24 hour massage service Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

 Book me: info@drdot.com and write: “Mickey/Oklahoma” in subject line 🙂

My name is Mickey. I have been doing massage and structural body work for 15 years.
My career began while teaching   Kick-Boxing and Step Aerobics. I started to get a massage once a week and found the muscle and energy recovery so incredible that I decided to go to school. Over 4000 hours later at two massage schools in Kansas City and Austin, and being an instructor for 2 years in Oklahoma City, I now find myself a part of a phenomenal team with Dr. Dot.

I am trained in all modalities and after talking with each client decide what will work best for that individual. Most of my clients come to me for the “hurts so good” massages that really inspire change in postural issues that have become chronic. I am blessed with a gift that allows me to offer remarkable results, especially for those in pain.

I am an artist as well, focused on painting, ceramics, and jewelry- making. I am passionate about creating art. I have tremendous respect for musicians. Music is part of my day. Every day. It inspires me to dance with my two boys, lift heavier than I thought I could, run faster and farther, as well as allows me to relax and unwind. I can’t imagine this world without it.

I believe all humans have a gift, mine truly is touch. Let me know if I can help you.
Enjoy the day!