Massage delivery service in Copenhagen, Denmark


Email me at and put "Isabell/Denmark" in the subject line ๐Ÿ™‚


Hey, my name is Isabell. I am a massage therapist with a background in modern dance and classical ballet. What brought me to become a masseuse is the fact that instead of ruining the body by dancing/training excessive hours I wanted to do something that heals the body. 


My massage is very individually, depending on your needs. Some need it soft, some need it harder and some people think, it's only works if it hurts. Well the last one is not my opinion, but sometimes just the believe in it helps. I have also studied ayurvedic medicine in Germany and am an ayurvedic medical practitioner. What that means for you, when you get a massage is that I might work slightly different than you are used too. I always use warm oil, which is often medicated with herbs, as this supports the healing process. I massage also with normal massage oil, if this is preferred. 


Getting a massage is about trust. If you allow yourself to relax completely and have trust that the therapist will do the right thing, at the right moment on your body, you will find out that you will be able to receive much more help and healing, than you would otherwise. 


I am looking forward to meet you.