24 Hour Massage service Prague, CZECHOSLOVAKIA


Contact me at: info@drdot.com and write "Jaroslava/Prague" in the subject line, thanks


Hello everyone, my name is Jaroslava and I live and work in Prague. Before I realized that my destiny is to become a therapist I was working in modeling and the production of concerts and events. Bodywork and therapy is also my hobby โ˜บ. I like to swim, exercise yoga, practice some meditations and generally live a healthy life and I also study psychotherapy.

My first professional training was with German therapists V. Vermund and T. Geinner in rebalancing body therapy technique. I have worked for International Hotel Mandarin Oriental, Prague like as a special therapist and aromatherapist.

I recently finished professional Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy training and now I am focused on my work which includes sports massage and working with golfers.

I feel happy to be on this team and look forward to give you the best massage.