Been too frustrated to blog lately. Early April I paid Hothem Enterprises a whole YEARS rent up front to move into a tiny one bedroom in Jersey City Heights (Ogden ave). I gave Hugh a $13,000 check as I don't have any credit yet in the USA since I've been living in Germany so many years AND I THOUGHT I was using a credit card since 2002 but it turns out it is just a DEBIT card and this doesn't build credit! UGH!! So much for being the type that pays for everything straight away- that behavior does NOT get rewarded in the USA. They WANT you to owe. To build credit. STRANGE.
Anyways to get a flat here, you have to have good credit. I have none, so I made a bold move and paid a years rent up front. He promised me verbally and in writing the tenant would be out by May 1st (she was SUPPOSED to be out April 1st but did NOT want to budge). He sad I could move in May 1st and in our contract (was there two fucking hours listening to his bullshit about how he is Amish and takes things slow, that I talk too fast, that he wonders WHAT kind of massage business I own (told him to look up my web site, he says "Amish people don't DO internet").. in our contract it listed how the place would be painted, needed repairs would be made, yadda yadda yadda. He cashed check NEXT day according to my online bank account yet weeks went by and I heard nothing.
Late April rolls round and still no word. I walked by the flat to peek in window from a distance, to see if lights were on etc. The bitch was having a party, posters still on wall, etc. Did NOT look like sh was moving any time soon (it was April 27th I was checking things out). So I called Hugh and naturally the fucking voice mail picks up. I called the "Emergency" number (his cell- oh, the Amish can use cell phones but no internet?- wanker!) he talks to me in the most irritating, condescending tone I've ever heard in my life. "Dorothy, I told you it would be ready May 1st, no need to call" etc. He went on and on making me feel like an asshole for even doubting the situation (HOW would they get the messy, sloppy, smelly tenant (flat was a mess when it was showed to me and smelt to high heaven of fuming cat shit/piss) out by end of month and renovate in time for me to move in May 1st?? IMPOSSIBLE!.
Check out the online reviews I found about Hothem Enterprises (sadly AFTER I had all the problems with them!) Read HERE too.
Letter I wrote to building owner's Son:
Hello Craig
I have attached pictures I took last night upon receiving my keys for my new apartment. I am not sure if your father told you but I paid $13,000 (a whole year's rent and deposit) already (they check was cashed weeks ago).
I was told by your father the place would be painted, cleaned etc and ready for me by May 1st. I was saddened by what I saw (and smelt) last night when I finally got through the door (key is STUCK in the lock by the way- Mary Jane and I tried our best to get it out, to no avail).
Problems with new flat:
Front door into lobby does not lock (ANYONE can come through both doors, without a key- which is not ok with me as I crave safety).
Smells like cat poop from former tenant (not fresh paint as I expected)
Bath tub faucet is dripping, doesn't shut off no matter what.
Seal around tub needs to be re-done (who ever did this, did it with one finger in a couple of minutes!)
Needs new toilet seat (disgusting)
Kitchen counter is falling apart (see attached picture)
Stove top is SUPER hot (what's up?)
Power outlet on kitchen wall very old and looks like a fire hazard to me
Paint flaking off everywhere around kitchen floor base is not okay! (see attached picture)
Living room screens are torn and broken and ancient…need new ones (in fact they ALL look 100 years old and I can not freely open or close them)-
All windows need new screens
Bedroom electrical socket looks like it is ready to fall off needs to be replaced
Bedroom closet door knob is falling off
Door stop in bathroom is falling off
Electrical socket in living room also dangerous
Heater in bathroom is falling apart and broken (and FILTHY!!) see pix below..
Window sill in bathroom not even painted needs to be painted and needs new screen in bathroom
In short, I am sure it was difficult to renovate in two days, but it surely is not my fault the apartment is not ready for me as planned. The old tenant obviously over stayed her dead line, causing the rush in preparing my apartment."
See pictures below:
This is what they call a renovated apartment! |

Looks like it is 100 years old. FIRE hazard much??

Bathroom was DISGUSTING

Nice holes in the screens. So bugs can just come right on in to hang out ^
"Freshly Painted" my ASS! ^
The look looks nice and safe eh? Craig told me the "can't do anything about that"

Does this look freshly painted to you? (Bathroom window sill) THEY ALL looked like this. Fucking liars. They did NOT paint, clean, nada. ONLY positive thing about this whole mess, is they actually gave me my refund (they had no choice, I would have sued them in a New York minute).
So you see, blogging now would just be about me venting and I don't want to burden you with this crap. Bad enough I have to deal with it. Pfft! I need my own space SOON or I am gonna snap.