You give ’em an inch, they want a mile

I am still up, it's 5:48 am and I am not even CLOSE to answering all of the 423 emails I got today (which is the average lately). Most are work/massage related, but some come from people I don't know, or who I met once, etc. Most want something from me. They either want free tickets, favors, backstage passes, to sell me something, etc.

This one German guy emailed me  and asked me for an autograph. I signed two pictures and sent them to him as soon as I could (I just happened to be going to the post office anyways, normally I NEVER make it there before it closes). Anyways, sent him his autograph and the next day, he emails me, thanking me but also asking me to get him a personalized autograph from the Rolling Stones, ALL of them, including Billy Wyman's. Oh, and he also asked for the number/address of a massage therapist I know who runs his own business, as he is looking for work and just happens to be a massage therapist himself. WTF? How much free time do people think I have and not only that, I am amazed at the favors he expects from me. I mean, shall I just get on the phone to Mick, wake up Bill Wyman from his private, retirement way of life and demand an autograph, all on the same picture, for Dieter? Rotflmfao. 


Hallo DRDOT,
heute habe ich Deine zwei Autogramme erhalten!!
Vielen Dank dafür!!
Ich habe noch eine Frage.
Wie ich in Deiner Biographie gesehen habe, hast oder hattest Du auch Kontakt zu den Rolling Stones.
Ist es möglich über Dich ein original Autogramm von den Rolling Stones zu bekommen, aber auch mit Bill Wyman!???
Ich bin nun 54 Jahre und habe nichts unversucht gelassen um an ein original Autogramm von den Stones zu kommen.
…über die Bühnenarbeiter bis hin zum stundenlangen warten an den Hotels. Ich habe sie auch angeschrieben aber nie eine
Antwort erhalten!!
Im Internet könnte man hier und da für viel Geld  original Autogramme kaufen bzw. ersteigern!
Aber ob die dann auch wirklich echt sind weiß nur "der liebe Gott".
Ich will Dich auch gar nicht nerven damit, war halt so eine Idee von mir gewesen!
Nochmals vielen Dank für Deine zwei Autogramme,habe mich echt sehr darüber gefreut!!
Alles Gute für Dich und weiterhin viel Erfolg mit Deiner Karriere!!
Liebe Grüße, Dieter
Ich bin übrigens auch Masseur und kann mich erinnern, daß Du damals bei der Massage erzählt hast, hier in Berlin einen anderen
Masseur gut zu kennen oder kanntest, mit dem ich zusammen mein Staatsexamen gemacht habe!
Den Namen habe ich aber leider vergessen!! :-))

I have to think of Eminems song and laugh when these things come about.. 


''But at least have the decency in you to leave me alone
When you freaks see me out in the streets when I'm eating or feedin' my daughter
To not come and speak to me
I don't know you and no I don't owe you a motherfuckin thing
I'm not Mr. NSYNC and I'm not what your friends think
I'm not Mr. Friendly
I can be a prick, if you tip me my tank is on empty
No patience is in me and if you offend me I'm lifting you ten feet
In the air, I don't care who was there and who saw me just jaw you
Go call you a lawyer file you a lawsuit
I'll smile in the courtroom and buy you a wardrobe
I'm tired of arguing – I don't mean to mean but it's all I can be
It's just me

And I am
Whatever you say I am
If I wasn't, then why would I say I am?" EMINEM


Seitenstrangangina and other exciting activities happening in Berlin

I am not surprised that I am ill now. It's so great here in Germany, if you are ill, you call the Doctor, 24 hours a day, and they come to your house within 90 minutes. If you have insurance, it cost nothing, if you don't, it's like $80. Who has time to wait in a Doctors office anyways? I was told I have Bronchitis again (it never goes away, it lingers in your lungs if you have had pneumonia and it scars the tissue in your lungs). If your immune system is down (for example, if you have stress from people stabbing you in the back) you are bound to have a Bronchitis flare up. AND since I had my tonsils removed last September, when I get a sore throat, it happens further down and in German it's called Seitenstrangangina or some shit like that, it's not good! I am on antibiotics again and trying to rest. UGH!!

I don't smoke, barely ever have a glass of wine, eat fruti and veggies and still end up ill. Not fair. I see the old men when I pass the bar on my corner (it's open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week) and wonder how they manager to drink every day/night and still survive? wot? Anyhow, starting to pack for my trip to NYC and I tell you, it is hard to leave Berlin. I have FINALLY fallen in love with the place. I will be spending MUCH more time in NYC now that Jasmine is going to school there, so I feel like I am leaving Berlin for good, but I will still keep a flat here. Berlin is fucking cool (wish they would smile more and quit smoking heh heh). 

 Joe Jackson gave me the rare honor of interviewing him for the Exberliner magazine (September issue). He is very private and keeps to himself, hates the limelight, so I feel very privilaged. Joe is so fucking cool and he never even tries to be. Did I mention his favorite group is the Beatles and Frank Zappa? We get a long great, apart from his view on smoking. He is PRO and I am very CON. ha ha. Oh well, no two folks have the same point of view on everything, thank God, otherwise the world would be so boring. 

I feel kind of good now that Lisa, the traitor is getting what she deserves; a big fat fine to pay and every manager/roadie/rock star/promoter in my address book knows of her stunt and will not be hiring her. Tsk tsk, don't bite the generous hand that teaches/feeds you. 


On a different note….

 My Dad just sent me a funny email, check it out:

Unsuccessful German Restaurants:   

LuftWaffle House   




Dolph & Eva's Secret Garden   

Mein Kaffe   

Reich's Chris Steakhouse   


Burgermeister & Jerry's   

“I’ve got nasty habits”

I shouldn't write a blog right now, it's almost 8 am and I am STILL up working. I finally figured out why the president of Georgia hasn't called about his massage (Georgia is at war with Russia). He called and said "Sorry Dr. Dot, I do want a massage, but I have too many asses to kick at the moment". Just kidding. Laughing

I am still fuming mad about Lisa betraying me. Fucking lying bitch! Now I start to think maybe that client DIDN'T run out on her, maybe he paid her and she made up that stupid lie just to keep the 20%. I don't trust her one bit now. She is fired and will be paying a massive fine. She is still trying to bullshit her way out of this saying she knew the band before. BULLSHIT. I sent her to massage them and she emailed me back saying she "has always wanted to meet them". In her paypal note she wrote "one of the guitarist wanted to bring me on tour, isn't that sweet?". BITCH. Rot it hell you lying cunt. I Hope Def Leppard does the right thing, but you would be surprised how far a cute face goes. She will probably cry, lie and beg her way back into Vivian's house and massage him again. Oh well, at least people can't say I tried to warn them. 

 I had a 3 hour massage last night from Sabrina and two hours of acupuncture tonight from another lady. Thing is, I always feel that I eat and behave so healthy, but in reality I have been making big mistakes. I found out the protein shakes I make for myself every "morning" when I wake around 4 or 5 pm are bad for me because of the 1 grapefruit, 3 oranges and 1 lemon I squeeze into them. Apparently all of that citrus is hell for my stomach and bladder. Also, the coffee is also doing a number on my bladder and sleep disorder, so I have to quit coffee ๐Ÿ™ and cut back on the citrus (which I thought was soooo good for me). AND 99% of what I eat is raw/cold. I eat fruit, salad, shakes, cold beans in my salad, avacado mashed onto whole wheat bread, I mean doesn't that sound healthy to you? I have been told by so many people I have to eat warm meals. So I am doing a whole change now, not gonna like it, but something has to happen as I am a nervous wreck (oh, and the stress has got to slow down, but how?).

The massage biz just keeps growing and growing and not being able to trust people sucks ass. Shitten' kittens. This is nothing new to me. My mom fucked one of my boyfriends when I was younger, my best friend stole my passport to get into a 18 and over Santana concert in NH (Wendy you bitch) and then SHE fucked my boyfriend after. Then another best friend fucked yet another boyfriend. Needless to say, I don't introduce many girlfriends when I am dating a man. Then the employees who fuck me over. May they rot in hell. 

 Hard to be sweet and easy going with all of that shit going on. Sometimes I think "fuck it" and just visualize me selling everything I own and moving into trailer park in Florida to play cards all day with old folks. But that vision quickly fades when I think of all the fun I have making sure touring musicians get a kick ass massage, each stop of their tour. (touring is HELL on the body). So I just plow on. Some have said "business is business Dot" but I thought people who study massage were different. I thought they had a heart. I thought they cared about people and had more integrity then say, a stock broker or lawyer. Guess not. This isn't the first betrayal, but it is the biggest. And then there was the friend I let use  my PC, who installed the KGB key logger and then read my emails and myspace messages for over two months before SHOWING me screen shots of all of my emails. "Down on me, yeah, down on me, feels like everybody in this whole wide world yea, is down on me" Janis Joplin.


I do LOVE life and LOVE people so much, so I will just have to try and trust again and keep on smiling. Lots to do and I guess having too much to do is better that having NOTHING to do. I really can NOT imagine being bored. I am never bored. Not even when I am sleeping. 

I went jogging Sunday eve and saw a bunch of rabbits, looking at me. Then I went jogging again on Wednesday, same area and saw two red foxes in the SAME EXACT spot as the rabbits had been, also staring at me. The wild life is NOT afraid of humans here. I bet the rabbits are fucking scare of those foxes though. I had to laugh when I saw the foxes, thinking of the smart ass rabbits just days before. I would much rather be the fox than the rabbit I tell ya.

Berlin weather is so crazy. One day (day, ha ha, that's funny) I mean, one afternoon, it's hot and humid, next eve it's cold, all the leaves are on the ground like it's fall and it's windy with rain. Like a fucking premenstrual wench. Oh yeah, the Doctors and acupuncturists also tell me taking the birth control pill is also bad. Omfg. How is it that I know some folks who eat french fries, steak, drink beer, smoke copius amounts of ganga and tons of coffee still sleep like a rock and seem fine and here's me, Ms. one glass of wine a week, one cup of coffee per day, salad til it comes out my fucking ears and I am a nervous wreck/stress ball? Could it be they are just punching a clock and get to "leave work behind" when they get home? My work never, ever ends. Go out to eat with me and I am looking at my blackberry 25% of the time. Have to! If I miss an email from Joel from GOod Charlotte, wanting a massage, he may call another massage company, ditto for any other celeb client of mine (and not just celeb clients, any client). 

I am going to bed, as I am starting to get cranky and the construction workers are already here, outside my window banging shit around. Men and their toys.

oh, but first:

 While searching for Lisa's contract to nail her balls to the wall, I came across this PROM picture of mine. Guess which hussy is me? ha ha. How embarrassing!! Rockville High School, Ct. My date was Billy Connelly (spelling?) who was a LOT like Huckleberry Finn. He normally wore jean overalls, no shirt, no shoes, bandanna on his head, smile on his face.  I absolutely LOATHED our prom song "one more night" by Phil Collins. Bite me. I wanted Joey Ramone (whom I was dating at the time to come with me, but he was touring. BUT he made it up to me by playing a show in Ellington for most of my school ๐Ÿ™‚

Why didn't anyone take me aside and explain how tacky bleached blond hair actually is? My Mom started that. She put highlights in my hair when I was in the 7th grade. That is too young for that crap. She was just experimenting on me like a lab rat and from then on, my hair was fucked with. I am so glad I let it natural now. Not to sound even more queer than I already am, but I want to quote Cher "if I could turn back time" ha ha. 

DELIRIOUS at this point from lack of sleep. Why even bother going to bed? I should stay up and try to be a good Homosapien and follow the Suns rules.Oh, Rockville High is having a massive Class Reunion in September. Should be fun. See how many people still hate my guts. heh heh. They all know me as Dot Jagger. When I graduated, the principal even called my name out as "Dot Jagger". SO into the Stones at that point. OVER THAT!! Beatles RULE! Dot McCartney sounds way better anyways. I only went to Rockville High for two years, 11th and 12th grade, so the RHS kids didn't exactly welcome this blonde, mini skirt wearing blond rock chick with open arms. But I was used to being the "new girl" in school. Before that I was in Virginia Beach, Virginia at Bayside High and Bayside Junior High (only for the 9th and 10th grade). Before THAT I was in Newport, Rhode Island for some of the 6th and 8th grade and for my 7th grade I went to Thompson Junior High in Dover, New Hampshire, then back to Newport, oh God, don't get me going, in 12 years of school, I was in 15 different schools (still have the report cards here to prove it). Went to school in Memphis, Tenn.  for the 5th grade (going backwards here).

I am so fucking tired of moving and traveling, I could scream. I really envy the people who have lived a stable life, with a stable family, in the same town their whole life, with  a nice house and many pets. What's it like? Maybe in my next life, eh? But I supposed what you have lived through, makes you what you are, so I am fine with all that. The grass is always greener I guess. I am so happy Jasmine has lived her whole life so far in Berlin. I gave her stability (and so did her dad). That is what parents are supposed to do. You are supposed to show your child a life better than the one you had. Mission accomplished ๐Ÿ™‚


I got nasty habits, I take tea at three
Yes, and the meat I eat for dinner
Must be hung up for a week
My best friend, he shoots water rats
And feeds them to his geese
Don'cha think there's a place for you
In between the sheets?

Come on now, honey
We can build a home for three
Come on now, honey
Don't you wanna live with me?

And there's a score of harebrained children
They're all locked in the nursery
They got earphone heads they got dirty necks
They're so 20th century
Well they queue up for the bathroom
'Round about 7:35
Don'cha think we need a woman's touch to make it come alive?

You'd look good pram pushing
Down the high street
Come on now, honey
Don't you wanna live with me?

Whoa, the servants they're so helpful, dear
The cook she is a whore
Yes, the butler has a place for her
Behind the pantry door
The maid, she's French, she's got no sense
She's wild for Crazy Horse
And when she strips, the chauffeur flips
The footman's eyes get crossed

Don'cha think there's a place for us
Right across the street
Don'cha think there's a place for you,
In between the sheets?

 Rolling Stones

Stabbed in the back. Lisa, LMT, from Phoenix can not be trusted

This is by FAR the biggest stab in the back I have ever received. I sent Lisa, my ex-Phoenix, Arizona (she is moving to LA) to massage Def Leppard last summer. She went, massaged the band and sent paypal and thanked me. She didn't tell me that Vivian asked her to come on tour. She went on tour and the whole entourage and band assumed I knew and all was well. But I didn't know.

The LIAR ^ (and I only take 20% . Most Spa's take 40,50, and even 60%!) She has been going to LA for a year now, massaging Vivian at his home and has never told me about any of this. Even though we speak on the phone rather often and email ever more so, she has never mentioned this to me. She was signed up to massage the Steve Miller band this Friday but canceled last minute telling me she is "in Ohio, at her Mothers death bed" and can't do the show. LIES. She is in TORONTO right now, with Def Leppard on tour . This came out accidentally from the Def Lep camp, as they all assumed I knew. This is a big slap in the face, because a month ago, Lisa called me crying saying she massaged one of my random, one off, clients at her home and he drove off without paying. She was hysterical and I paid $15 to an online firm to find the guys home address through his cell number and spent HOURS trying to find this man who betrayed one of my assistants. I posted ads, told my whole team, everyone's heart went out to Lisa. Now we can all see it was just Karma doing it's job. I want nothing to do with this traitor and she will now be going to court and paying the $5,000 fine for breaking our contract. I suggest you avoid her as well, these kind of people can not be trusted. Dr. Dot