You know me, I never brown nose or give compliments if I don’t really mean them. Trudie is absolutely beautiful! She looks better in person than she does in photos or on TV. You know how some chicks look better without make up? She is one of those women. She has flawless skin, piercing green-blue eyes and full pink lips. No wonder Sting is crazy about her. She is very tiny and fit, so light I could pick her up with one hand. I had a great time massaging her and getting to see her shoe collection. She has nice taste in shoes! I got to meet their youngest son as I was leaving. He grabbed my cell phone out of my hand (he is 9 years old) and asked in a cute English accent what kind of cell that was. Adorable! Girls will be throwing themselves at him in about 6 years.
I gave Trudie a mini facial during the massage, and she looked so radiant after, I am sure Sting wondered later what she had been up to 😉
ABOVE: View from Sting and Trudies Grand Suite at the Ritz. This area is called Potsdamer Platz.
What amazing people they are. What a family.Stings tour manager, William, was in a great mood, he let my gal pal go backstage and meet everyone. She is still “high” off of the excitement, the buzz you get when you first meet Sir Sting. I have to slap her to wake her up out of it.”He is such a gentleman” she keeps repeating herself. “A MARRIED gentleman” I keep reminding her 🙂
Even though I could write for hours about how cool Trudie is, I have to get ready for the photo-shoot and I am NOT looking forward to freezing my ass off in a bikini. It is COLD here in Berlin and I was just told last night why the heaters don’t work. In Germany, they shut everyone’s heat off around June 1st. Even if you WANT heat, you have to wait until Sept. or until three consecutive nights of 12 degrees Celsius come around, then they turn it back on. Hello, I would like to decide if I need heat or not thank you.
Thought the dictator crap was long gone. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Gotta shoot off now