The official Heavy Metal Book of Lists book release party

Eric Danville is a friend and my editor/boss at Penthouse Forum magazine (that host my sex column "Calling Dr. Dot").
Eric wrote this book here The Official Heavy Metal book of Lists, which I contributed to. The book release party was October 1st 2009.
It was a blast.. the book is SUPER fun, grab a copy. My pages are 106-109.

Since Eric is also my Penthouse editor I decided to come dressed in my Dr. Dot costume..


 I brought my very close friend, Chrissi with me. She is always a million laughs (AND she loves karaoke too, just like me)

Got Milk?

From Left to Right: Cliff Mott (illustrator of the Heavy Metal Book of Lists), me and Eric Danville (author/editor/friend)

The book release party was held at the Double Down Saloon and it was naturally a freak show, as it always is in the Lower East Side, yes!  ๐Ÿ™‚


Not sure what Ass Juice is but I am sure it taste YUMMY



Finally got to meet my Editor assistant of Penthouse Forum, Jenn – after soooo long working together per email. 




I was lucky enough to have an illustration to go with my Heavy Metal List- Cliff Mott did the honors… I like!! You can find my pages on 106, 107, 108 and 109.



 Congrats Eric, the book ROCKS!!! Thanks for giving me a copy, Chrissi and I dug into it over waffles at the diner and laughed our heads off- good stuff!!

Safe and sound in NYC

I like to meet and trade massages with everyone on my team so when Alice, one of my Atlanta Dot Bots told me she would be in NYC when I landed, we agreed she would pick me up from airport and sleep over a few nights so we can get to know each other. She was born in Cuba, raised in the USA. She is SUPER nice and friendly- very honest and kind hearted. I was so FUCKING tired but wanted to show her around when I landed…

There we are in Hoboken ^ย 

Alice is a fitness trainer and Licensed Massage therapist. She loves to dress very girly when she isn’t working. She doesn’t smoke or drink either and eats VERY healthy so we have a lot in common. When she told me she loves to sing and enjoys karaoke, well, then I asked her to stay one more night so we could go sing..


Here is Alice belting out a Heart song called ‘Alone’. She nailed it! It was fantastic. LOVE karaoke but being completely sober at a karaoke bar has it’s drawbacks. So many drunks hitting on us and talking SHIT. We both sang two songs then went home. I sang “You sexy Thang” by Hot Chocolate and also Do ya think I’m sexy by Rod Stewart. Aida also sang an Evanesense (sp?) song but I didn’t know it.ย 

Going to a book release party tomorrow (er, today actually as it’s already 6am) for a book I contributed to called The Heavy Metal book of Lists. Should be a kick ass party. They want me to come dressed as “Dr. Dot” so I gotta get my nurse costume out and dust it off. Will take pics



Eagles of Death Metal meet Staind in Berlin

Saturday night (last night) was pretty entertaining. Met up with Aaron Lewis , singer of Staind who is by FAR the Dot Bots favorite client. He gets a massage pretty much every single day of every tour he does and he LOVES our massage team (the feeling is mutual). He is super generous, funny as hell and a good challenge (he expects EXTREME deep tissue, like no other!). Anyways, Aaron had his two hour massage then we went over to the Franz Club where the Eagles of Death Metal were playing.

I have not been to the Franz Club for years, so when we (Aaron and I) got out of the taxi, I asked the very first people I could "which way exactly is the Franz club?" – but I said it in German as it IS Berlin. The guy, looked at me like I was nuts and I said it again in English- and added we are looking for the backstage door to the Eagles of Death Metal. He said "WE ARE the Eagles of Death Metal" ha ha. I didn't recognize the singer, Jesse Hughs, as his hair is longer now..There was a video camera rolling the whole time, but I wasn't sure why- there was a massive soccer game tonight so I just assumed it was the local news, but it was a tv crew following the singer and drummer of the Eagles of Death Metal around outside for some reason, lol. So, I say "I am Dr. Dot and this is Aaron" and he said "I know who you are" and then he shook hands with Aaron and gave me a hug. I was perplexed as I had never met him before and he could not see my Dr. Dot shirt under the umteen sweaters I had on – eh? Guess he knows the Dr. Dot massage team and assumed I was just one of the Dot Bots lol. ANYHOW we all went backstage and had a BLAST.

Jesse Hughes , singer of The Eagles of Death Metal ^

Jesse, Aaron and Eagles of Death Metal drummer, Joey Castillo ^ who also plays with Queens of the Stone Age

Guitarist of Eagles of Death Metal, Dave Catching ^ was super cool to talk to. He played me some OLD Roxy Music on his iPod and I have to admit, I will be looking it up online and buying it. Sounded great. It was before the Talking Heads had formed and you can tell the Talking Heads must have been heavily influenced by early Roxy Music (the Brian Eno connection going on too)

This was taken months ago ^ just thought I would toss it on here again


We came so early to the Eagles of Death Metal show and Aaron and I both couldn't be bothered to see the opening act, so we booked it to White Trash for some yummy grub and ARROGANT service. The hostess there pretty much SCREAMED at us to get out of the big booth and move to the tiny table Wolfgang the owner reserved for us. JEEEZE. Even Aaron could not believe how fucking bitchy they are there. White Trash is fun and the food is great but they are FAMOUS for snotty fucking service. Not kidding. Their french fries are called "Fuck you fries". lol

Took these pics of Aarons new tatt's while awaiting our grub.


Aaron had his hands tattooed not so long ago ^ looks mad cool. 

He told me who certain songs of his are about, he said no one knows except him and his band. Felt privileged to know that inside info. I swore to secrecy, so I will just have to leave it in my will. lol

 Ate and ran out of there to make it back in time to the Eagles of Death Metal gig. They still had a half hour before show time, so we had some laughs. Some cute groupies slinked back stage, oooh la la:

Electrical Tape bra. She must be a Wendy-O fan ^


Their tour manager, Louie and I go WAY back. I have known him since 1989. He used to tour for YEARS with the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Great to see him again. "Rock and Roll never forgets"

Two minutes before show time. Jesse is pumped up and ready!

Drummer Joey waiting til the very last minute to put sticky tape on his drums sticks so they don't slide out of hands. 


"The band's on stage and it's one of those nights, oh yeah
The drummer thinks that he is dynamite, oh yeah
You lovely ladies in your leather and lace
A thousand lips I would love to taste
I've got one heart and it hurts like hell
If you can't rock me somebody will
If you can't rock me somebody will"

Rolling Stones


 The Franz Club was beyond sold out. This was a special record company gig, super hard to get in if you didn't have a hook up. The band sounded fantastic. VERY energetic. Their intro song (before band comes out) was "Ladies Night" super funk!

Well, gotta get to bed, the Staind show is tomorrow at the Columbia Halle, gotta rest up.



Venus wins again

Not turning into an avid sports fan, but I am fascinated by the Williams sisters and their success. I listened to the whole game today on the radio, BBC while making my morning fruit shake and breakfast etc.. it was so exciting to have both sisters playing against each other. I wonder what the Brits think of Americans dominating Wimbledon again? Do they hate it or do they just stay mutual and enjoy the game? If I was their Mother I would be so dam proud. These girls are go-getters; I LOVE their ambition and drive.

 Venus is now a seven-time Grand Slam champion and she captured her fifth Wimbledon title by beating her sister Serena 7-5 6-4 in a high-quality final. BRAVO!!!



Today in Berlin some German guy ripped Adolf Hitlers wax head off. WTF? Laughing my ass off. It's the talk of the town today. Guess he had it coming to him. ha. The guy is from Kreuzberg, my neighborhood here in Berlin. Guess all the freaks live here in Kreuzberg ๐Ÿ˜‰

Click HERE to read more about Adolf's decapitation. 

<  Adolf wants head.

I did go to the Hard Cock Cafe last night to eat with the German Vogue journalist, who said she'd never been there. It was fucking LOUD (dumb idea for us to go there on the 4th of July I guess). The service was TOO good, know what I mean? They kept interrupting our conversation, which we had to SHOUT over the music, every 20 seconds. UGH. There is no happy medium here. It's either the waitresses are UP your ass or ignoring you. That place has gone down the fucking tubes. It used to have great food, music, service. Now it just has LOUD crappy music and loud bloated tourists on top of Ice Berg lettuce, which I loathe entirely.

We ate and headed over to the Hyatt hotel for some wonderful red wine. If you want excellent service, eat/drink at the 5 star hotels in Berlin. They HAVE to be nice to you and they have the best food/drinks ever. I eat at the Ritz, Hotel Rome and the Hyatt all the time. I am not a clothing snob (hate fashion) or jewelry snob, but I do spend a lot on good food and wine.

I suppose drinking wine with a journalist isn't a bright idea either. After a couple glasses of wine, things get personal and private information rolls off the tongue. Oooops. Lets hope she has a heart. heh heh. If not, oh well, I already have a room reserved in Hell anyways. JK.

Jasmine alerted me today she is in Sicily. Wot? Jeeze she gets around. When I was her age I was on tour with Frank Zappa. She is just on tour. Oh well, I hope she is safe. It can't be more dangerous than LONDON! I think I should stop watching the news, I get so freaked out over the horror stories happening over there. The two French students that were killed in their flat yesterday.. ugh. I had nightmares about that. The news sucks. Not sure if it's better to hide head in sand or watch the news. If you ignore it, you become ignorant, if you watch it, you become jaded and jumpy. No wonder so many people smoke grass. Being apathetic probably has it's benefits.


Recently I was asked to contribute to this book:

The Heavy Metal Book of Lists, to be published in Fall
2009 by Backbeat Books, an imprint of the Hal Leonard Corporation—with
a foreword written by Lemmy of Motörhead! The HMBOL is a follow up to
their recent Punk Rock Book of Lists, by Amy Wallace and Handsome Dick

Just got done with my list. I listed 11 of the top Heavy Metal Bodies that I have massaged but now I realize I have forgotten a few. Dam. It's hard to decide. Naturally I can't reveal my list but I am just saying, it's going to be a good book. Can't wait for the release party. I was at the Punk Rock Book of Lists party:   < click to read that blog… THAT party was the fucking BOMB. Here I am writing about all this current shit and I STILL have not finished my France and Italy blog. OMFG I feel like SHIT about that. It's nagging away at my conscience. It's on my mental lists of things to do, but with Berlin being so warm and fruity (there are trees in Berlin that smell so incredibly sweet and beautiful, the whole city smells amazing in the spring and summer here, it's intoxicating) it's hard to stay inside and concentrate on such a huge project. I will get it done soon, then I can move on and forget it. Wonder if all writers feel like that sometimes.

Off to bed to watch the Gene Simmons ROAST on iTunes. yes!

Talking Metal on Fuse

Trying to keep from freezing here in wet, cold, dark Berlin. Brrrrrrrrrrr!! Having serious NYC withdraw hell here. The song Creep circles round my brain "I am creep, I'm a weirdo, what the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here"


Just got an email from John Ostrosky (no relation to Howard Stern's sizzler, Beth). He confirmed the show "Talking Metal" which he hosts, and which I was a guest on, will air this coming Friday, Feb. 22nd at Midnight (NYC time). So, if you get the channel and you're not busy shagging, tune in and have a look. I was massaging one of the hosts feet most of the time; so look for me on the floor, wearing an AC/DC shirt, picking sock fuzz out of a bald guys toes.  


Please click  HERE  to see official Talking Metal blog


To find the local channel for FUSE near you, go to 


 The other guests and I (on the right) sitting on the Talking Metal guest sofa ^

"The cast of
characters who join us for these jams are top notch
musicians! Richard Christy (Death/Iced Earth/Howard
Stern), Eddie Ojeda (Twisted Sister), Metal Mike
(Halford/Bach), Kory Clark (Warrior Soul/The Stoned)
and Byron Davis (God Forbid) rock it hard and bring
the noise Talking Metal style. The jams you will hear
are 2 metal classics, "South Of Heaven" and
"Paranoid." Hopefully your TV sets go to  FUSE"


 ^  Video I made during filming of show