Berlin, July 2009


Some pictures I took this day and night (some were taken with Blackberry, some with camera, hence the difference in quality)


This gorgeous shot was taken by Scruff with his camera ^ He is an amazing photographer 

This is the waterfall at Kreuzberg park aka Viktoria Park, near my house. 


 Reichtag ^ (Berlin's Capital building)



 The most disgusting toilet I have seen in a long time ^ inside Tacheles

Scruff in Tacheles (he was in a great mood, don't know why he looks so serious here) 


Me and my old pal Robin ^ ( I haven't seen her in TEN years!). We all went out to eat together and it was great catching up with her. She is American and used to live in Berlin. She now lives in Glasgow and is married with a child. LOVE HER.