Sports Therapy Massage in Manchester, England

Email me at: and put "Andrew/Manchester" in the subject line


My name is Andrew and I’m a qualified massage therapist from Australia.

Born and bread in Melbourne, I discovered the benefits of massage a few years back while working the 9-5 office job. The impact that massage had on me physically and mentally changed my life, and led me to jump in and learn this amazing craft, so that I could share it’s benefits with others.

I have since graduated from the Australian College of Massage and gained experience working in deep tissue, relaxation, and aromatherapy massage through my own mobile massage business. For me, massage has several rewards. It gives me the chance to connect with people to help in the healing process, and it gives me enjoyment seeing the immediate satisfaction that massage can bring.

I’ve been living in Manchester for 6 months now, and being a part of Dr. Dot’s team gives me the chance to combine massage with my other passion – music. Having played in a band for 9 years, I know the stress that constant touring and performing can have on a person, both physically and mentally. It’s this awareness that I bring to my role on Dr Dot’s team. Whether it’s a pre-show loosen up, or a post-show wind down, my healing hands are here to help. I therefore consider myself a fortunate member of the team, as I know what it’s like to be in your shoes!

But I’m not restricted to massaging backstage at gigs. I also do call outs to hotels, homes and other events. Name the place and I’ll be there.


Massage in Barcelona, Spain

Email me at and put "Miram/Barcelona" in the subject line, thanks 🙂




My name is Mariam, I'm French and I've been living in Barcelona for a couple month. I've been introduced to Reiki in 2004 which opened my mind to traditional Chinese medicine: I then enrolled the "Institut CHUZHEN" for a 3 year full time course. This school is the most famous and well-recognized in France, the only one offering a full time 3-years course that fully trained me to acupuncture and tuina. Tuina is a therapeutic massage based on the body's meridian, using acupuncture points. Thereafter I completed my massage course with a Sensitive Gestalt Massage training which led me to specialize myself in relaxation massage.

Thanks to the combination of these 2 massage techniques, I created a unique, powerful and relaxing massage that will release you from all physical and mental tensions. My massage is a full-body piece that will help you to re-energize yourself, feeling well-balanced and deeply relaxed.

I'm looking forward to take care of you!

Best regards,



Been all around the UK and my favorite place hands down is Liverpool. This is the 3rd time I visited Liverpool and as they say, third time's a charm. MUCH friendlier than Manchester and London. LOVES IT!!!!!

Here are some pics I have taken so far. I will complete the blog when I have time (made MANY videos too, so I have to edit them etc still)


Me at Albert Docks, enjoying the sun

View from my hotel room (fucking FREEZING here)

I feel like I belong here. I feel at 'home' here. I wish I could live here in Liverpool. Seriously. 

Beatles EVERYWHERE, loves it!

The Mona Lennon. Cost 150 pounds and it would never fit in my luggage, so I pic will have to do. I spent LOADS in the Beatles shops.

Out with local friends at karaoke


My good friend Jamie on the left, me and his twin brother Eddy out to karaoke at the famous Grapes Pub where the Beatles used to hang out back in the Cavern days (there was no backstage at the Cavern and so the bands hung out at the Grapes until it was their turn to play). Mathew Street. 

Jamie drunk as FUCK singing "I drove all night". It was so BAD that it was good. haha

The Blonde (Michelle)  is Jamie's girlfriend and the Brunette (Leah) is Eddy's girl. They were singing Dolly Parton's 9 to 5. Went over well, but my ears are craving rock and ROLL


Another mate named Jamie's Led Zepp tattoo. Mad cool innit?


I have had more fun in Liverpool in a few days than I have had in a year in Berlin. The people are SO FRIENDLY and the place is clean. Not expensive either and there is no thug/violent atmosphere going on as rumor has it. I hear so often from Mancunians how horrible Liverpool is and you know what? It's not true. I didn't like Manchester at all. I felt scared there, saw MANY fights, it was dirty as fuck and super expensive. I am a Liverpool fan, in every sense of the word. 

As I said, I will add onto this later. I will list the best places to sing for the karaoke freaks, but to be honest, you can't swing a cat without finding a pub that has karaoke on. It seems EVERY place has it, aaaah, I am in love with this place. 



Liverpool part 1, video I made…


Jan 20, 2010…


Just returned from the Fab Four Beatles Taxi Tour (cost 50 pounds per taxi and you can bring up to 5 people in it but I went with one friend)

It's really cool, they come and get you where ever you are in Liverpool and then they bring you to all the Beatles sights. I made lots of videos, but it will take a while before I can edit the film, as I STILL can't do it on my MAC, so I have to wait to get back to Berlin to do it on my PC. UGH.

Still NOT bored with Liverpool. It does exhaust me being a tourist, as I am used to having down time but I love it here. Everyone is SO friendly and ready for a laugh. I heard many times, mostly from Londoners and Mancs, that the "Scousers are thieving cunts" but so far NO ONE has even looked at me funny, so I think that is just an ugly rumor. I like it here and no one can change my mind. NATURALLY I have found things I don't like but these are things that happen all over the UK (everything shuts early, no one wears a fucking coat outside even thought it is FREEZING!!) and people drink WAY too much. Oh, and it is hard to find a healthy restaurant. BUT other than that, I love it and would move here tomorrow if I could.

The Case history of Liverpool, check it out here:



My hilarious friend Jamie ^ and I at Strawberry Fields. He is a native Liverpudlian but has never been on a Beatles tour until now



 "Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes"

My pal Jamie, a native of Liverpool and I did the Beatles tour together. It was bloody FREEZING, but fun. This is the 2nd time I did the tour (last time was 1988 with an older lady named Hilary who still does the tour in a mini bus)

Roundabout at Penny Lane…

"Behind the shelter in the middle of a roundabout
A pretty nurse is selling poppies from a tray
And though she feels as if she's in a play
She is anyway"



"In Penny Lane there is a barber showing photographs
Of every head he's had the pleasure to know
And all the people that come and go
Stop and say hello"


Wolton Graveyard, where Eleanor Rigby is burried+ Beatles old hang out ^



"Eleanor Rigby, picks up the rice
In the church where a wedding has been
Lives in a dream

Waits at the window, wearing the face
That she keeps in a jar by the door
Who is it for?

All the lonely people
Where do they all come from?
All the lonely people
Where do they all belong?"






 George Harrisons childhood home, Arnold Grove ^

John Lennon's childhood house on Menlove Ave, Liverpool  ^

Birth place of John Lennon: Oxford Hospital, Liverpool ^


Liverpool Registry Office ^ (John Lennon married Cynthia there and John's parents wed there too)

Paul McCartney's childhood home  ^ (the 7th home the family lived in). They stayed here the longest. 


Where the Beatles used to rehearse/play

 Smelt like they haven't aired it out since 1960 and all



Check out my Beatles Tour video:


John Lennon statue on Mathew street and I

Got coaxed into coming into  a 70's themed disco called Flares ^ I did dance my ass off when they started playing Michael Jackson and the Jackson 5 too. LOVED IT. Kinda caught a cold after leaving disco as I was rather sweaty from dancing and it froze right onto my body when I left the club. DOH!



I'm not kidding, girls/ladies/women dress in costume on normal nights, in normal bars. It is NOT Halloween or some sort of Costume party, they just dress up like this for the hell of it. I have been to a few clubs and many pubs (for karaoke) since I have been in Liverpool and I can't believe how people dress up. Guys/boys/men dressed up as a robot or super man, just out dancing like that or in this case above, just out to the pub. 


MANY females in Liverpool over do it with tanning beds. They look orange. And they really really dress to impress. High heels EVERYWHERE, all the time. I love it that smoking is NOT allowed inside and unlike the stubborn Germans, they really obey and smoke outside! It's great.


 I went to Smokey Mos ^ , they have karaoke on Saturday night, sound is GREAT, huge song list, short waiting time. It's kind rough looking but everyone is really friendly. 


My favorite place to sing in Liverpool so far is The Crocodile. They have karaoke almost every night. Great sound, BIG song list but rather long wait. 



Did not see ONE bicycle in Liverpool. I heard there never is any either. No rollerbladers either, even in summer (that would change if I moved here innit 🙂


I met SO many special people here, some old friends, some new. I love this place and would love to move here.


Last video…..





The main reason I went to Liverpool was to massages long time, loyal clients, Nickelback. They were in town Jan 16th for production day and the show was Jan 17th at the Echo Arena. 


Mike, Nickelback bassist, LOVES the Dr. Dot team's massages. And we love him 🙂


Opening act Daughtry's bassist was super cool. I massaged the singer "Daughtry" himself as well, but he doesn't pose for pictures. Sorry.







Dave Gahan is fantastic

So after two days of massaging Dave again, I am thinking he is for sure one of my favorite clients. Simon Cowell, Joe Jackson too. Dave is so mellow, low maintenance for sure a big star. Generous, polite, charming, fun. He is looking fitter than ever! I swear every time I see him he looks younger. He is in tip top form now in every way. Healthy as can be. Good to see that.

Dave was kind enough to put me and my friend on the guest list for Saturday nights Berlin show. Great seats and backstage passes. The show was incredible and I am not even a big Depeche Mode fan. I only know a few of their songs. I am a rock chick, no doubt about that. Beatles, Frank Zappa, Hendrix, Led Zepp, Ac/Dc, etc. BUT I did enjoy the show. The sound was fucking PERFECT and the band was tight. Lights and video were mad cool and Dave's dancing is so erotic on stage, I could tell the whole venue wanted to shag him. Seriously.

The crowd showed them so much love, they did NOT hold still one minute and knew every word to every song. VERY high energy. No wonder he is so fucking fit. 


I feel funny asking Dave for an autograph as we are buddies and he is my client and I am his therapist but this will look nice on my massage wall. He was mad cool about it, like no big deal. I adore him for that. This pic above was from last time, in June He was just getting over being ill in the pic above. I think you can tell he is much healthier now by the new picture below:

Sigur Ros was his choice of massage music again and I have to admit, they are growing on me now. 






I left early because I am swamped with work at the moment and not feeling well (Kidney/Urinary Tract infection) and I left my friend there, she said she was fine alone. BUT she left after the show and didn't even go backstage as she is shy. I thought, wow, so many people in there would have LOVED to go backstage but neither of us did lol.

I did not even take a camera into the show, I nabbed this just now from Youtube for your pleasure, and you know I like to give pleasure.



The last few years I have only massaged Dave, but I have massaged Martin before too, years ago in Berlin at the Waldbuhne:


I have seen him since, at the hotel always, and he is super polite and sweet- we shared an elevator in June. I have to say, he is fucking gorgeous in person. Schwing! He smelt so nice when I massaged him that time and I asked him what scent he was wearing and it was Amen, from Thiery Mugler. (Angel for Men). Smells sooooo delicious. I went out and bought Angel for women because of that day and I sometimes still wear it (I have a favorite perfume, not tellin' you though 🙂

I massaged Andrew too but can NOT find the picture right now, and it's bothering the shit out of me, ugh! I will find it, thing is, it isn't labeled on my computer so it will take hours, hours I don't have, to find it. sigh. I have to say, I am not a big fan of their music but to know THEM is to love them. Such wonderful guys. I only know (and love) "No Good" and "Enjoy the Silence" and then I like "Just can't get enough" and my friend played me "Personal Jesus" and I love that song but only knew the cover version from Marylin Manson. So kill me why don't ya?


Gotta run. Here are some old DM things I found today on my MAC



Their tour dates, hopefully coming to your area soon, see them if you can, they are on FIRE right now!!


Jan 9 2010            O2 Arena                             Berlin, Germany

Jan 11 2010         Budapest Sportarena                     Budapest, Hungary  
Jan 14 2010         O2 Arena                             Prague, Czech Republic 

Jan 17 2010         Stade Couvert Regional                 Lievin, France   
Jan 19 2010         Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy                             Paris, France

Jan 20 2010         Palais Omnisports de Paris- Bercy                             Paris, France
Jan 23 2010         Sportspaleis                       Antwerp, Belgium
Jan 25 2010        Arena                    Malmo, Sweden

Jan 26 2010        Scandinavium                    Gothenburg, Sweden

Jan 29 2010         Koengen                             Bergen, Norway

Jan 31 2010         Globe                    Stockholm, Sweden
Feb 2 2010           Hartwall Arena                  Helsinki, Finland 

Feb 4 2010           SKK Arena                           St. Petersburg, Russia

Feb 6 2010           Olympiiski                           Moscow, Russia
Feb 8 2010           Palace of Sports                                Kiev, Ukraine
Feb 10 2010        Lodz Arena                         Lodz, Poland   

Feb 11 2010        Lodz Arena                         Lodz, Poland      

Feb 14 2010        Arena                    Zagreb, Croatia  
Feb 17 2010        Royal Albert Hall                               London 
Feb 20 2010        The O2 – London                              London  

Feb 22 2010        Forum                   Horsens, Denmark

Feb 23 2010        Forum                   Horsens, Denmark

Feb 26 2010        ESPRIT Arena                     Dusseldorf, Germany 

Feb 27 2010        ESPRIT Arena                     Dusseldorf, Germany