How to give a sensual massage – by Dr. Dot

How to Give a Great Sensual Massage

How to Give a Great, Sexy Massage

Men – do you want a great way to get her “ready and receptive”? Learn to give a great massage.

Touching her with strength and finesse says so many things about you – like you’re going to spend some time on her – you’re not going to just get in, get off and bolt. Not only will a great massage relax her, but it will help her get in the mood for more. If you want to be the guy she has to see again – give a great massage.

Prepare the Area

You want to be in a private, quite place when you give a sensual massage. Make sure that the phone is off the hook, and that you’re not going to be bothered by the door, kids, animals, etc. Select some soothing music (Barry White, Billie Holliday) and turn off the lights except for lighting some candles – preferably scented. What, you don’t have these at your place? This might be a good time to invest in a “Massage Kit”.

You’re also going to need a couple of sheets – one to cover your work area, (you don’t want massage oil staining your couch!), and another to cover her. If she feels “exposed” or cold she isn’t going to relax. So, as you work on her, uncover only the area you want to massage. Then, cover it again to keep the area warm. As you massage the skin, blood flows into that area. This blood causes the area to redden and to warm. You don’t want this to turn to chill, so be sure to cover your finished areas.

Finally, you should also have some water available. Many people feel thirsty after a massage. This is because working muscles causes all sorts of chemicals to be released into the body. After the massage offer her water and then you can offer her Champagne or wine. Never a good idea to give or receive a massage even slightly drunk.

Massage Methods

You’ve probably heard of all types of massage techniques – Shiatsu, Swedish, Rolfing, etc., are all different types of massage with different goals. Don’t worry about all of this. You don’t need to focus on the type of massage – only the goal. Your goal should be to sooth and relax your girl.

In the next sections, we’ll explore this in greater detail. When you give a massage keep in mind the following points:

1) Massage muscle – not skin, bone or organs

2) Work large muscle groups

3) Use firm, even pressure, not hard, deep pressure

4) Avoid pressure on back of knees, bladder area and underarms- unless she specifically asks

5) Always use a lubricant (see below)

6) Anything less than an hour means you’re lazy and rushing the foreplay.

Now, let’s explore each of these points:

Massage Muscle, Not Skin

Try this: rub your fingers gently over the skin of your arm. Now, press harder and move the skin without dragging your fingers across it. This is the difference between caressing and a massage. Remember that massages are for muscles below the skin – not for the skin itself.

You want a deep, penetrating effect – not something superficial. Anyone can “pet” her but you want to be the Man that makes her feel relaxed, loose and relived. Many people are ticklish – not just on their feet, but all over their bodies; so you want her massage to be relaxing and focused – not annoying. Not too hard, not too soft either.

Avoid putting pressure on the bones. By pressing hard on the skin just over a bone, you’re going to cause pain – not pleasure (well, to some, pain IS pleasure – but that’s another article) Unless you know the human anatomy, you might not know where all of her bones are; so, before you begin rubbing an area, make sure that the tissue below the skin is soft. Then dig in.

Try it out on yourself first before you meet up with her. Massage your own hands, feet, rub your thigh to see what pressure feels good and what hurts, as a guide.

Work on Large Muscle Groups

There are only a few of them in the body – the glues, the neck, back, shoulders and legs. By concentrating on the large muscle groups, not only is your massage more efficient – you are getting the largest source of body tension – but you’re also preventing damage.

On either side of the spine are large muscle groups (called “Latissimus Dorsi” if you care to know). These are the long, strong muscles that keep you standing up – and are great places to work. Again, you have to be careful here, because just underneath these muscles are the ribs – and you know how ticklish some people are here. It’s ok to go firm next to the spine but never ever ON the spine. Make your hands into fists and one after the other, lean into her gluten (butt) and twist then repeat, only using a tad of lube so she can feel your hands even better. Go into the muscle, twist, repeat, one first after the other- it feels amazing. Best not to start on her ass, fyi, she will think you’re just cutting to the chase. Avoid getting sexual until after the massage. You can of course try my famous Bite Method Massage to drive her wild. While she is on her belly, you straddle her back, make SURE you do not put your weight ever, on her back -if you can’t manage that, sit or stand next to her, depending if she’s on a massage table, bed or the floor. Before you put any oil on her back, bite into her muscles, repeatedly, but avoid biting too hard, do not bit any bones and avoid the tiny annoying pinch like bites; dig down enough to grab the muscle, like a mama cat would carry her baby. Bite the scoot down an inch, bite again, you want to cover her whole back (you can go to youtube and search “Dr. Dot bite massage” to see how I do it, specifically on the UK TV Show called GMTV I demonstrate it clearly). It feels so amazing. It is not meant to be a sexy massage BUT you can turn it into very sexy Bite Method massage if you gently breathe on her back in between bites and also bring it down low to her rump area too and of course her neck. She will probably try to attack you but don’t give into her naughty pleas; make her wait until you’re done with the massage. Then she will feel teased and even obligated to give you the best ride you’ve ever had. If not, you did it wrong.

Use Firm, Even Pressure

Pressure that is too light or inconsistent (light, heavy and light again), can be as uncomfortable as too much pressure. Be sure to use an even amount – not too hard, and not too light when giving a massage. In fact, it is better to start out somewhat lightly and ask if she wants more. Gently increase your strength until she indicates that it is enough. One way to drive her wild: when doing her thighs, use both hands, open wide and start with the inner though and go out to outer thigh, over and over again, nice, slow and firm and “accidentally” graze her labia (this is strictly for an intimate massage, totally forbidden in a professional atmosphere, fyi). but don’t speak, just keep going and using both hands, back and forth from right under the rump, down the whole leg, back and forth and then back north again to the rump in a slow, firm rhythm. After you do the backside of her whole body, ask her to turn over and place a sheet or large silk scarf over her body to keep her warm (best to have the room as warm as possible), and start with her arms, hands, front of legs, then her belly and if she’s uninhibited, massage her breasts and not in a rushed desperate way, do it nice and firm and as unsexy as possible BECAUSE all women are used to having their breasts pawed at in a sexy way, but very few get to experience a loving breast massage, which feels out of this world good. Don’t worry, you will get the sexy part later.. Go in a clock wise then counter clockwise direction, avoid the nipples at all costs. Do the muscles all around the breast and down into the stomach, then cover her again. She will be amazed and your patience, composure and restraint and surely want reward you, hopefully with a very long session of oral sex.

Use a Lubricant

You should never try anything but the most minor of massages without lubricating the skin. For example, if you want to rub her shoulders that’s one thing. If you’re going to give a skin-to-skin massage, always use a lubricant. Lubes help to both prepare the skin and to protect it.

Don’t use Vaseline or Wesson oil to massage her – you want the lubricant to be absorbed by the skin. You should also stay away from lubes that are absorbed too quickly like hand lotions. Why not pick up lightly scented massage oil – you’ll definitely use it. You can also just use “baby oil-gel” or if you have plastic sheets, you can get a crock pot and heat up a bunch of Hershey’s liquid chocolate and give her a Hot Chocolate massage. Then you can both head to the shower together after as it does get very messy but oh so worth it. This would be the ultimate Valentines day massage fyi..

Just Follow the Numbers

Ok, so how do you progress? First, your lady should be undressed and lying on her stomach. Make sure her hair is out of the way of your “work area”. Next, pick up the lubricant or oil you have selected and squeeze some onto your palm. NEVER drip it directly on her skin – it may be cold. Unless you’re using the warm liquid chocolate I mentioned before. You can rub your hands together to warm both the oil and your skin. Even on a hot evening, try to make sure you’re your hands warmer than the air. This difference helps remind her to relax. Nothing more annoying than (a) a chatty therapist (2) cold oil/lotion squirted onto your skin.

Next follow these steps:

1) Start with her shoulders

Grab the muscles mid-way between her the curve of her shoulder and her neck with both hands (gently!) Knead these muscles and gently pull them toward you. This is a great place to start as most people carry a lot of tension here.

2) Work across her shoulders to her neck

Use your thumbs and the tips of your fingers to work from these muscles across and down her upper back. Be sure to watch that your nails don’t dig into her skin!

3) Down her arms to her hands

With both hands cupped on the curve where her shoulders turn into her arms, gently lift her shoulders a few times to stretch the muscles in front. Work down each arm separately finding the muscle groups in the front and back and kneading them gently. When you get to her hands, use your thumbs to work her palms. Don’t forget the other arm!

4) Mid-back

Now, return to her upper back and work downwards to her mid-back. This is another area many people store tension. Use your thumbs and fingertips to work from the center out and to push upward.

5) Lower-back

Continue to work down her back to her hips and just above her ass. Again, another tension-storage area!

6) Upper thighs

Working the muscles of her upper thighs is a great place to spend some time (if she’ll allow this!) After you’ve worked the back of her legs and down her calves (next), you can have her turn over to work the fronts.

7) Calves

The calves are very strong muscles and get a workout everyday. These are great places to spend some time kneading each one separately with both hands.

Remember, once you start the massage, her skin will absorb the oil or lotion you applied to your hands. So, continue to re-lube regularly. Also, humans are “bilateral” – that is we have a balance between the right and left. Don’t neglect one side for the other – keep things balanced.

The “Master’s” Massage

ALL Women love a firm foot massage. Even if you don’t have the balls to do a full body massage, give her a one hour foot massage (30 mins on each foot) and she will be putty in your hands, every time.

When you’re massaging someone’s feet, you’ve got to be careful, as many women are ticklish here. If you drag your fingers over the feet lightly, she’s liable to flinch – negating the work you’ve already done in getting her relaxed. When you work the feet remember that there are many areas – each with their own needs. So, start with

the heel. Firmly grab her heel and push it up toward her leg, pull it down and work it side to side. The heel contains a number of very small, very strong muscles.

Next, work your thumbs on the under side (called the “plantar” side) of her foot (in general, or unless she asks, avoid the top of the feet). Again, use deep slow pressure with the tips of your thumbs – don’t do it too gently or it’s going to feel like you’re tickling her. Work the balls of her feet and in between her toes. Also, pull on each toe for about 10 seconds – don’t jerk, just give a smooth, strong tug.

In general the feet of even small women are very strong. They can take a much more intense massage than the rest of her, but be sure to watch her reactions. Further, ask her what she likes, and follow her directions. Massaging a Woman’s feet subconsciously makes her feel worshiped. It is the ultimate aphrodisiac.

The Ending – The Beginning

Once you’ve completed the massage, get a soft, wet, hot towel to wipe her body down. This is just to remove any remaining lotion or oil, and to let her know that the massage is over. If you choose the hot chocolate route, lead her into a hot shower and wash her down, the fun continues.

What’s That – She’s Drooling??

ps. Even professional massage therapists use sleep or even drooling as a sign they’ve done their job well. Don’t take it as an insult – just realize she’s really into what you’re doing.

How to Give a Great Sensual Massage

How to Give a Great, Sexy Massage

Men – do you want a great way to get her “ready and receptive”? Learn to give a great massage.

Touching her with strength and finesse says so many things about you – like you’re going to spend some time on her – you’re not going to just get in, get off and bolt. Not only will a great massage relax her, but it will help her get in the mood for more. If you want to be the guy she has to see again – give a great massage.

Prepare the Area

You want to be in a private, quite place when you give a sensual massage. Make sure that the phone is off the hook, and that you’re not going to be bothered by the door, kids, animals, etc. Select some soothing music (Barry White, Billie Holliday) and turn off the lights except for lighting some candles – preferably scented. What, you don’t have these at your place? This might be a good time to invest in a “Massage Kit”.

You’re also going to need a couple of sheets – one to cover your work area, (you don’t want massage oil staining your couch!), and another to cover her. If she feels “exposed” or cold she isn’t going to relax. So, as you work on her, uncover only the area you want to massage. Then, cover it again to keep the area warm. As you massage the skin, blood flows into that area. This blood causes the area to redden and to warm. You don’t want this to turn to chill, so be sure to cover your finished areas.

Finally, you should also have some water available. Many people feel thirsty after a massage. This is because working muscles causes all sorts of chemicals to be released into the body. After the massage offer her water and then you can offer her Champagne or wine. Never a good idea to give or receive a massage even slightly drunk.

Massage Methods

You’ve probably heard of all types of massage techniques – Shiatsu, Swedish, Rolfing, etc., are all different types of massage with different goals. Don’t worry about all of this. You don’t need to focus on the type of massage – only the goal. Your goal should be to sooth and relax your girl.

In the next sections, we’ll explore this in greater detail. When you give a massage keep in mind the following points:

1) Massage muscle – not skin, bone or organs

2) Work large muscle groups

3) Use firm, even pressure, not hard, deep pressure

4) Avoid pressure on back of knees, bladder area and underarms- unless she specifically asks

5) Always use a lubricant (see below)

6) Anything less than an hour means you’re lazy and rushing the foreplay.

Now, let’s explore each of these points:

Massage Muscle, Not Skin

Try this: rub your fingers gently over the skin of your arm. Now, press harder and move the skin without dragging your fingers across it. This is the difference between caressing and a massage. Remember that massages are for muscles below the skin – not for the skin itself.

You want a deep, penetrating effect – not something superficial. Anyone can “pet” her but you want to be the Man that makes her feel relaxed, loose and relived. Many people are ticklish – not just on their feet, but all over their bodies; so you want her massage to be relaxing and focused – not annoying. Not too hard, not too soft either.

Avoid putting pressure on the bones. By pressing hard on the skin just over a bone, you’re going to cause pain – not pleasure (well, to some, pain IS pleasure – but that’s another article) Unless you know the human anatomy, you might not know where all of her bones are; so, before you begin rubbing an area, make sure that the tissue below the skin is soft. Then dig in.

Try it out on yourself first before you meet up with her. Massage your own hands, feet, rub your thigh to see what pressure feels good and what hurts, as a guide.

Work on Large Muscle Groups

There are only a few of them in the body – the glues, the neck, back, shoulders and legs. By concentrating on the large muscle groups, not only is your massage more efficient – you are getting the largest source of body tension – but you’re also preventing damage.

On either side of the spine are large muscle groups (called “Latissimus Dorsi” if you care to know). These are the long, strong muscles that keep you standing up – and are great places to work. Again, you have to be careful here, because just underneath these muscles are the ribs – and you know how ticklish some people are here. It’s ok to go firm next to the spine but never ever ON the spine. Make your hands into fists and one after the other, lean into her gluten (butt) and twist then repeat, only using a tad of lube so she can feel your hands even better. Go into the muscle, twist, repeat, one first after the other- it feels amazing. Best not to start on her ass, fyi, she will think you’re just cutting to the chase. Avoid getting sexual until after the massage. You can of course try my famous Bite Method Massage to drive her wild. While she is on her belly, you straddle her back, make SURE you do not put your weight ever, on her back -if you can’t manage that, sit or stand next to her, depending if she’s on a massage table, bed or the floor. Before you put any oil on her back, bite into her muscles, repeatedly, but avoid biting too hard, do not bit any bones and avoid the tiny annoying pinch like bites; dig down enough to grab the muscle, like a mama cat would carry her baby. Bite the scoot down an inch, bite again, you want to cover her whole back (you can go to youtube and search “Dr. Dot bite massage” to see how I do it, specifically on the UK TV Show called GMTV I demonstrate it clearly). It feels so amazing. It is not meant to be a sexy massage BUT you can turn it into very sexy Bite Method massage if you gently breathe on her back in between bites and also bring it down low to her rump area too and of course her neck. She will probably try to attack you but don’t give into her naughty pleas; make her wait until you’re done with the massage. Then she will feel teased and even obligated to give you the best ride you’ve ever had. If not, you did it wrong.

Use Firm, Even Pressure

Pressure that is too light or inconsistent (light, heavy and light again), can be as uncomfortable as too much pressure. Be sure to use an even amount – not too hard, and not too light when giving a massage. In fact, it is better to start out somewhat lightly and ask if she wants more. Gently increase your strength until she indicates that it is enough. One way to drive her wild: when doing her thighs, use both hands, open wide and start with the inner though and go out to outer thigh, over and over again, nice, slow and firm and “accidentally” graze her labia (this is strictly for an intimate massage, totally forbidden in a professional atmosphere, fyi). but don’t speak, just keep going and using both hands, back and forth from right under the rump, down the whole leg, back and forth and then back north again to the rump in a slow, firm rhythm. After you do the backside of her whole body, ask her to turn over and place a sheet or large silk scarf over her body to keep her warm (best to have the room as warm as possible), and start with her arms, hands, front of legs, then her belly and if she’s uninhibited, massage her breasts and not in a rushed desperate way, do it nice and firm and as unsexy as possible BECAUSE all women are used to having their breasts pawed at in a sexy way, but very few get to experience a loving breast massage, which feels out of this world good. Don’t worry, you will get the sexy part later.. Go in a clock wise then counter clockwise direction, avoid the nipples at all costs. Do the muscles all around the breast and down into the stomach, then cover her again. She will be amazed and your patience, composure and restraint and surely want reward you, hopefully with a very long session of oral sex.

Use a Lubricant

You should never try anything but the most minor of massages without lubricating the skin. For example, if you want to rub her shoulders that’s one thing. If you’re going to give a skin-to-skin massage, always use a lubricant. Lubes help to both prepare the skin and to protect it.

Don’t use Vaseline or Wesson oil to massage her – you want the lubricant to be absorbed by the skin. You should also stay away from lubes that are absorbed too quickly like hand lotions. Why not pick up lightly scented massage oil – you’ll definitely use it. You can also just use “baby oil-gel” or if you have plastic sheets, you can get a crock pot and heat up a bunch of Hershey’s liquid chocolate and give her a Hot Chocolate massage. Then you can both head to the shower together after as it does get very messy but oh so worth it. This would be the ultimate Valentines day massage fyi..

Just Follow the Numbers

Ok, so how do you progress? First, your lady should be undressed and lying on her stomach. Make sure her hair is out of the way of your “work area”. Next, pick up the lubricant or oil you have selected and squeeze some onto your palm. NEVER drip it directly on her skin – it may be cold. Unless you’re using the warm liquid chocolate I mentioned before. You can rub your hands together to warm both the oil and your skin. Even on a hot evening, try to make sure you’re your hands warmer than the air. This difference helps remind her to relax. Nothing more annoying than (a) a chatty therapist (2) cold oil/lotion squirted onto your skin.

Next follow these steps:

1) Start with her shoulders

Grab the muscles mid-way between her the curve of her shoulder and her neck with both hands (gently!) Knead these muscles and gently pull them toward you. This is a great place to start as most people carry a lot of tension here.

2) Work across her shoulders to her neck

Use your thumbs and the tips of your fingers to work from these muscles across and down her upper back. Be sure to watch that your nails don’t dig into her skin!

3) Down her arms to her hands

With both hands cupped on the curve where her shoulders turn into her arms, gently lift her shoulders a few times to stretch the muscles in front. Work down each arm separately finding the muscle groups in the front and back and kneading them gently. When you get to her hands, use your thumbs to work her palms. Don’t forget the other arm!

4) Mid-back

Now, return to her upper back and work downwards to her mid-back. This is another area many people store tension. Use your thumbs and fingertips to work from the center out and to push upward.

5) Lower-back

Continue to work down her back to her hips and just above her ass. Again, another tension-storage area!

6) Upper thighs

Working the muscles of her upper thighs is a great place to spend some time (if she’ll allow this!) After you’ve worked the back of her legs and down her calves (next), you can have her turn over to work the fronts.

7) Calves

The calves are very strong muscles and get a workout everyday. These are great places to spend some time kneading each one separately with both hands.

Remember, once you start the massage, her skin will absorb the oil or lotion you applied to your hands. So, continue to re-lube regularly. Also, humans are “bilateral” – that is we have a balance between the right and left. Don’t neglect one side for the other – keep things balanced.

The “Master’s” Massage

ALL Women love a firm foot massage. Even if you don’t have the balls to do a full body massage, give her a one hour foot massage (30 mins on each foot) and she will be putty in your hands, every time.

When you’re massaging someone’s feet, you’ve got to be careful, as many women are ticklish here. If you drag your fingers over the feet lightly, she’s liable to flinch – negating the work you’ve already done in getting her relaxed. When you work the feet remember that there are many areas – each with their own needs. So, start with

the heel. Firmly grab her heel and push it up toward her leg, pull it down and work it side to side. The heel contains a number of very small, very strong muscles.

Next, work your thumbs on the under side (called the “plantar” side) of her foot (in general, or unless she asks, avoid the top of the feet). Again, use deep slow pressure with the tips of your thumbs – don’t do it too gently or it’s going to feel like you’re tickling her. Work the balls of her feet and in between her toes. Also, pull on each toe for about 10 seconds – don’t jerk, just give a smooth, strong tug.

In general the feet of even small women are very strong. They can take a much more intense massage than the rest of her, but be sure to watch her reactions. Further, ask her what she likes, and follow her directions. Massaging a Woman’s feet subconsciously makes her feel worshiped. It is the ultimate aphrodisiac.

The Ending – The Beginning

Once you’ve completed the massage, get a soft, wet, hot towel to wipe her body down. This is just to remove any remaining lotion or oil, and to let her know that the massage is over. If you choose the hot chocolate route, lead her into a hot shower and wash her down, the fun continues.

What’s That – She’s Drooling??

ps. Even professional massage therapists use sleep or even drooling as a sign they’ve done their job well. Don’t take it as an insult – just realize she’s really into what you’re doing.