24 hour Chiropractic service St.Louis, Missouri


 Book me: info@drdot.com and write: “William/St,Louis” in subject line 🙂
Dr. William was born in St. Louis, MO and raised in Farmington, a small town in south west Missouri.  He is a graduate of Logan College of Chiropractic and has been in private practice in St. Louis, MO for over 14 years.

A combination of Chiropractic and his love for music made it an easy choice for Dr. William to join the Dr. Dot team of international healthcare providers. It is important to remember to never let yourself become comfortable with pain. No matter your situation, relief is always available. Let the work of Dr. William and the rest of Dr. Dot’s healthcare team allow your body to achieve an overall state of health and well being.

Dr. William is married to Sheri and has three children and loves spending his free time golfing, and enjoying all that life has to offer.