Ask Dr. Dot


I am only 18 and I have a few questions that I am afraid to ask anyone else. Go on and laugh if you
will but what is the sticky white shit in the bottom of my girlfriend’s panties? I investigate them
(read: scratch and sniff) when she is in the bathroom or on the phone. Smells nice, but is that her
cum? Also, I am afraid to go down on her, it looks so scary and I am afraid I may do it wrong.
Curious George

< VooDoo Butter undies. (NOT mine by the way)

The "sticky white shit", you mean, her clitty litter? That is her juice, nothing to be alarmed about
 unless it looks like cottage cheese and scratches her snatch every chance she gets. First of all,
there is only one way to find out how to lick her correctly and that’s by doing it and stopping
every once and a while and asking her "like that?". Don’t do the man thing and drive around for ages
 without a map and without asking for directions, just ask her. Make your tongue nice and wide and
lick her like a cow licks a block of salt is a good way to start and keep in mind "real men eat pussy".

I enjoy your stuff.  I love sex, and have related with lots of women, but
I’ve found during my life that sex can have a profound downside.  I’m
wondering how you address the following issues inherent in sexual
(Particularly multiple partners) relationships:

Pregnancy (and potential child support obligation for many years into the
Emotional upset.
Physical violence; even death.
Disease (herpes, Chlamydia, gonorrhea, etc).  Suppression of the immune
system caused by intimate exposure to many women in a short period of time.
Legal charges ("rape", sexual harassment, etc). This is not a joke.  I’d really like to know
 your views. And keep up your great work.  I wish you’d been around when I was a
Aussi Al

My views? Here they are:
1)Pregnancy: You said "sexual (particularly multiple partner) relationships", so
this means you are not tied down but if you choose to fuck a woman without protection,
you are playing with fire and if you get her knocked up; I feel it is your responsibility
to help Mother and child until the child turns 18. If you feel that is unfair, where a
fucking condom.
2) Emotional Upset: Eh? Who is upset? You? Her? Everyone when they find out you like to
play around? You are being rather vague here. Emotional upset is to be expected from
time to time, unless you are able to shut off all emotions or if you are German.
3) Physical Violence/Death: Hmm, starting to think you are into scary shit. Naturally I
am against violence and I’m not fond of Death either.
4) Disease: Again, where a condom and be careful about who you suck on.
5) Legal Charges (rape, sexual harassment): If someone doesn’t understand the word "NO"
then they deserve what’s dished out to them. Women should be avoid dodgy situations and
men should really take the hint when she says "NO" be it verbally or with body language.
 Something very unpleasant happened to me when I was 21, on an overnight train from Paris
 to Madrid. I take my responsibility in the situation for traveling alone at night. I
 had been with a girlfriend, but we parted ways in Paris. Just like a deer is on thin
ice while in the Lions territory, women should take precautions by avoiding things like
traveling alone at night, leaving her drink unattended in a bar/club or going to men’s
hotel rooms/homes when she doesn’t know them well. It’s life, there are predators and prey,
 learn to deal with it.

Q. My young, hot girlfriend makes me buy her expensive lingerie but I hardly ever see her
 in it. When we make love, she is usually naked already or wearing boring white panties.
 Do you think she is selling it? Should I confront her? Don’t want to be pushy, as she is
the boss for sure.
Big Spender

< Have her dress up for you regularly

Sounds to me like you are being played. She is probably wearing it for some other lucky
fucker. Speak up and convince her to wear it for you. Ask her to allow you to choose what
she will put on for you before you screw. Tell her you want to dress her and quickly take
inventory, then you will know if she sold it, is just too fucking comfy to bother or worse,
 wearing the good stuff for the other guy.

My girlfriend keeps asking me if I find her girlfriends sexy. She says shit like “would you
do Joanne if you could?” or “Isn’t Sophia sexy?”. In fact, I do think her friends are fine,
and would bang every one of them had I the chance, but why would my girl ask me that? Is
 this a sign that she is a tad gay? Is she hinting around for a threesome? Could this be the
best girlfriend on earth that allows me to say whatever I want or is this too good to be
true? Thoughts please Doctor D.
Paranoid Pete

Watch your ass Pete, you are being lead into a (literally) booby trap. Just smile and say,
 “none of them are as gorgeous as you babe”. If she wanted a threesome, she would start one
or ask you for one, but this sounds more like her picking your brain to find out if you would
fuck around with her friends. If you admit “yeah, I would love to shag Sophia silly”, you
 will be under close inspection, even if it’s unwarranted. Take the high road and save the
fantasy talk for your buddies or there will be hell to pay.
I have two questions; hope that doesn’t make me sound needy. I am 21 and I love fucking my 25
year old boyfriend, and yes, we do use safe sex. I am really attracted to him and he is great
in bed (giant cock, very generous, lots of stamina) but what I don’t understand is why my pussy
dries out after about 15 minutes of sex. I am turned on as hell but dry. Second problem, how
 the FUCK do I avoid pussy farts?

Dried up Butter Cup

< Keep within reach at all times when your lover is around

You say you use safe sex, so I am guessing it’s the condom that is causing your snatch to evaporate
 so quickly. They some how rob us of our juices, wiping the walls of your pussy dry with each
stroke. Try to use lubricated latex condoms. Avoid lambskin condoms because they don’t block
HIV and STDs. Always keep a water-based lube near the bed, as oil based ones will melt the condom.
 Pussy farts usually occur in the doggy style position,  or when the cock stuffs air up your hole
like a bicycle pump, just try to keep him in you, rather than having him come all the way out and
avoid arching your back when you do it doggy style, air sneaks in easier like that. Keep your slot
 nice and tight by Kegeling ( Pussy Pilates).