Female Massage Therapist in Boston, Mass


Book me at info@drdot.com and put "Lori/Boston" in the subject  line please




my name is Lori. I currently live in Boston, MA. I am a graduate of the Atlanta school of massage in Atlanta, Georgia. I have been a licensed massage therapist for over twelve years.

I am experience in Deep Tissue, Neuromuscular massage, pregnancy massage, hot stone, cranial sacral massage, aromatherapy, and Swedish massage. I drape, sorry. 

I love my career as a massage therapist and the freedom and creativity it has allowed me to have. I could not imagine sitting behind a desk all day. After I received my first massage, I was hooked. After many years in a high stress position, during a massage I decided to go to massage therapy school. It's a decision I have never regretted!

I love music, movies, travel, yoga, and animals. I am excited to be part of Dr. Dot's International massage and chiropractic team.

Massage and Yoga in Boston, Massachusetts

Book me:  info@drdot.com and put "Jaime/Boston" in the subject line, please 🙂




Licensed Massage Therapist
Registered Yoga Teacher
Certified Reiki Master
Hi there! My name is Jaime.  I have been practicing massage and other healing therapies since April 2006.  I attended the SpaTech Institute in Plymouth, MA for massage and became a yoga teacher through Open Doors’ Power Yoga Teacher Training Program in Weymouth, MA.  I enjoy combining My various skills to create a unique session for the client, which is designed according to their own specific needs and expectations.  I believe it is important to provide some tools for clients to tap into their own innate ability to heal.  I absolutely love what I do and hope to radiate that outward into my practice.  I offer Swedish, Deep Tissue, Pre/Postnatal and Hot Stone Massage.  I also do energetic work, which includes Reiki, Polarity, Reflexology, and Ear Candling.  I also am available for Private and Semi-Private Yoga sessions.

Massage in Providence Rhode Island


Hi, my name is Beth.
I specialize in Sports Massage and have had many years of national and international experience and training in such areas as deep tissue Myofascial body work, Reflexology,
Trigger Point therapy, Nutrition, and Reiki Healing.
I love life and am passionate about working with all types of people from athletes to business professionals, singers, musicians and celebrities.
I’ve been told such comments as “Strong hands! Strong energy force!”
“You are top notch!”
 Being very intuitive, my hands will automatically go to the aching tight areas of the body.
Initially I owned a very successful practice in Mystic, Ct. then decided to move on to see what was out there…
I love traveling and have traveled the world picking up various techniques as I go.
For the last 10 years I have been living abroad and working as Director of a beautiful retreat center in Southern Spain. Wonderful country and passionate people!
I returned to the USA recently and found out about Dr Dot and her fabulous team of therapists. We met in NYC and I was personally interviewed by Dr Dot and am inspired by her business manner and get up and go! After a great interview I was invited to become a part of the team.
I am available in the New England area, CT, RI, MA. and also for tours if needed. Email me anytime:  info@drdot.com and put "Beth/RI" in subject line.

I look forward to working with you!

More photos from the last couple weeks

I upgraded this BLOG thing and now I can add photos so much easier.After we digest all of these photos, I will get back to deep writting, meaningful scribbling, lots of stuff I need to write about, like MaMa's boys who can't leave home, Tips for girls, and why the Germans are so dam angry.Meanwhile, here we go:Before my trip to CT/MASS I had the honor of baby sitting Arturos old Boxer, Diesel.He was the most POLITE dog I have ever baby sat, what a dam CUTIE!! Anytime Arturo, Anytime!Ok, you probably think by now, this is Dr. Dot's dog pound, but they need their 15 minutes of fame too! Below is Toby, he was rescued from the dog pound from my Uncle Jack (whom I am not speaking to rite now-read back to “burning bridges in CT blog). Toby is cute, blind in one eye and tries to get blow jobs every night from Bonnie the Sharpei dog.Toby is also the loudest fucking dog I have ever met, sounds like an Ewok( star wars) on speed.

Toby ^