24 Hour massage delivery service Birmingham, England



Reach me at: info@drdot.com and write "Becky/Birmingham" in the subject line ๐Ÿ™‚ 





Hi my name is Becky and I live and work in Birmingham. 

Having worked as a surveyor, I decided that I was looking for a change in career direction that involved working more directly with people. So in September 2009, I started to study holistic massage and became hooked. I had no idea that I would fall in love with it the way that I have. 

In July 2010, I qualified as a massage therapist. I get great satisfaction from working with people on a very real and natural level and seeing the very positive benefits of the massage. 

I have a passion for people and massage which keeps me constantly interested, fascinated and hungry to learn more. 

So far I am qualified in holistic massage/deep tissue massage/Indian head massage and pre/post event massage. 

I love my job and I’m very proud to a part of the Dr. Dot team!