Last blog before my trip to Berlin


Me being a Dick-head   ^ 


Chrissi and I  ^

My buddies Ant and Chrissi came over the other night. I have given up wearing rubber pants and micro mini skirts, well, at least for now and decided to pass them onto Chrissi. She did a fashion show for Ant and I that couldn’t be beat. Lasted about 2 hours and all that ooohing and aaaaahing really got us hungry so we went to a diner and ate/raised more hell.


Ant  (short for Antonio) and Chrissi                                           Ant as "The MUFFIN MAN"  (if you don’t know that song, why not?)

The FUZZ telling us to shut up or get out  ^


We were so seriously loud and obnoxious, the local cops came over and asked us all to stop burping so loud or else. We wanted to know what    "OR ELSE" meant and we found out ^    heh heh

 < Lisa wearing my Pimp Coat

Lisa  ^   and I have known each other since the 11th grade. Vernon/Ellington/Rockville CT was TOO SMALL for the both of us. She was the brunette bombshell and I the blond one. Eventually we bonded and became GREAT friends. Every time we hang out, it usually involves the cops, pop-corn and serious injuries.< Lisa’s hand  (long story)

 If you want to read blogs from the past about Lisa and I, click HERE and HERE


We didn’t notice that Leprechan had his hand on Lisa’s tit until I downloaded the pictures.. hello?

We went rolling, all over NYC, from Irish Pub to Irish pub and they all had a few things in common. They were crowded as HELL, it took over 30 minutes to use the toilet in each one and they all smelled like (1) Body Oder (2) NO one, drunk or sober could read my shirt  (see below)  (3) FARTS.

I am not kidding. I think it’s because most of the time when people go out to a bar, it’s in the evening, after they have eaten, shit and shaved at home. Not so on St. Patricks Day in NYC. The Parade starts at 11am so by evening time, everyone is drunk and have been eating cabbage, corned beef and loads of beer. A deadly fart combo. We had to leave certain bars because they were fuming so bad. Holy SHIT. If you plan on going to NYC next St. Paddy’s day, bring a can of air freshener and just aim it at the offensive one. And if you think it’s the best day to get laid, think again. You would have to bring them home and hose them down, brush their teeth and disinfect them before any sort of foreplay could happen. Sure, it’s fun, but if cleanliness is at all a factor when deciding who to shag, then this is not the place/time for you and your spontaneous sex drive.

T-Bone, the Karaoke GURU DJ. He is the coolest karaoke DJ in NYC for sure. ^

 < Iggy and I

                 (My shirt says "Loser Magnet")

You would be surprised how many people tried to read my shirt but couldn’t. The one’s that could didn’t care, they still hung out…

 Then we have Iggy (owner of Iggy’s karaoke bar) and I. He wanted to pose with me for a picture for his myspace page, not sure if he knew what it said on my t-shirt.

Anyways, we ended up at Iggy’s and did karoake for hours. I did Zeppelin, AC/DC and a Prince song (KISS). Lisa tried to do ‘Shook me all night long’, but be that time, she could barely stand, so I had to help her out. It was hilarious.

 < Tim Ried, me and part of Lisa

(Tim used to work for K-Rock, now he works for the David Lee Roth show). Tim asked me last night if I wanted to be a guest on the show but I am leaving tomorrow for Europe again so I will have to do so when I return…. Oh, by the way, David Lee Roth has been to Iggy’s a few times and sang karaoke.

< Lisa through my sun roof

My favorite picture of our whole crazy night ^ (which involved loads of firemen chasing Lisa around)

Jonesy didn’t make it last night, he was too tired ๐Ÿ™  booo , hisss. lol.

Sooooo, I am off to Europe tomorrow, got to get the HELL off this computer and pack. TTYL

x Dot