Book me: and write: “Jennifer/Louisville” in subject line 🙂
My name is Jen and I am a born and raised Jersey girl that’s lived in the Louisville area for 7 years. I attended college at Salisbury University in Maryland and graduated valedictorian from Louisville School of Massage in June 2008. I have worked the past 5 1/2 years in the medical community aligned with chiropractors and a pain management facility in the greater Louisville area. I have treated patients suffering with everything from auto accident whiplash injuries to chronic muscle pain. I believe this experience has helped me grow leaps and bounds as a massage therapist. My overall goal is to work as specifically as possible with a focus on trigger point therapy and deep muscle stripping. If it hurts you, rest assured I will feel it and find it! 🙂
I am extremely passionate and love doing what I do:) I don’t feel as if I ‘work’ because my job is an energizer for me in my own daily life. You can’t compare the feeling of truly helping someone out of pain to anything else in the world and I am proud to say it is what I do for a living. 🙂