Massage Delivery service in El Paso, TX


Book me: email me at and write “Aly/Elpaso” in the subject line

Hello my name is Aly,

Born and raised in Texas, I am a LMT graduate of Western tech and have been practicing my passion for 6 yrs. Recently worked at Massage envy for 5 yrs and with DSSW for 2 yrs. I am highly trained in Deep tissue, Swedish, Trigger point, prenatal, P.A.S, sport’s massage, and Sciatic nerve release and here to serve any need you may have. My objective for you is to utilize my skills, training, and experience to ensure you the best massage and provide excellent patient care.

Massage Delivery service in Bristol, England, UK


Book me: email me at and write “Cecily/Bristol” in the subject line

Hello! My name is Cecily and I have been a qualified massage practitioner and body worker since 2004, specialising in deep tissue, remedial and holistic massage. I am also a Quantum Touch energy healing practitioner and Laughter Yoga leader. I believe it is very important to laugh, spread joy and upliftment!

Having spent years touring and travelling as an actor and street theatre performer I can relate to the stresses and strains, both mental and physical inherent in your profession, be you artist or crew.

I’m here to ease those tensions away and help you recalibrate, re-align and revitalize.

I draw on a wide range of techniques and massage styles ranging from Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, compression, trigger point therapy, fascial release and muscle energy techniques (MET) to Pulsing (highly releasing rhythmic rocking bodywork, known as the Tai Chi of massage), craniosacral style holds, passive stretches and and elements of Shiatsu, amongst others.

For me, a good massage treatment is about depth of connection and engagement just as much as it is about technique. Being able to listen and respond, with awareness and intuition. Like a good jamming or impro session! In this regard, I don’t adhere to any routine, all my treatments are bespoke, tailored to your specific needs on the day – if during the treatment you would like the focus of the session to change, or have more time spent on a certain area, then that’s fine, there are no rights or wrongs. It’s all about you and creating the best treatment for optimal results and overall wellbeing.

I’d like to add that Quantum Touch can be combined seamlessly into a session.
QT is a gentle yet powerful hands on energy healing modality which is best known for realigning the spine, occipital ridge and hips; quickly reducing pain and inflammation and accelerating the body’s own healing response.
Really wonderful for painful backs, joints, muscles and RSI.

I was introduced to Dr. Dot through another Dot Bot and very good, longstanding friend, thank you Helen from Brighton!

I’m thrilled to be part of Dr. Dot’s dedicated team that keeps talented artists and their support on the road.

I look forward to meeting you.

Cecily x

Yoga service in Worcester, MA + Providence, RI,


Book me: email me at and write “Teresa/Worcester/Providence” in the subject line

Hello, My name is Teresa.
I am a ERYT at the 500 hour level. I specialize in Embodyoga®, yoga based on the body mind centering practices of Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, and developed by Patty Townsend. It is called “yoga from the inside out”.
I help foster an awareness of deep supports within the body, focusing on breath and core enlivement, bringing the yoga practice beyond the typical system of bone and muscle. I facilitate mindfullness in yoga practice, helping my students to come into themselves and connect with their inner essence.
I have been a student of yoga since childhood, and I am empathically intuitive in perceiving the needs of each individual in practice. I can offer any level of practice, gentle beginner, moderate and vigorous, and restorative. I am currently teaching classes, and continuing my training, expanding my inquiry into this profound work. I see yoga as an ongoing process, a never ending opportunity to learn and share my knowledge with others, a cycle of giving and receiving that is mutually beneficial.

Dr. Dot update


It’s been a long time since I posted a blog other than introducing a new Dot-Bot. Life got too busy for my blogging fingers. Used to LOVE to blog but then hurricane Desmond came into my life 🙂

He is now almost 5 years old (August 20th is his birthday) and I love him soooooo much. He brings me happiness everyday. He says the funniest things- I just can’t even believe.

Last night he said “you can not get old Mama. I might not love you if you get old. Stay like this please Mama” and I said “well everyone gets old Desmond. Or they die. Do you want me to get old and be around or do you want me to die like Muny. Then you will never see me again if I die” and he said “umm, well just don’t get old. What is this about Getting Old

that everyone wants to do it? Why do they want to get old anyways?” hahaha. I said “well no one WANTS to get old, it is just part of life my cutie”. And he said I want to not get old”

So funny how little kids are so honest and how their questions and thoughts make us grown-ups think again and laugh out loud. He is such a blessing and I savor every minute

of everyday even though I am walking around so tired I FEEL like I am gonna die lol.

Probably would make some people annoyed but I let him sleep in my bed. He HAS a bed but refuses to stay in it. He wants to sleep next to mama. And he is a restless sleeper. omg. He kicks, tosses, turns, wants a sip of water; wakes to make sure I am here next to him. Looking at him right now; the little angel. Of course I felt this way when my daughter Jasmine was his age too but nothing compares to the love between a Mother and Son. It’s the same between a Father and Daughter I hear. Mommy’s little Boy and Daddy’s little girl they say. Well in my case, it stands true. Oh how it does. He shows me unconditional love that makes my heart swell with happiness (except in the supermarket sometimes lol – where if I do NOT buy the toy of his desire he throws a wobbler (tantrum) that seems like he has retracted any love for me hahaha).

I would do anything for my children, anytime, anywhere, it’s all for them. Every dime I earn I would gladly give to them. Best love in the world. So happy. Mind you, if I could buy sleep, I would be bankrupt in a heart beat 🙂

Not easy having a 4 year old at my age. Oh Come on, you know I am no Spring Chicken anymore. Just wish I had 10 little children to take care of but you know how expensive life is and taking care of kids is dear (expensive). So I just savor this one and give him all of my love and attention. I have to wait until he goes to bed (usually late at night!) to start working (the 800+ emails I receive everyday and I mean, every SINGLE day) have to be taken care of otherwise they back up and then the next day I have twice as many. And every parent (who is NOT a Millionaire) knows there is the daily grind at home with house work… trash, laundry, dishes, floors, shopping, cooking, etc..Very hard to maintain friendships or any sort of physical activity. But that is reality when you choose to be a parent. Plus we ALL know I have had quite a run up until then, like up until about 2010, I had so much freedom and so many adventures- well my daughter was grown by then and I was free to travel, work, work out, sing, SLEEP etc 🙂 So it was a HUGE adjustment to be where I am at right now.

Hoping to get my book done SOON. Calling my book “Before I forget” because face it, I need to get my adventures in writing, before I get to old and freakin’ forget. Just my photographs alone need to be published for all to enjoy. I am sort of like the Rock and Roll cinderella or the Forrest Gump of Rock and Roll, these tid-bits need to be shared.

But where would these spare hours come from? Who knows. I barely have time to sleep- ever. Maybe when Desmond starts school this coming Sept. But I was hoping to use those hours to sleep and recover. Head still hurts from those two pesky Brain surgeries I had.. August 2016 and January 2017.. remember? I had two tumors removed.. huge process. And really had minimal help at home to recover, well it was never enough help, especially the first time in August, I was up cooking my own meals and doing housework and alone with Desmond most of the time. It was hell but it kept me so busy I didn’t notice the pain like most people would have. NO Pain killers apart from a few Tylenol PM’s, but then hardly even any of those. Not a fan of drugs of any kind. I threw a full, unopened bottle of Percaset (spelling?) away that my brain surgeon gave me. Did not even want to try one. So afraid of being hooked on such things. Like what happened to Prince. Sad.

I did have help the 2nd time around, but it was never enough. My friend Steve moved in for a while to help with Desmond. I got to sleep a bit more than I normally would. But taking care of Desmond literally requires 3 adults full time lol. Anyone who knows me well, knows this fact. “Takes a village to raise a child” is correct. Sadly I have ZERO relatives in my state. They all live super far away- NH, GA, FLA, CT… no one around. And friends are too busy too; swamped in their own lives, so it’s brutal.

Anyways, I am rambling on.. gotta sleep, just checking in to vent and gush about my little Son who I adore so much. Daughter lives in Germany and I barely see her but that’s life- when they grow up, they live their own lives so cherish them while you can


Dr. Dot

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^ My Daughter and Son together. Pure bliss <3