24 Hour Massage service Atlanta, Georgia




Book me at info@drdot.com and write "Atlanta/Phil" in the subject line to reach me 🙂


Hi! My name is Phil and I live in Atlanta, GA. I found my pathway into massage via a 2005 Energy Healing workshop (ThetaHealing® Basic DNA) taught by a good friend and mentor of mine, Rose D'Agostino. That one course literally changed the direction of my life. The first day of the course I was able to “see” inside people’s bodies, seeing energy blocks and disease.

After working on clients and more in-depth training in ThetaHealing®, I realized that I needed anatomy training so that I would know what I was seeing within the body. Massage therapy seemed to be the quickest way to get that training. I went from a cube-dwelling Fortune 100 company web designer to a licensed Massage Therapist (trained/certified in Deep Tissue, Neuromuscular, Swedish, and Sports massage) as well as a certified ThetaHealing® Practitioner—all within a 2 year period. Somewhere during the course of my massage training, I discovered a piece of my humanity; I realized just how powerful and healing touch can be. It's just an incredible way to connect with people on a totally different level.

I invite you to experience the masculine strength, power, and nurturing touch my healing hands can offer you in a customized and integrated relaxation and/or therapeutic massage.

I look forward to working on you!

From Phil of Motörhead: 25 years in the band this Sunday


"Hi Dot, thanks so much….what are you up 2?…fyi…it will be 25years to the day on sun 8th of feb…that i joined motorhead ….feel free to tell anyone who you think might give a shit.


Phil ^



Phil asked me for a Dr. Dot t-shirt. So I ordred him one and he wrote back today. He said I can tell anyone about his being part of the band for 25 years as of this coming Sunday, so there ya go.  Phil is a friend, client and one of the real rock stars, all the cliche's, still going strong with him. Rock on Phil.