Back from Miami

 Ocean Drive first day there (ONLY day it was really sunny)

 Keep in mind, this was the first day, on the beach, when I arrived. The rest of the time it was too cold to swim and cloudy. Guess April is not a good time to hit South Beach for a vacation..



I had TWO snakes around my neck at once (I was simply out power walking and THIS happened πŸ™‚




Landed home safely tonight from South Beach, Florida. HATED IT. Techno music blasting from every hotel, bar, club, boom box, superficial idiots everywhere flashing their money and bodies. NO KARAOKE anywhere, no rock and roll ANYWHERE around. Restaurants were over priced and the service was slow and apathetic (when it came to receiving their tips, they suddenly perked up). Only good places I ate at were Jerry's Diner (very expensive for a diner but it is open 24/7 and has EVERYTHING and it all tastes great) and an Italian place called La Lupa Di Roma:   which is loud, fun, tasty and not that expensive. 



 I took ALL of these pictures with my Blackberry because I couldn't even be asked getting my good camera out lol

View from my hotel room ^


The sun wasn't around most of my trip, just clouds and rain which made it even more unbearable. Not trying to be a whiner, but I prefer Key West. Rock and Roll everywhere, casual folks just wanting to chill and have fun and plenty of karaoke there. 





One good part was meeting and trading massages with Miami Dot Bot Amy. The massage was great and after we went to all the five star hotels to give them our flyer. She's a blast and I wish she lived closer.



Oh and I made a new friend named Billy MIA  ^ who works at an erotic shop (undies, dildos, oils, etc). He was soooo funny! He reminded me of Hoboken Danny (you know, he is in most of my youtube videos lol)

Just for fun I tried on a strap-on ^

hmmmmm, would not mind trying that bad boy out ^ (called the Rose Petal fyi)

OUCH!! ^ are you fucking kidding me?? Cactus Cock??


DIRECTLY outside a huge Miami super market ^ πŸ™ 

I talked to Louie for about an hour. He is from NYC but moved to South Beach 25 years ago. interesting person. I talk to everyone, poor, rich, fancy, plain, doesn't matter to me.

Met and pet LOTS of doggies in South Beach (and kitty cats too but no pics of them- LOTS of stray cats there, but they are all chubby as everyone feeds them. Homeless people look hungry, stray pets look fed. Strange)



 Oh …the pretty lights at night

Watched a band called Remix for a while – the did a whole set of Michael Jackson and they were TIGHT

Out in front of the Avalon hotel (where I stayed last time I was there in 1997). I want this car.. ahhhhh



and that's all she wrote..