Ask Dr. Dot


Dear Dr. Dot,

my fiance’ and I live and work together, so we are around each other basically 24/7 except when we work out. What was once a fun and exciting fling has now turned into a suffocating nightmare. We do love each other but being around each other so much has killed our sexual desire for one another. I thought you would have some tips to save our love.

Cramped Collins


Dear Collins,

I am surprised you haven’t killed each other yet. There is no faster way to destroy love then to be together constantly (don’t know how it worked for John and Yoko). If at all possible, change the work situation and if that doesn’t work, invest in a bigger place to live and have seperate bed rooms. Don’t sleep next to each other every night and make sure you both go out with your own friends as much as you can. Not to start living separate lives but to at least have different experiences you can tell each other about over dinner. This sounds like HELL to me quite honestly..a nightmare! Make space before it’s too late. Someone needs to quit the job and fast.


Dr. Dot, I am 53 and my ex girlfriend is 38. We were together for 5 years when she left me (she didn’t really say why, but I think it’s because I am starting to show my age). She supposedly has a new boyfriend but still invites me over a couple nights a week to watch films with her over a glass of wine. We always get cozy on the couch and end up snuggling which makes me rock hard and dying to poke her. She doesn’t say a word about it or make any inviting moves. I am afraid if I do she will end our "friendship". I am totally smitten with her and want her back. Should I make a move or just be happy with the snuggling?


You are 53 and are afraid to make a move? Over the age of 50 you should think "fuck it, I have nothing to lose, we only live once!" and be very ballsy about such things. I’m wondering about her character for two reasons. First, she has a boyfriend but invites you to snuggle over a glass of wine on a regular basis…maybe she would do this if she was yours again with another guy as well. Second, she dumped you because you are starting to show your age? What a superficial bitch. Just come right out and say, "Listen, I feel you are teasing me and my cock and I can’t take it any  longer, either shag me or stop inviting me over.". You have to be a man about it and find out what her game is. If she declines, then move on, you are too old to be teased. If she agrees, you are on your way back into her… ahem, heart.