Massage in Frankfurt, Germany

Contact me at: and put "Franco/Frankfurt" in the subject line


My Name is Franco. I currently live in Frankfurt and I have been working as trainer for rehabilitation, fitness and nutrition.

As long as I can remember, my loved ones benefited from my passion for giving Massages. Therefore, I decided to go to private School to learn various professional Techniques. I wanted to give my talent more structure. Soon I found out that the Work as a Personal Trainer and Massage Therapist complement each other. One of the Massage techniques which I use most frequently (body balance) is very dynamic and fluent and includes techniques from various backgrounds, such as classical, medical and relaxation Massage.

I am looking forward to expanding my Horizon and making new Experiences with my new Clients. It flows together with all the other types of techniques like the classic, medical and relaxing Massages. I would love to be able to expend my Horizon again. I'm also looking forward to new Experiences with my Future Clients.

Massage in Stuttgart, Germany

Email me at and put "Katja/Stuttgart" in subject line to reach me fastest


My name is Katja (pronounced Cat-ya). Already from child's legs I massaged with pleasure and had the feeling to be able to do my person by my  touches of property. In 2005 I began the education in the certificate sports-and wellness masseuse in the accredited technical school "artofbalance" in Frankfurt which I in 2008 successfully closed.

I adapt my massage always to the needs of the respective client. It is discussed before which pressure quality is welcome. For me massage is more than kneading, spannings solve and exercise technologies. My massage is a touch at all levels: Body, mind, and soul. The hands are the tools of the soul.

Everything what I have read about Dr. Dot Team, has appealed to me directly. Thus I have immediately applied with her. She arranged a meeting with her assistant Wolfgang and to me and thus I went to Frankfurt and massaged there Wolfgang. He was very contented and transmitted this judgment also to Dr. Dot. Now I am a proud member of the Dr. Dot Team.

Massage in Zurich, Switzerland


Meine Name ist Martina. Geboren 1977 in den Schweizer Alpen.

Mein Werdegang bis zur dipl. Masseurin war abwechslungsreich. Nach dem Gymnasium
habe ich so einiges ausprobiert über Orgelbauerin, Lehrerin, Streetworkerin etc

1998 habe ich mich entschieden eine Ausbildung als Heilpraktikerin zu machen,
die ich  2002 mit
Erfolg abgeschlossen habe. In meiner Freizeit habe ich viele Menschen massiert,
die mich dann ermutigt
haben, noch eine Ausbildung zur med. Masseurin in Angriff zu nehmen.

Der Beruf macht mir Spass und ich selber kann mich dabei auch sehr gut
Es ist ein tägliches Workout und eine sensible Aufgabe, die ich nicht mehr
missen möchte. Schicken Sie Mir einen email: und schreib:

"Martina/Zurich" ins "subject" feld, und Ich melde Mich so schnell wie moeglich.

Lieber Gruss