Dr. Dot massage in Salt Lake City, Utah


To book me, email: info@drdot.com and put "Mindy/Utah" in the subject line



Hi, my name is Mindy, and I am proud to be one of Dr. Dot's Salt Lake City Bots! 

As a graduate of Utah College of Massage Therapy's Professional and Master Bodyworker programs, the premier massage therapy programs worldwide, I am proficient in Deep Tissue, Swedish Massage, Structural Bodywork (including IntraCranial work), Cranial Sacral Therapy, Reiki, Reflexology, Trigger Point and Sports and Injury Massage. 

As a talent for music involves soul and body, I have a talent for massage therapy. Mechanical motions and superficial massage may make you “feel good,” but I merge my mind, talent and technique to bring extraordinary results. My knowledge of the body and how it works allows me to assess a need, then apply one or several of the types of treatment that will be most effective. When I am helping to ease another person's pain or restructuring for improved posture and motion, my mind and body resonate with the “instrument” of someone’s body as in musical performance. 

In the Salt Lake area, call Dr. Dot to schedule a “virtuoso” massage.