Best Massage in Chicago Illinois (24/7 Massage delivery service)

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since I prefer to not rant about my strong sides while trying to hide the weaknesses, I better introduce my mild-mellow part instead. I was made in Estonia in 1975. I spent enough time there to know what it means to call it home. In case you were wondering, there is actually electricity and every Estonian does not necessarily have a cow and a chicken.

One day my curious father put Miracle Fertilizer into my shoes and I started to grow with the speed of the wind. Now I’m 6′-2” and the process is still ongoing. There – the taller, the better! It’s all for you, so I can use my skillful hands for your benefit in Massage Therapy. Of course, I took some lessons, probably over 1000, not to rely to my hands only but to use some expertise and heart, too.

Chicago is my second home. Please let me know whenever you need to unwind in this windy city.

I am certified in:
    •    Swedish Massage,
    •    Deep Tissue Massage,
    •    Lomi-Lomi Massage,
    •    Medical Massage,
    •    Arthrossage,
    •    Cellulite Massage.

With healthy regards,