Attention West Coast Frank Zappa fans: Ike Willis and the Pojama People heading your way

Pojama People featuring Ike Willis performing the music of Frank Zappa

Sep 11 Friday 8pm
The Mix
6006 12th Ave S
Seattle WA 98108
$10 Advance / $15 Day of Show

Sep 13 Sunday 7pm
Roxy's Vets Club
406 N Mount Shasta Blvd
Mt Shasta CA 96067

Sep 14 Monday 9pm
Elbo Room
647 Valencia St
San Francisco CA 94110

Sep 16 Wednesday 9pm
1 SW 3rd & Burnside
Portland OR 97209
$15 CHEAP!

Sep 17 Thursday 9pm
The Red Fox Tavern
415 5th St (5th and E)
Eureka, CA 95501
(707) 269-0282

Sep 18 Friday 9:30pm
Caspar Inn
14957 Caspar Rd.
Caspar CA 95420
$10 CHEAP!

Sep 19 Saturday 9:30pm
933 olive st.
Eugene OR 97402
(541) 687-4643
$10 CHEAP!


Know any Zappafanatics on the west coast. Forward, away!

Forget it, old people. No more TV for you starting in 2009.

Funniest video I have seen in a couple weeks at least:


CLICK HERE to have a good laugh


Oh, someone told me you can't view that video outside the USA. so here it is

on youtube:


ps. I have a few blogs cooking, just trying to find the time. Today I awoke to 739 unread emails. I am going nuts, I can't take this much longer. ugh!! I was the MC (host) for THE live karaoke band last night in Redbank, NJ. That is a lot of work. 2nd week in a row I did that for them. Hey, they pay well and I love the band, so it's all good. The night before, I went backstage to the COHEED AND CAMBRIA show at Terminal 5 to see my friend (their production manager). I had never heard of that band, but HELLO, it was sold out (all 5 of their shows there are sold out) as fuck. Packed with insane fans- they were all around 18-25 years old, and knew ever FUCKING WORD to every song. WOW. I will get into that more when I do a proper blog about it. So much going on.. I miss Europe, don't get to see Jasmine enough and wonder what will happen if Obama doesn't win. sigh. 

It's 6:27 am and I still have loads of work to do,


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Dr. Dot 


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