he is one of my favorite actors.

I will let you know when the NBC /Access Hollywood thing will be aired and post cool photos of the shoot.

Before I go, I want to dedicate a song by my hero, Frank Zappa, called “When the lie’s so big” to Mr. Bush, enjoy:

They got lies so big                                      
They don’t make a noise
They tell ’em so well
Like a secret disease
That makes you go numb

With a big ol’ lie
And a flag and a pie
And a mom and a bible
Most folks are just liable
To buy any line
Any place, any time

When the lie’s so big
And the fog gets so thick
And the facts disappear
The Republican Trick
Can be played out again
People, please tell me when
We’ll be rid of these men!

Just who do they really
Suppose that they are?
And how did they manage to travel as far
As they seem to have come?
Were we really that dumb?

People, wake up
Figure it out
Religious fanatics
Around and about
The Court House, The State House,
The Congress, The White House

Criminal saints
With a “Heavenly Mission” —
A nation enraptured
By pure superstition

When the lie’s so big
And the fog gets so thick
And the facts disappear
The Republican Trick
Can be played out again
People, please tell me when
We’ll be rid of these men!  –

Frank Zappa

Dr. Dot