On behalf of Lyra Kilston and Quinn Latimer, editors at the esteemed art
> magazine Modern Painters, I pass on the following--
> Friends, compatriots, fellow-lamenters,
> We are writing to you because of the dread we have felt since the announcement
> of Sarah Palin as the Vice-Presidential candidate for the Republican Party. We
> believe that this terrible decision has surpassed mere partisanship, and that
> it is a dangerous farce on the part of a pandering and rudderless Presidential
> candidate that has a real possibility of becoming fact.
> Perhaps like us, as American women, you share the fear of what Ms. Palin and
> her professed beliefs and proven record could lead to for ourselves and for
> our present or future daughters. To date, she is against sex education, birth
> control, the pro-choice platform, environmental protection, alternative energy
> development, freedom of speech (as mayor she wanted to ban books and attempted
> to fire the librarian who stood against her), gun control, the separation of
> church and state, and polar bears. To say nothing of her complete lack of real
> preparation to become the second-most-powerful person on the planet.
> We want to clarify that we are not against Sarah Palin as a woman, a mother,
> or, for that matter, a parent of a pregnant teenager, but solely as a rash,
> incompetent, and all together devastating choice for Vice President. Ms.
> Palin's political views are in every way a slap in the face to the
> accomplishments that our mothers and grandmothers and great-grandmothers so
> fiercely fought for, and that we've so demonstrably benefited from.
> First and foremost, Ms. Palin does not represent us. She does not demonstrate
> or uphold our interests as American women. It is presumed that the inclusion
> of a woman on the Republican ticket could win over women voters. We want to
> disagree, publicly.
> Therefore, we invite you to reply here <mailto: womensaynopalin@gmail.com with
> a short, succinct message about why you, as a woman living in this country, do
> not support this candidate as second-in-command for our nation.
> Please include your name (last initial is fine), age, and place of residence.
> We will post your responses on a blog called "Women Against Sarah Palin,"
> which we intend to publicize as widely as possible. Please send us your reply
> at your earliest convenience, the greater the volume of responses we receive,
> the stronger our message will be.
> Thank you for your time and action.
> Sincerely,
> Quinn Latimer and Lyra Kilston
> New York, NY